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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. It's you use of continues letting you down, I'm pretty sure that if you continue more than 5 times then that's an instant stone regardless of your other medals, as for the blank spaces, you could be missing some of the optional Alfheim stages which you gain access to by going through those portals which are usually hidden away, or you could have missed a 'dead end' which leads to an item followed by a battle so my advice is to look everywhere. : peace: Even I ended up missing a few things towards the end of Bayonetta 2 because I took a 'wrong turn' and ended up triggering a cutscene before I'd fully explored the area.
  2. Immediately... but it's the only place to get the special edition from so.
  3. Ordered! Now... I wait. : peace:
  4. Same... I ended up getting it for just over £30 but by the time it arrives I might just cut my losses, sell it and make my money back, too many games at this time of year anyway!
  5. Ah sheeeeeet! You have my sympathy, I was ill with that during Christmas 2010 while the rest of the family had flu, was truly awful. I've had a flu jab every year since then even though I know it doesn't stop you from getting Norovirus it's nice to feel protected against flu at least, when it works.
  6. Really happy about this, a portable version in 3D of my favourite Zelda game of all time! Also I need to buy that limited edition so it seems I'll be ordering via the Nintendo Store just as soon as it becomes available. Though I must admit, kind of hoped that Nintendo might make a special edition NEW 3DS/XL for it too. Also, dat boxart! :awesome:
  7. S.C.G

    Just Cause 3

    Hmm but is there really Just Cause for yet another sequel? ... I'll get my coat.
  8. Also there's the airing time to be considered... 10PM so it's likely we'll be seeing a mature rated title so possibly Devil's Third which I know didn't look very good at it's first unveil but who knows? Or there might be something Bayonetta related... as I've said before I would love for their to be a Bayonetta OST made available via Club Nintendo for registering both games or as a points purchase, or what about more dlc? Is that a possibility... maybe more Nintendo costumes or extra weapons; though I'm guessing not as both games already feel more than complete. Our review of Bayonetta 2 will be on-site soon hopefully... I've been working on it most of today adding finishing touches, I know it's later than planned but we only got sent a download code for the first Bayonetta - we don't know either - but still not bad going for what's a busy time of the year.: peace: In any case I'm looking forward to this direct now, only an hour and three quarters to go!
  9. My money is on Metroid Prime: First Duck Hunt :awesome: It's basically Duck Hunt with a story... erm Samus taking on legions of Space Pirate Ducks as they have become fused into a new sub-species which is now threatening to take over the entire Nintendo universe! We thought the ducks were gone, long forgotten but they had only been in hiding waiting for the right moment to exact their revenge. The main stages would obviously be from Prime's visor perspective except you would be blasting various species of mutated ducks - don't forget to scan each one for a new log entry! - and every time you shoot one down you'll see your beloved 'pet' Metroid called 'Colin' drain the life out of each of your hapless once flying, feathered, freakishly mutated foes each time letting out a shriek coupled with the usual 'duck down' fanfare. But what has become of the Duck Hunt Dog you ask? Well between each of the 'First person shooting stages' you have the side-scrolling adventure stages which link everything together, in these parts of the game you will get to traverse areas loosely based on the Metroid and Duck Hunt(?) Universe with some slight alterations in the style of Mega Man as you now have the assistance of the now Cybernetic Duck Hunt Dog named 'Clive' who will aid you in crossing caverns which were previously not easily traversable; he can also seek out energy tanks and bring them to you but watch out that he doesn't consume then instead. Of course there is so much more to Metroid Prime: First Duck Hunt including boss battles, competitive online multiplayer and Amiibo functionality which lets you play as NES and SNES era Samus but we'll save that for a future Nintendo Direct... eta 12th week of Nevertember. :p It could potentially work... it would be representation for two popular Nintendo franchises at the very least, believe! : peace:
  10. What? I... I enjoyed it, every *second of it. *Not every second perhaps, also yes the game does have its flaws but that 9/10 represented the fun I had while playing the game plus it's better than a lot of the games which came before it. #2bdisgoodtakesAGES :p (also still a better game than Watchdogs)
  11. That actually added a lot more than I expected... so PS4 is still going to be the best bet for this right? With regard to the rumoured exclusive dlc, unless I imagined that. Either way, do want!
  12. They are.,, I vaguely remember seeing screens from the PS4 version and I recall that having more textures etc, not that it really matters but it comes down to something when a game like this is still released a year later on the Wii U, it's not even that good a game to begin with - subjective I know - and lacks any of the dlc. Anyone still going to be paying full price for this? This is why I dislike Ubisoft, they really used to be so much better even though that now seems like a lifetime ago. I know the Wii U not selling very well didn't help either but let's not get into that again... anyway if anyone is picking up the Wii U version that I hope you enjoy it but I never really saw what all the fuss was about in the first place personally.
  13. I stopped listening to that GameXplain video about a few minutes in when one of them admits to renting Metroid Prime and not being able to get past the opening sequence... Anyway my hopes for this direct... Majora's Mask 3D/HD Metroid V Mario Galaxy portable for New 3DS What will actually happen... Amiibo will steal your money Iwata will be holding a mango Quality of Life software will haunt your dreams But in all seriousness I'll just be tuning in to see Iwata back on our screens. Although some sort of bonus for registering both Bayonetta games wouldn't go amiss, free soundtrack perhaps? On that subject I would love for a portable title in the series or just from Platinum if they could make it work on a smaller scale.
  14. Ah right, an easy mistake to make, no worries though. :)

  15. That's odd... I wasn't aware that I had a boat for sale, perhaps there's a problem with the site e-mail?

  16. I did to begin with but not so much now, either way no input lag issues.
  17. Hmm that was quite a significant amount of downtime, good to see N-E back though, just thought I'd mention before there's a thread that there will be a Nintendo Direct broadcast 10PM tomorrow. : peace:
  18. At the start of the 'HD Era' around when the Xbox 360 was released I bought a 23" White 1080i Samsung TV which I used up until a couple of years ago and that same TV is still going strong as I gave it to my brother. Since a couple of years ago I bought a brand new Samsung 32" 1080p LED TV when it had just been brought out as I managed to get over £120 off it through various deals at work, the size of it is the absolute limit for my room but honestly? I've never looked back since. :awesome: I haven't experienced any issues with input lag either. : peace:
  19. Reasons and references... I shall say no more but all will become clear once you complete the game.
  20. I would say a fair few being that there are apparently 52 Verse cards to collect, each containing a different arena scenario based on the ones in the main game so it's fairly substantial.
  21. S.C.G


    Well it seems I missed Xur yet again but I want to get some more coins first anyway - only got 7 :/ - but I did play for a little bit last night and I got my first Legendary item that I was able to equip! It was an engram which said it could have been anything from Rare up to Exotic but really I'm just glad it al least turned Purple, would have been so pissed if it had only been yet another Rare. So yeah, now level 24... plodding behind but progress I guess! : peace:
  22. You're welcome. : peace: (sorry for the barrage of quotes Red just spreading the Umbran word.)
  23. To say that you would be in for a treat would be a gross understatement I'm actually kinda jelly being that it's your first time experiencing both games, honestly you've just bagged some serious value for money right there. : peace: As for the amount of joy both games will most likely bring you? Immeasurable. :awesome: ---------------------------------- I genuinely didn't think I'd be buying one this early but... Xbox One Nabbed this for £248 after various discounts with Alien Isolation (sold) plus The Evil Within (keeping) This meant I then had to buy... + Sunset Overdrive and Halo the Master Chief Collection Which have been partly paid for with PayPal plus I had to get an obligatory Live sub. Oh and how could I forget... Bayonetta and Bayonetta 2 of course. :awesome: Its been an expensive few weeks, but worth every penny. : peace:
  24. Silly me! I thought it was similar to the system we had on Xbox 360 where once you add someone as a friend it actually sends them a request, apparently not though, in any case my Gamertag is... Metal Mutiny :awesome: Good to hear that you're having fun with Forza, I had another quick blast on Sunset Overdrive last night, was too tired to appreciate most of it or even to navigate the map but I did manage to do a challenge involving bombs where there were many explosive references abound, so that was fun.
  25. Oh good god... I've finally finished my first playthrough of Bayonetta 2! :hmm:: peace::hehe: I'm understandably a mix of emotions right now. @RedShell will know exactly what I mean... But yeah, thoughts... in a spoiler box of course.
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