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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. Bah - I got an 18 dewd with 3 skill. Nobody even wants to buy him! Sighs!
  2. *is stunned*
  3. Wes; alcohololo? Solves most of my problems. Or at least puts them off until I pass out.
  4. whinzaphon? Nobody knows how you spell that anyway!
  5. God can commit suicide. But it would also KILL US AAAAAAAALLLLLLLL
  6. No sex just hangovers! I'm getting words together. Sorry, but yes I am an egotistical bastard and want the write-up to be awesome. My friends are leaving their uni homes and returning to their parent's basements, or whatever, so there's stuff to do. SORRY!
  7. HORSE the band are-- THOSE FUCKING BUNNIES! Totally Radd!! win for lyrics, btw. Best Gorillaz song is White Light! I kid.
  9. ... lost 3-0 :'( My team didn't do a fucking thing! I am so screwed for the entire season.
  10. Can't help but admire some of those. Genius!
  11. No. It's Terry Pratchett
  12. Charlie: I've asked you for a challenge! Accept for the good of all!
  13. Delighted: The childish feeling experienced during a night-time powercut.
  14. Happy Birthday DuD! Hope you lose all your x11 matches. MWAHAHA!
  15. Nice one flinkatron Good luck with it. I've just been to see a house, and am signing a contract tomorrow. CV re-jigging and reference sorting shall commence. Anyone wanna be a referee?
  16. Had a good day yesterday! After freaking out about organising a 'last meal' for two slightly different 'groups' of friends, the noodle bar went down groovy. I was a little pissed, seeing as I'd had 4 cans and two bottles by this point, so the pub sounded like a good idea. Me and a mate proceeded to have 8 shots in about 5 mins, then we both downed a pint, then I supped on another one while we played darts. I started the throwing very rubbishly, so went outside for a cigarette and got BURNT by a really drunk 55 year old man. It must've been a magical burn, because when it came down to it, I needed a double 5 to win. It went like this; "Oh, what do I need? Double five?" *turns away from board, throws dart, puts hand up for a high-5 without looking* ... *everyone, Dan Dare included, stands in shock and awe at my amazing shot.* Nobody could believe it. It was awesome! Then me and Reggie went to the Corp, spent the entire evening in the smoking area. Met some cool 'brahs', and somehow I got a girl's phone number. Then we all stumbled home. It was good.
  17. Once down the Lagoon we had a bunch of pringles, peanuts and alcohol. We were throwing peanuts into the pringle pots and I said "watch this" and threw a peanut - it hit one pot, broke in two, and each part landed in another pringle pot. It was awesome.
  18. I'm not drunk, I'm just big boned.
  19. lawl :P NO HANDHELDS. I = Law, remember :P Gummi bears? Fuckit, they don't cout either. HA! HAHAHA! *feels power* lawl :P NO HANDHELDS. I = Law, remember :P Gummi bears? Fuckit, they don't cout either. HA! HAHAHA! *feels power* lawl :P NO HANDHELDS. I = Law, remember :P Gummi bears? Fuckit, they don't cout either. HA! HAHAHA! *feels power*
  20. Can you go back to college for free still? If you can, can you do just the one module? if so, then you'll theoretically only be needed at college for about 7 hours a fortnight, so theoretically you could hold down an entry-level job at the same time. I notice that you're quite pro-active, so the added hours they'd expect you to put in for the projects at college (arguably something like three or four per hour in school) would still be possible, if not perhaps a little straining. So yeah - my advice is basically it depends on the hours you'd need to spare for college.
  21. Nice point - who do you consider a rival? I'd say games against Cube and Moogle are always tense for me. Shorty, haden and dyson I share (presumably) mutual respect for, and I hate rez because i NEVER THRASH HIM DAMMIT
  22. Beause it's WUSSYYYYYYYYYYY
  23. I've got less than a month to suddenly be able to afford £55 a week rent (plus food plus booze plus cigarettes plus rent etc) if I want to stay up here. But really i have less than that as I need to sign some sort of contract pretty damn soon if I want to move in there, so, like... yeah. I think I really badly need to talk to CAB or something. Or hump dan 'til he lets me live in a tent in his garden. Or his mum, whomever's choice it is.
  24. I've decided that I'm not accepting hand-held consoles. Sorry N_W/Letty
  25. Hmm... Well then you need to develop her character so we can see that. She threw the letter on the table and it slid over and she didn't immediately pick it up. Her room's a mess. Someone who obeys their parents even when their parents are away would, in my mind, have a cleaner room. Of course that's now law, I'm just saying. You'll get comments like this from me a lot on w-i-p :P
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