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Everything posted by jayseven
I didn't sign up for the disney. Raaaaage!
4. Tony Hawks...3? :P
The site's been around for a mentalamountoftime now. When the place started I wasn't even twelve yet! What are your big memories nintendo-wise for the last 13 years? For me, the N64 was full of multiplayer madness. Goldeneye and mario kart in the earlier years, then smash bros, diddy kong racing, perfect dark, f-zero, even ISS 98 and Turok: Rage Warso spent long hours in my machine when mates stayed over. The GC was my first day-one purchase - even including games! Me and two mates bunked school, got the bus to town and picked up the GC with super monkey ball and Rogue Leader (I got tony hawks 3 shortly after, too) and we marvelled at the novelty of SMB for hours. The awe and excitement when Capcom unveiled plans to bring all the RE games to the 'cube, and their "5 new exclusive games" news was madness (if a bit... wrong...). Oh! Going back to the N64, Blast Corps was, and still is, my most favourite game of all time. I remember going crazy with hysteria when the game kept on not ending and instead chose to give me more and more stuff to do. Then shortly after 4 swords was released, Shigeru Miyamoto came to HMV on Oxford Street in London - again i was allowed to skip school, and I went and met the man himself! I must've been about 60th in line... the first 50 got a copy of the game I introduced miyamoto to gamesTM magazine (issue 1 :P) which he perused a little before signing it for me! How about you? Any stick-out moments that made you proud to have a ninty console?
Fixed it for you. Ima have to start charging you.
I may slap shorty around a bit, see if he'll join up again!
I got new hearing aids today! The world sounds ever so slightly different.
In that case, my team is utter fail. Ghey.
A resounding win :P long range shots gave me 12 shots and 3 goals, which clearly did the job for me. Dev-wise, got two players on 9, with the majority on 10. Only one is a high-flyer on 16. Now, theoretically I should get a +1 rise for everyone (except the two oldies I've not even played and my reserve keeper who I've ignored) but I know, from experience, that a development chart like this means I'm likely to get fucking screwed everywhere. My 'star' midfielder has played 7 games and only got 9 dev value. A right bugger he's been, considering he's 23. More shiteness predicted for the future. Next game is against happenstance so that's a confirmed loss already!
Take it to extremes! If everyone pirated, then no games would be made because nobody would be buying them -- well, one guy would, before uploading it and distributing it to everyone else. if nobody pirated then there would be trillions of sales of the same copy. Lillster; your arguments may be valid to an extent, but the ultimate end to this whole scenario is that theoretically everyone could get every game for free. it is obvious that Sony would want to prevent this because computer gaming is a business. Your argument may be truthful or whatever, but it completely negates the point that piracy is bad for the producers, and that if the producers decide to stop producing, we don't get games. Whatever teh argument is for teh current pricing of games or the current standard of games, we only have these games because people have been busy buying games for generations. But from a personal angle; I'd love to own a PS3 now. I could get any game I want for free -- but I wouldn't cheat online, instead I'd be annoyed that others were cheating. Being able to use my console for things that aren't playing a game on a disc are, to me, luxuries, not something I should be demanding. Aimless posted hypothetical situations that are likely to occur in a money-driven world, where the publishers are run by money maniacs, not game fanatics, who are looking for any excuse to explain their lack of sales. If a game does badly on sony then the publishers can blame sony for having a hackable machine. Blah blah blah, I'm still waking up. Your argument makes political sense but lacks morality and reality. While I hate commercialism and thus love it when things are free, I am at least aware of the implications of hackers and how damaging to the industry it would be if everyone was pirating. Which is precisely what these hacks mean for the PS3. Everyone can pirate everything with no ramifications. I don't get how that isn't an alarm going off for you, too. The PS3 is condemned to deal with what will be an increase in pirates and a decrease in sales for the rest of the Ps3's lifecycle, and considering how pundits have predicted at least another 5 years in this generation's cycle, and also considering that the PS3 is the youngest of all three consoles; this has to be a problem on the wider scale than what you are seeing (which is whee free stuff!).
What is that, exactly? Is it just read by Wil or is it about him during those episodes or what?
Aimless hit it -- it's the wrist part of the gloves being the same thickness as the arms that it kinda looks like noodle-knots. I don't know why but I felt the need to repeat what he said.
So you're the spy. We just need to know if that's good news or bad news for town!
When I saw coolness had mosted I was thinking "Ah, cool, I bet he used hella mad heaps o colours and stuff" I never thought he'd give me nightmares.
I can't tell what you mean - that you've randomly inserted new comics? Either way, clearly I have to go through all of these again.
Hey, MW2 got a movie! Except, y'know, with aliens in and shit. Potential: Set phasers to stun! Actual: Lol phasers? Dude this is 2011, we only have guns, and guns go bang. Yeah, I see holes. 7/10 :P
I think the 'reboot' of bond was totally adequate and utterly called for. The problem lies in the archetypal Bond; invincible jack-of-all-trades, super-sleuth and world-saver. his modus operandi is to always win when the bets are big and the odds against him. The matter is in just how many times can one agent repeatedly find himself in the same death-defying situation always and forever! From an audience's point of view, we know more than he does. We know he wins, we know he gets the girl, and we know he kicks ass along the way. Suspense is nonsense, so truly we are left with a desire for epic! I think the action-orientated direction is the only easy way forward for the franchise. If there was, say, some focus on the other 00 agents and perhaps a comparison/contrast of the calibre then we could see an expanded universe unfold, which could allow for subtleties in plot and narrative. With the reboot we are left with the entire retconned canon at our disposal. Minutae currently unexplored; Q, his wedding (vaguely done, so maybe scratch that), Trevelyan and, as I said, other 00 agents. But such an exploration would come at the cost of 007 screen-time and I guess that's simply not what's called for. Bourne showed us how espionage could be done differently, and heck we have Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy to look foward to this year. Perhaps the espionage genre is... done?
I'm loving the different styles everyone's gone for!
God damn you're [a] genius. Or you are mafia, as ReZ suggests. But like you say, that would be far too elaborate a ruse for the mafia, giving an(up?) one of their abilities te "clear" one of their own. I prefer to think youare the genius codebreaker . I, on the otherhand, am certainly not. I'm not meant(really?) into codes. Cube gave me up (an?) online translator not (but?), but I can't give you the link (so I did not [lol at the italic clue:P] make any mistakes [lol! Must just be my tired head, it's rather painful staring at a wall of nonsense for an hour]. And this would be bar far [see, b=f so this is the sort of 'mistake' I kept seeing] too confusing to be one of my ideas! ). But neither me or cube anticipated people cracking this code so fast, this was obviously not part of this plan. I kess (guess? kept?) posting [see, d is either w or p!], because I wanted to post what little I had to say, letting you know what happened, pi (to?) comment on yeep (your?) readings in the only way I can for the moment. And to give eep (the? any?) code crankers something to work on . For anyone interested in codecracking, an off-topic link: [damn you I just translated that link before I saw you posted it underneath!!] (should be interesting as you will know when you have the code completely ripp (?), because you need it to make the link work) ----- The d-before-I rule confuses me the most. Not sure what lidd is, I presume the dd is another suffix. I actually lost my code-breaking notes earlier when my computer crashed, so this gave me the chance to make fresher notes. I never would've done it if you hadn't posted so much. My biggest breaks were o=e and axa=a, from there it was all about context. I wonder if cube'll use a different code next time. Fucking hope not... Here's my vocab sheet, as I may be a likely target tomorrow; i starter = di starter h starter = wh starter Z=th e=o upp=y r=l b=f axa=a v=m (only at start of word?) d=p, except at end of word, where d=w ch=st ck=ng ct=nd ss=pt? sk=sh? ow=ed, perhaps hence my confusion with occurances of JUST d. k=g t=k j=n? niz=n't iz='t pum=I pit=a pe=to? yeep=your? All? eep=any? peniz=don't ug=you goss=guess? kept? iens=ings up=an jet=not? loi ox=meant? isn't? really? an=as? Note: Not all translations are two-way, but generally the form on the left, when found in the code, should correlate to the english translation on the right. I'm sure there are lots of nouns/signifyers that have specific words (see lower down the list), but they're just uncovered via context. ---- ANYWAY! Vote: No lynch. Sitting clueless here, may as well get this going.
Precisely the advise I was going to give you, slaggis
My thread pun was going to be "Iun-ly Wants A Flippin' Thread." Then my computer died. Crappy Booday.
Finger-pad on me laptop! Was quite good fun, shame you can only undo one step. Only took 5 mins. lack of eraser - use white. you can get some nice effects. I must dig out a mouse and give this more of a whirl!
Well I was thinking that if it is a mafia ability, they could've used it on one of their own, but it makes sense to target Smeagol. I can understand the suspicion aimed at me but my posts pretty much show you step-by-step how I was working it out. I'd say that's far too elaborate a ruse! P.S. Fairly sure there's no online translator. Smeagol made a few mistakes (I think) with some of his translations.
I just lost all my notes on mafia, a coupla thousand words I wrote today for a story, all my open tabs from two week's of surfing that I was saving up all because i tried to make stupid Iun a stupid birthday thread with some stupid images and my stupid laptop stupic crashed and won't restore anything. So there. happy fucking birthday, bitch! :P