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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. O_W; Not all forms of entertainment come in the same way you're speaking of, either; essentially you're combining gaming with films and music but leaving out theatre, ballet and opera :P Plus gaming is more of a merging between arts and games (... duh) so how do you differentiate it from forms of entertainment like sport and board games? Disregarding cloud tech for now, it isn't possible to offer a long-standing medium that music and movies have. Both of those can act on technological advances at the production stage while gaming requires tech advances to be caught up via hardware updates. Plus stuff about indie developers, multimedia hypertext novels, blah blah. yeah. Basically; art =/= entertainment. Badly worded post of thoughts. Apologies.
  2. Fish... you're underestimating eastern europe's amility to drink! But then she's still a girl. Good luck. And hey dere, domjcg! Sounds like you have a life and stuff. Congrats!
  3. Oi quit lumping me in with the others :P Not once did I mention anything about teh inactives!
  4. dannyboy; but doesn't teh rest of my post hit the point? :P smaller games, fewer games; boom.
  5. Faggot? Much better.
  6. hate to say it but you do look like a tanned version of my friend's mum...
  7. bard; like the bash.org messy desk contest? I'd post a link but the results have been offline for like 5 years.
  8. Crawley clearly had no set piece skills whatsoever - something that could've won them the game! Man U's team were shocking. but it must still be annoying to a lower league side to see that the prem teams have practically a full squad of reserves that are still better than them. Would've loved to have seen an equaliser though. I think Crawley played fantastically, with heart right 'til 30 seconds before teh end when they seemed to have forgotten they were playing football.
  9. I preferred the tighter sections in HL1 to the more open areas in 2. The driving stuff was time wastery. I don't have a problem with the approach to narrative, just the plot, story and scenario as a whole! :P
  10. Moogle's on it this time. Instead of having a profile of buzzwords, you should find duties/examples of how you fulfill each of them within the confines of your job experience. E.G. Which job were you a team player, and which were you going solo? 'Organisation' is the British spelling, too.
  11. I personally was overwhelmed by three mafias at once; it affects all of my games. I'd also suggest not decreeing that a mafia has to have 20 players min or anything. Mafia games are playable with 7 players. Too many people makes too many rounds makes, sometimes, too much info. I think my mafia will have 12-14 people, maybe less. No way should anyone say "no more mafia games!" Just pick and choose which you want to play, duh.
  12. Plus LOTR is actually 6 books :P
  13. Too drunk to remember anything about that Cube, sorry :P BZZRRRR BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZRR! Stabby stabby!
  14. Phantom, baby! Had ideas way ahead of its time. But seriously; I think Sega and Apple are more serious potentials - but I highly, highly doubt sega will be going backwards and I think sony will never release an exclusive 'console' - I imagine they'll just smuggle an iTV into one's house eventually, which will offer all sorts of apps and games and films and whatever. We all know the future is just having one box under your TV that does everything, right? Gaming is still a profitable business, so there's no ruling out an eventual competitor, but the stakes are so high that the company entering, like sony in teh 90's or microsoft in the 00's, has to be well backed in the first place. Which, I guess, is why Apple is the easiest to name.
  15. Half life 2, and the additional episodes, really went a totally different direction that I wanted. Totes agree. here's hoping HL3 is, like, back in time or something.
  16. I can't recall specifically, and it may be too kitch, but The Fog might help? :P Problem is you've pretty much named all the big-bads. What about things like Deep Impact, assume that the comet/whatever is a 'monster'? Creature from the Black Lagoon as it emerges? It's funny, for some reason I've got a proper blank for movies with fog at the moment. Why are you ignoring the old version of godzilla? You could squeeze in Attack of the 50ft woman! Yeah, shit idea. Sorry I wasn't any help. Just saw you said other media too - Power Rangers too lame? :P
  17. Serebii; had a friend in sheffield whose appendix nearly exploded. he has a gnarly scar. Get it done! :P
  18. Disgusting stuff, diageo. Anyone at your college you can report the behaviour to? I'm sure they won't tolerate such abuse even off their grounds.
  19. Can't find a video but I know of a really mean one. You bet that you can, using two hands, push your victim's hand down to the table surface. He should be positioned as if he's arm wrestling but with his palm facing up. Once you start and he's really tensing, you just let go -- he hits himself in the face mega-hard! We have a friend who is deadly afraid of clowns. At some point soon (one of those 'great ideas' you have) we're going to invite him to a fancy dress, tell him it's cowboys or whatever, then we'll all be clowns! Yeah not that great.
  20. Tapedeck wins (and should do!) I'd like to give the text some jayseven jizz, if you're willing to copy/paste it. Your first three skills/strengths are useless without any factual reference to base them on.
  21. What do you call a llama with no legs? Anything you want, he can't chase you!
  22. Long shot - is 2 Eternal Darkness?
  23. Ah gaggle, my totem opponent! :P Woo! Points!
  24. Grazza; for sure, at some point it may be closer to us but it's still such a massive distance away that it really makes no difference. As for this asteroid thing... well seeing as it's been existing the entire time, I don't really think it's any big(ger) deal now that we've discovered it. Unless, y'know, the earth really was flat before we discovered it was round.
  25. Hate to say but it looks like clip-art at the moment. Perhaps shading is needed, but I think you need to look at the angles of the source camera again - the metallic bit at the top is a lot more truncated and the winder is more prominant... I much preferred the other examples you posted earlier. Your version loses a lot of the texture, and I think it misses it. Keep at it though! I'm sure you'll hit the motherload soon enough.
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