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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. Then vote for me, diageo. ReZ, once again; throwing bottles at you?! You're character's mad, I tell thee.
  2. He's funny to watch, but I guess he just has a problem in general with physics in games!
  3. Yeah, so zell was a big mistake. I don't know what to think anymore. The write up suggests to me that diageo's character is fucked up, so chances are if they're getting their info on me wrong (they are) then they must be getting their info on others wrong. I targetted heroijan to be sent to peeps so they must've been the two that were switched by smeagol. ReZ targetted me and told diageo what's what. Frail man ? Hacker ? Man with mirror ? Lover/girlfriend/whatever ReZ/diageo Teenager - jayseven heroicjanitor Sméagol Tales The Peeps I don't expect anyone to believe me, and unless the frail man can come forwards with some/any/all of their info they've gathered so far we'll not have any other suspects. - but Diageo; please listen; when you discover I am town, please double-check your previous results and use them to your adantage. Unless you're mafia, then fuck you. Oh! And diageo - more evidence to prove your investigative power is somehow paranoid/delusional - I'm not a silencer, and I don't think smeagol is either, so use your logical mind and ask yourself how that works. Oh! And diageo - more evidence to prove your investigative power is somehow paranoid/delusional - I'm not a silencer, and I don't think smeagol is either, so use your logical mind and ask yourself how that works.
  4. My post had a didyactic tone, so you would've found it insulting if you didn't think there was anything left to learn about manners and respect. As for your desire to drag this out further with questions; I'm not an FAQ. I've said my piece, and I've made my peace.
  5. Funny, you didn't respond to my last line; don't you realise you're being a dick? Because that's what it boils down to. I am glad people have differing opinions, but there's a difference between having your opinion heard and respected. To be heard, one can easily use aggression (passive aggression works too, as it draws a response), but to be respected one has to utilise ethos - that is essentially the respect of the other voices around you. I don't care either way for what you say, merely how you say it, which is what I thought my entire previous post was about. Which is why I'm not breaking down your response and putting each part under a magnifying glass (I'm not objecting to your use of it at all by the way, I just think the argument would spiral and lose focus). I'm just saying "hey, you! The way you talk makes people think you're a dick." You souldn't assume that my previous post is how I think of you in general. I recognise that your debating style is only a part of who you are. I am trying to point out that your form of reaction is provocative, and just as overreactive as anything else here. I have friends that I respect that don't like BSG. They have the ability to put their views across in a way that I can respect and understand. if you don't call for respect then that's fine, but don't expect antipathy. Sorry for the 'big words', but they're just more succinct.
  6. Link! So it seems that The Darkness is getting a sequel! Due out autumn this year for all non-tendo consoles. Not sure what I think about that. Dark sector was average, and BS2's multiplayer was average... but then Darkness was rather average as well. I hope they get the tone/script right, at least!
  7. Chuck hit it on the head for me, as others did as well; when buying points it tells you the amount. The kid thought he was being sneaky and got caught out. He's not a complete moron. I can understand an older generation not 'getting' what a console does but there's little else MS can do to inform a parent about the parental controls. It's not their job to update an entire generation's ability to use modern technology. While I feel for her, it's a sucky situation but it's just money. Get over it.
  8. SEASON OF DOOOOOOM! Yeah, not got my hopes up at all :P It's all about season 24 mates!
  9. HAY look it's SixT-4 again! My relaxation methods! - Going for a long walk with some music is smexcellent stuff, as some have suggested. I'm fortunate to have the seaside a stone's throw away so it's nice to go and sit on the beach. Except for when your ipod's broken and it's raining and fucking cold. - Doing jigsaws. Me and my girlfriend started one two days ago and as I was putting my socks on at the end of my bed I saw a piece that could go into the jigsaw... two hours later I put my other sock on, two hours later I'd finished the puzzle and totally forgotten all the job-seeking lack-of-money stress that was eating meeeaAAAARGH SHIT OH SHIT STRESSSSS - ... Get drunk. Not the most advisable method. - Write a stream of consciousness. Be open and honest. At first the words are slow but then they come out faster than you can think them, and even just doing this is enough to gain some perspective on everything and often gives me the energy to get back on the horse, so to speak.
  10. Diageo; a lot of your opinions are based on beliefs and estimates. You believe the future of humanity will move away from religion, you think taht robots would never want to be human, you assume that if you wake up buried alive that you'd simply hold your breath 'til you died. You seem to have a lack of modesty, and your mannerisms mean you come across in a way that isn't self-effacing, a social demeanor that is, unfortunately, often required when dealing with issues of tact and politeness. Essentially; you are not polite in giving your opinion, despite knowing that it would cause an outcry. You then assume a hurt, childlike defense of semantics and definitions rather than attemptiong to confront what has been said by both parties objectively. You appear unable to compromise. Which will just make other people less willing to compromise and thus more likely to push their end of the stick harder. I do not like puddings. I understand that this is pretty much wrong, yet it is a personal choice. Yet I don't go up to someone enjoying an ice cream and say "I think ice cream is shit. Tried it once. tasted crap. Even ate a whole tub. Still shit. The sweetness, the flavour... it bores me." By insinuating that you found boring what others found thrilling you suggest that your interpretation of 'thrilling' is harder to attain, which indirectly assaults the character of anyone who believed differently to you. So yeah. Can't you understand how you're being a dick?
  11. I don't have an issue with clutter! Sorry you feel unwelcome. perhaps if you posted like normal rather than asking for money/votes you might feel differently?
  12. He's not writing for comic nerds. I gathered that he was essentially saying that people are going "omg brits are playing american heroes! We're so cool! Take that america!" whereas actually it's just another sign that we're being (and have been) engulfed by the american model. It's no Deep Thought thing, just a harmless throwaway article.
  13. I hate the fact that Eenuh's idea of procrastinating is what I'd call a productive day :P
  14. Legal drugs would mean there'd be a market of safe drugs - no more brickdust, sawdust, washing-up powder, glass (even though actual levels of shite isn't as bad as people allege). Legal drugs would mean a more open society about drugs - so it would certainly appear that suddenly more people do drugs when it's just people coming clean about the MDMA they do every friday night. More people would feel that it's ok to try it, given the government essentially says it's ok. Education and information about the pros and cons of drugs would be come more widely distributed, and taught better not just in school but presumably by parents. Mine only really told me about their recreational use when I was in my late teens and it was clear I was experimenting. And while there may be a smaller anti-crowd of "lol we're outcasts LETS GET HIGH AND CRY," a higher exposure to drugs would presumably mean a higher number of people becoming seriously hooked. Recreational drug use has never been the problem. For society the danger is people becoming addicted and becoming socially inept, a burdon on the benefits system and a fiend to the criminal one. Sure, more tax money from drugs could fund rehab clinics and the like, but then surely it'd feel a bit... Brave New World? Blah. Anyway. Psychological factors are important. Some people are more addictive than others and if it's not coke it's booze and fags, or chocolate and coffee. Weed is a paranoia inducing, stupid-making, lethargy-ridden thing that made me feel clever and artistic and creative and relaxed. I'm not sure where I stand on legalisation, really. Education and information should really come first.
  15. oi don't be shifting lameness blamness onto me! Happy birthday ash. Apologies for you that your bitch ell isn't capable of coming up with a witty title - so unable that he has to call on a drunken stupid person for help? FOR SHAME! yeah, happy birthday mate
  16. lol wtf roo is posting?! :P good to hae you back dude.
  17. I remember seeing a guy have a fit/do awesome on DDR at The Light in Leeds. Was both awesome and sad at the same time. a 13-hour marathon of DDR?! DUDE! This is an insane feat of athletics. I don't think I could even run on the spot for 10 minutes. Maybe two.
  18. By perputing your ignorance of other opinions, as well as what is effectively sticking your hand to your nose, poking your tongue out and wiggling your fingers at anyone that mentioned anything to do with chelsea, despite neither of them (me and ramar, in the last page) particularly giving a shit about either team involved. In particular. But so far I've not seen any of your posts on this board that are anything but borderline-walking, rigged and weighted generalising opinions that serve little other than to stir up shit.
  19. Shorty; those two hours took me from funnyville to scarytown and back :P People have different game thresholds. Effort vs enjoyment attained is, I guess, what the graph would be. I think I'm more of an explorative cinematic gamer, seeking to enjoy the construction some other dudes have made rather than testing my limits of hand-eye coordination and/or skill. I don't think I've ever been 'the best' at any game, and I think I've just come to terms with the fact that I'll never be that good.
  20. If the troll continues to be fed, then yes, he'll be gone. However, I am drinking tonight, so the odds are good.
  21. My Fuck Up At Work; Accidentally handed a £500 TV to a customer who was waiting on a £150 TV. realised it immediately. That fucker who accepted it has probably lolled at me somewhere else on teh internets. I was so worried about my morality that I went and told my manager anyway. She was cool with it (on the surface) but I was wracked with guilt. I even offered to cover it (wtf, considering that tv was like easily 3 weeks wages at the time). She said something about 'insurance' so, presuming it wasn't a bomb strapped to my train home, I think the store that was earning 60k an hour had it covered.
  22. Yeah fields is essentially being given a 'trial run to see if he's grown out of his diapers' phase. Looking like he's dropped teh diapers - but he's just shitting everywhere now. Not good. (p.s. Brighton isn't in London)
  23. Lawl! That is precisely why I didn't get this game. FUCK a game that is merely 'superhard'. I want to enjoy my games. one-upping my gamerbros with a LOL I DID THAT AND YOU CAN'T SUCKERRRR is... no. yes it's because I suck at games. But when it stops being fun, we should really learn to just, y'know, put down the pad and go have a mars bar or something. Chiiilll.
  24. Yeah that's part of the reason why I hate stats. They're generally different everywhere you look. Thing is shots off target can be misplaced crosses and deflections. Corners is generally the best way to look at pitch control, I think. I don't remember the figure but I think it was something like 7-2 to chelsea there (so just to verify, I'm not disagreeing :P).
  25. Goafer; they made the mistake, it's their fault. That girl is a DOOOF. However your reputation around Halfords is now 'mixed' and you have lost karma.
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