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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. It was fun :P and frankly it makes me suspicious of YOU, dannyboy. I thought you'd not be encouraging people to not bother trying to crack the code AND CUBE'S ENTIRE GAME as a consequence :P Figured the last line; "and for the record Cube, the sigh stayed the same in translation," or words to that effect. also another bit I forgot to translate was smeagol saying, of diageo when he noticed the capital C; "I wish you were so smart (like the usual you) in my mafia." Smeagol thinks Peeps did it to him as peeps was first to suggest/declare smeagol must've eaten the porridge. I don't know if that's evidence enough, but hey, I've posed the question to peeps and it'd be nice if he replies !
  2. I can't guarentee 100% accurate as in some instances one letter seems to replace two letters, and vice-versa, and in some instances it seems w=d but d=t, etc. Fairly sure sometimes meagol's made his own mistakes :P so ehm, guys, I'm letting uk(?) know I've been affected bupp something. Bupp = by? f=b, upp = e I also lost the initial post smeagol initially replied to, so the next bits may need another look in comparison to who he was quoting! It ju(s)t (isn't meant????) to be translated, only people who have been affected by it may translate it, but (the)y will know the implications. It certainly isn't... I don't get drunk. Like I said (but you(?) may never know), it just isn't meant to be translated. I'm posting purely for future reference so others may read my info later. so, for the record: This is most likely the work of the mafia member. I don't have any info, but (judging by reactions?) people gave to my first post, I have the feeling The Peeps is behind it, who seemed to be the most interested if I had anyuseful info. Enviously (evidently?), the one who had affected me, must be able to read what I post as he (?) speak, so he'll be the one of the most interest in these posts. <Sikwh> I was already thinting before ug(?) even posted it, this shit sounds dirty (?) (Ask for the resort Sube (nube?), the sigh? stayed the same in the sranclation? Translation?) This last bit really threw me.A lot of it is uncertain, there are many rules I must be missing but there are certain letters which switch both ways that I know of for sure. IS S a T OR A C OR WHAT AAAAH. anyway, yeah, Peeps 'splain yo'self.
  3. Dit dis, dit sooms te kot iscussien keick It is, it seems to get the discussion going. g=k c=n o=e Dit dis, dit seems to get iscussion going i = di? it sgourd fe vole ickelenhing in ze jext tuln zough, hon Pum caxac leaxad haxat someone orso dis saxayick (axassumick semoeno orso kots axabbondow fupp zis). Din tuln, zaxat dolsen caxan axarse loaxadupp haxat Pum axam dechick zis tuln. z= th? someone = semoeno! s, m, n aren't switched. v = wh? v, t, f, pp, axa axa = a? r=l! it is, it seems to get disussion going. it sk(?)ould fe v(v=m?)ore ingereching (interesting? ch-st?) in ze (z=th?) joxt turn* though, then Pum (I?) can read what semoeno else is saying (assuming someone else kers abbendow fupp is). in turn, zat person can also reapupp? what Pum aam deching (doing?) is turn. joxt = next. j=n, x is x. a= axa I think. Smeagol has taken h to be a vowel? fupp = that? d=p f=b Not sure n=c. Getting there! Dit dis, dit sooms te kot iscussien keick. Dit skeurd fo velo dinkolochick din zo joxt tuln zeugh, hon Pum caxan loaxad haxat semoeno orso dis saxayick (axassumick semoeno orso kots axabbondow fupp zis). Din tuln, zaxat dolsen caxan axarse loaxadupp haxat Pum axam dechick zis tuln. It is, it seems to get discussion going. It should be more interesting in the next turn though, when I can read what someone else is saying (assuming someone else gets axabbondow fupp is). In turn, that person can also readupp what I am doing this turn. I must assume fupp is "this". It would make teh bolded bit easier to understand. I'd assume axabbondow means targetted, however. Translating rules - Words that start with the letter I must have a vowel, typically D, put in front of them. - Words where the second letter is h lose their first letter. - o=e - g=k - r=l - f=b - d=p - j=n - axa=a - v=wh - z=th There are still bits missing, and perhaps some words are completely swapped out. Will go back and translate all his stuff, grateful for any automerge
  4. She had a boyf, iirc.
  5. ... I think we need supergrunch in here :P Looks like letter-switching. axa may be t. Not had a long enough look. Dinner time for me!
  6. The forming a T in charades means "the," rather than simply spelling a word though!
  7. Didn't want to post this in the main game thread as I've done well enough to avoid all spoilers about the game so far. A question about Hardcore mode on Fallout: New Vegas. At what numbers should I begin to get worried about my character? I've only played for like 30 mins so far and I have obviously not seen any negative effects yet. Is there one thing in particular I should keep an eye on out of water, food, sleep?
  8. WOuld I be able to write my actions out like charades? Like; *holds three fingers up* *holds one finger* *forms a T with his fingers* *holds two fingers* ... etc?
  9. Written two more parts to my story;
  10. My dad's actaully doing precisely this. He's already replaced his vinyl with CDs, and then his CDs have died out to his iTunes account. His VHS has been replaced by DVDs, and now he's got two HDDs and a new smart set-top box, Fetch TV. While it doesn't yet have a lovefilm channel, it's close. Also look at how consoles are pushing digital distribution, with iplayer &c being available. The idea of having your own profile which you can transfer to other devices is how cloud tech would work. Download speeds aren't the issue as they will certainly grow as the generations pass. I'm sure we'll see an oligopoly on disitrubution for a fair few years, with different places offering different media to distribute, but eventually we'll have a couple of services that'll offer everything we want. Sharing things with friends is pretty much the only use for most hard copies. My DVD collection is essentially a bunch of movies I love that I want more people to see, and I lend them out. Legally speaking I'm sure there are clauses that tie the licence of ownership to us alone, so I guess it depends on how it goes forward. There are limitless possibilities - perhaps there can be a shared account between friends? Perhaps there can be something akin to the 'drop-box' where people can share certain profiles. It depends on how companies go forward, I guess. There's no need to panic though! People still release vinyl and CDs. I'm not even sure if I've... argued anything here, or if I've even properly replied to those I've quoted!
  11. Ok, I admit it. This thread has become disturbing.
  12. Has he ever actually... done anything, besides be a photo opportunist?
  13. Oh, duh; I mean, not the greatest thing ever but it's one of those personal-likeys. Brand New's enders are usually way better.
  14. My typical day on N-E; - MAINSCREEN TURN ON!* - Check mod board - Check Other Consoles - Check Creative - Check Playground - Check General Occasionally I'll spiral around and around, but on slower days, or days when I'm not gaming the same games that everyone else is gaming, which is a few times a week for me, I do a check on other boards partly to see if there's any modding that needs doing but mainly because it's easy to miss a good thread. There are many threads I just read and don't contribute to, ususally in retro and tech boards as I don't tend to feel like I have anything to contribute, and occasionally I'll have a root through the nintendo-related boards, face-palm, retreat to safety. I've tried joining a couple of other forums but I can't help but just magnetise to their general boards. I don't really think there's any hobbie or interest that I feel sufficiently knowledgeable that I'd join a forum to discuss specifically that. The community is why I'm here. Other forums tend to be rather full of dullards arguing about pointless drivel for the sake of arguing. *hit refresh... DOUBLEPOST PLZ SEE IT: SCOOP! Yeah boi, hurl this thread at the wii board and see what sticks. I'd be interested to hear the opinions of the Unjaysevened Lot. They tend to only really spring up during awards season to jizz a little.
  15. The tear/crfying thing wasn't meant to be related to your thing in anyway Yeah, the more you write, the better, eh!
  16. Raising herself out of her chair, with the strenuous effort which is more commonly showcased by an elderly person, she moved towards the heavily lined curtains and threw them open. She was quickly made to shield her eyes from the over-eager intensity of the morning sunlight, all the while straining to catch a glimpse at the world beyond. She stood fighting with the light to catch just a semblance of normality in her sight. She struggled to lift her burdened eyelids beyond her outstretched hand, blinding her to even the most common of appendages. (I don't understand the last bit about appendages tbh. I took away some of the 'telling' bits. No point using clever descriptions of what's going on when you're just going to follow them up with "and by that, I meant this," if you know what I mean. A tear fell down sally's cheek too quickly for her to snap at it. She hurried a look at Mark, but luckily he didn't see it. OR. A tear fell down sally's cheek because she was sad. It was too fast for her to catch! She quickly looked at mark. She is crying about something, and if mark knew then he would be angry. Hyperbolic, maybe, but there's a point
  17. Daft; if you were going to budget £1000 for the comp, I'm sure you can simply hire someone to put it together for you. Or bribe a techie friend with some booze!
  18. Cheers for the comments guys, I'll bear them in mind. Dr4khon; you may as well post things regardless of how you feel about them - I'm sure we'll all give you some positive feedback. There are a million and one sites out there that offer you the road to literary success, ultimately you wanna be proactive, jot things down all the time. Or so I hear :P
  19. Way to read a thread, Fish.
  20. I get that sometimes (most times) and I just assume I'm using the 'wrong' browser or something. Happens a lot with youtube vids too. Will - pics of the date plz
  21. I made a new thread and it got like 60 views and one spam comment and IT SUCKED THE LIFE OUT OF MY LIFE or something. Yes, this is me advertising. Read my thing. Where have all the writers gone? Why won't you critique me? Why won't you post things? Let's bring the Word back, brohems!
  22. Yeah but terrepins are nippy little fuckers! Tortoises like their head scratched, and becaue they NEED warmth you can have hours of fun as they attempt to burrow into you. My girlfriend's tortoise is awesome. Aside from us thinking she was a he for the first year of her life, she's lovely. I do this thing with pets -- I try and get them to blink at me. I'll squint my eyes together at them, and if they do it back I reward them with a hug of sorts. I SWEAR Jesse the tortoise squints back :P It's so cute. Yeah, ramble :P Essentially I think rabbits are dumb pets. And I'm allowed to say this to Murr because I was equally, if not moreso, traumatised by my rabbit's death.
  23. Well most likely we'll be using the same awards next year, if that eases any worries :P There were a few dumb ones (mostly the site-related ones...) but there's scope for more awards. Last year when Ash did them he staggered the voting. This year we had too many awards that simply weren't voted on. But yeah! It's a long way off! You've put a lot of effort in, and I don't know know if "thanks" really covers it!
  24. O_W; yeah silent shout is a better album starter. Atmospheric mould that grows before your very ears is pretty much my favourite kind of album intro. But to be honest, none of their albums are 100%. You ever listen to The Faint? I got into them about the same time as The Knife. The Faint are a lot more Look At My Cock due to a male lead singer, but the sound is similar. To be OT; Not fantastic as a starter, to be fair, but I wanted to give you a taste. Their album 'closer', which just reminds me of suicidal streetlamps. if they weren't american and instead norwegian, I think we'd have something beautiful here.
  25. If I'm in charge of them next year then I'd gladly release the results to you early Changing the names over'd be fine, but come on now, people have expectations now! :P
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