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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. I don't think there are two note-droppers, I think it's more likely I was redirected. Off for the rest of the day. Vote: Heroicjanitor as he's on my list of three and posting so most likely to put up a defense.
  2. First/last game will be against Nikos' unbeaten men... and I don't feel greatly confident that I'll beat him! Need my forwards to get all awesome all of a sudden. It's literally my middle 6 matches that I'm crossing my fingers for!
  3. These are the guys that didn't vote for jonnas yesterday (and excluding me because, well, duh). heroicjanitor ReZourceman Zell At least one is mafia. One in three bet. We've had, what, two mafia killed so far? So chances are it's 2 out of these three. Gonna re-read this thread when I get a chance (tomorrow evening most likely) before I cast a vote. But surely someone can take the time to go back over this thread and see what we got.
  4. Filmwise, eXistenZ is a great example of what you're looking at, especially with the gaming in mind. Even Tron and Inception have elements that are worth considering. Bruce Willis did a film a couple of years back -- Surrogate -- that fits, too. Other books would be the Culture series by Iain Banks, where people rarely die, rather they have a 'back-up' someplace that restores them - but I think most of these are VR more than AR. The Game is AR, though not perhaps as reward-driven as you'd expect. A few good Star Trek episodes too, like Ship in a Bottle that explore the holodeck's potential and won't require you to spend too much time not-really-but-kinda researching the topic. Fable 3's app kingmaker is probably the best AR game-related example I can think of and provides a good example of how AR can be feasibly commercial. Halted State by Charles Stross is a good example. Everyone in that world wears glasses which overlay reality with tags -- e.g. in 'copspace' you can see whether people have criminal convictions or warrants as you walk past them in the street; gps is a given and nobody ever gets lost, and in certain gamespaces you really get a mesh -- at a games convention you can tune in to the con's 'space and you see orcs and skeletons walking around. The book explores the idea that life can be a game - imagine a kid is tardy and spends his night playing games, now give him an app that rewards him with spendable points (or a gamerscore) for setting his alarm, waking up on time and going to school! Life becomes a game. The great thing is that the book pretty much works with current and existing tech that could easily be put together if there was a viable market for it. However, the book also warns how something that is initially fun and novel, like the fable 3 thing, can grow into a tech that we all become hugely dependent on. if it's taken away then we're left with a 'reality' that is alien to us (akin to how many see the internet now, or how they saw the telephone when it was introduced, or the steam train...) I'm sure this isn't the sort of thing that is helpful to you. I've never read up on anything to do with the subject, sorry. I suppose there are plenty of theorists and philosophers who would argue that our reality is extremely fabricated in general (in terms of how human life is a construct these days; born in a hospital, raised at a school, driven to do a job and pay taxes and supposed to have a family and stuff, rather than the base survival that 'life' pretty much is for everything else). Interesting topic in general. Oh yeah! And Batman's detective vision in Arkham Asylum!
  5. I have this strange thing where I keep mixing you and mr-paul up in my head; nearly typing mr-peeps, etc. I'm going to write down my targets to try and clarify! Night 1: Target Diageo, send info to Mr-Paul [i believe - didn't put targets in subject field, can check thread but cba] Night 2: Target Mr peeps, send info to smeagol [told it was blocked] Night 3: Target Mr Peeps, send info to smeagol Night 4: Target Smeagol, send info to Diageo Night 5: Target Ell, Send to Mr-paul Phew!
  6. Yes - I thought my targets were smeagol and you - so I thought that smeagol was a witness to ell's death. I actually targetted ell and you. Are we done?
  7. Someone did something and placed the blame on me. Could be that someone is able to make me look suspicious, but if ReZ is actually silenced then that means someone silenced him and made it look like it was me. Either they specifically wanted it to look like me or the way their power works means that someone else who targetted ReZ (me) would get the blame. Smeagol did you get my note last night?
  8. Ha! I don't get my sent messages saved so I was composing a message to cube simply so I could verify my night targets from the subject field's auto-complete tool :P I don't truly know if I can do what you suggest, and truthfully I've not directly asked cube. Will do so now!
  9. I was told I'd 'never get the info' but I can try sending info on myself to someone else.
  10. I literally never know. I sent you info on nights 2, 3 and 5, but I was blocked on night 2. The first night mr-paul posted the info he got from my night, after I was successful in sending you info I left a little clue that you missed here. The misspelling was deliberate but I have to assume you missed it.
  11. ... I realised as I send my target last night that I hadn't targetted you the night before, so my qualms were misplaced yesterday. I'll come out with my powers seeing as people are being stupid [diageo]. Each night I target two people - the second person gets info on teh first person. Mr-paul and smeagol's surprise info is thanks to me. Smeagol didn't share his info, which was one of my "hmmm" things. Last night I targetted ReZ and Smeagol, which means smeagol ought to have received info on ReZ. The first night (iirc...) I targetted diageo and Mr-paul got the info. My ability does not silence or role-block or anything like that, so diageo - you're wrong. Think about that.
  12. I tried to tune in but the audio wasn't working. I'll catch it at some point though, it looked interesting I was half expecting just a bunch of webcam footage of people being idiots.
  13. You watch Sons of Anarchy? Er, yes, hi!
  14. Torres has underperformed this season. I blame the haircut! He'll go back to spain and play awesome, I bet.
  15. What? No. The bottom league should easily be the smallest. 10-10-8, I say! If that's too mental... 9-10-9. Mid-league is so fucking hectic. 6 teams out 0f 9 changing each season?! Madness.
  16. It's an interesting concept. We (should!) all think we are 'playable characters' by default. I remember when I was a lot younger I once wished upon a star to please, please, let me be that guy instead. Not once since then, aged 6, have I had that notion. I intimately presume that underconfident people are stargazing too much. Many idiotic blonde teenagers wish they were britney spears, even though she'd probably talk them out of such a transformation if she could. Having said that, I think that the majority of 'celebrities' would fall under your umbrella for NPCs. The problem with playable characters, should we continue the gaming comparison, is that they're schitzophrenic and unrealised. NPCs can be fully formed pieces of art with a beginning, a propulsion and a climax. Most of these 'cool' characters you refer to in real life are probably just as subjected to mockery as they are to fandom. I'm sure shorty would remember - there was a kid in one of his first-year classes that was all post-punk/metal; long-hair of a mullet, leather and studded jacket with patches hand-sewn on - he was projecting an image that we inferred a few lols with... Then the next year he was all striped tops, thick-rimmed glasses and skinny jeans. He was flushed immediately into the poseur category. But then, you can have the eccentrics. I have a friend who pretty much wears nothing but purple. Our images are at least superficially our identities. Also, sometimes there seems to be a pre-requisit character list that needs fulfilling. Stereotypes that can be found in any high-school post mortem. jocks, geeks, chavs, nerds, trendies. The acne kid. The fat kid. The new kid. The tall kid. The kid who still has a squeaky voice. The girl with big boobs. The bully, the spazz... And sometimes we may find ourselves playing a character that isn't really us. Maybe the role we fill ends up shaping us a little? Anway. If you feel you are capable of withstanding streams of genuine bullshit whilst at the same time feeding their ego with profane adorations and compliments for prolongued periods of time then i wholeheartedly recommend making First Contact with the tri-hards. I'm-a stick to my corner-hugging better-than-thou baggle clothesdom. (not really! But this isn't a character assimilation thread [really] so I won't go beyond the nexus.)
  17. That would've just been mean.
  18. "Google: Screen Print PC" is lol :P
  19. Lip reading is fun. Mat damon saying "fucking finish it or I'll punch you right in the fucking face! It hurts my eyes!" Not watched any more yet as youtube is SLOW right now.
  20. having had enough of the sheer numbers of bad kids, Santa proudly demonstrates the next generation 'lump' of coal.
  21. I do have reason to suspect my info isn't as clear-cut as it has been, but it's the third "HMMMM" moment I've had of you. [directed at smeagol]
  22. Zomg Murr just reminded me of lots! I was a big senses fail fan for a while!
  23. I answered one once and just went "LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOOO! LOOOLLLOLOLO!" until they hung up.
  24. Artful Dodger Oxide and Neutrino Modjo Chili Peppers Zebrahead The Ataris Zeromancer The Used Jimmy Eat World Finch mewithoutYou Kings of Leon The Strokes .. Were the only entire albums I remember listening to on teh way to school/college. A proper playlist would have a few one-hit wonders - All-american rejects, the acadamy is..., etc. Times like these I wish I still had my music collection so I could run through it and be all "ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh!" and stuff. Damn!
  25. Cube; I'm an expert at sleeping during the day. I am now conditioned so that I cannot just wake up straight away with my alarm clock - even without one, if I stir I'll just roll over and "go back to sleep." Dreams are definitely mroe vivid here - I know what you mean! I do wonder if, perhaps, sleeping when it is light somehow increases retinal activity?
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