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Everything posted by DCK

  1. Get real, they marketed Resident Evil 4, Metroid Prime 3 and even No More Heroes.
  2. If the difference is only 30 pounds, the 4870 is probably just worth it. 1 GB of memory is pretty useless, unless you have a 30" 2560x1600 monitor.
  3. It doesn't beat a 9800GT SLI combo, but it's way cheaper. For the price of a 9800GT combo you're way better off buying a 4870 anyway. It kind of depends on how much money you want to spend. A 4850 will play you all games on maxed out settings on reasonable resolutions anyway. It should be able to tackle future stuff like Far Cry 2 easily as well.
  4. Meh, nukes aren't really at stake here. Russia's just powerful enough to not submit to US or China's will, and Iran has a right to have these defense systems. Israel really isn't a military power (or aggressor) you can ignore there. None of them are stupid enough to attack one another, however.
  5. Get the Radeon HD 4850, it's such a great value. Probably ATI's best card since that good old 9800Pro :wink:
  6. To be honest, nobody was really that excited about RE4. It's the definitive version of a classic game, nobody is going to complain about that. Not that it wasn't a cash-in though. Personally, I don't prefer a new RE over RE2make as I haven't played the original. A new RE would show more that Capcom is seeing the Wii as serious business, however.
  7. The Conduit is obviously heavier on the rescources than MoH is, so it's really not much of a wonder it doesn't feature 32-player online. 32 player games also need specific (larger) maps, engine finetuning, and a big effort in the networking code. It'd take a lot of development time while 16-player online is still pretty great.
  8. No problem, I understand this is all a bit frustrating being so limited That Fujitsu PC is pretty good. Just ask Argos if they want to put in the 4 GB (as it says it can have on the website) and install Vista 64 with that. Shouldn't make it much more than the 600 quid they're asking now.
  9. You're right, but you're suggesting something that's impossible. You can't just add in as many enemies as the hardware can physically take. For one thing, the environment is way more interactive in Dead Rising. It's a poor effort, maybe, but you can't expect a RE4 from every project. Although this is obviously just a quick cash in game, but that doesn't mean it can't be fun. Capcom will be watching horror game sales as well for Resident Evil.
  10. Grolsch, Hertog Jan, Jupiler and Duvel are my favourites. All brands named so far are frankly horrible to my taste (except Heineken and Stella somewhat), but you can't help being British :wink: The really good stuff isn't really sold over there as far as I know. The Irish, however, know how to brew a beer.
  11. Yeah well, you asked for upgrade tips but then don't feel much like upgrading I'm trying my best to help but I don't really get what you want exactly or what your options are. That Fujitsu PC is pretty good. You should go for that.
  12. Do you really want us to explain to you what is the difference between 20 and 100?
  13. Just read this now... In that case you can save a lot of money by buying a dual core CPU, only one bench of 2 GB memory and an older graphics card. A simple Core 2 Duo and a second hand GeForce 8800GTX (lots will be selling these now, check eBay) should do more than fine for a year, and save you about 200 quid. Next year Core 2 Quads will be a lot cheaper because of Intel's new processor, and there'll be all kinds of fancy new graphics cards. Get those, and then just add in a second bench of 4 GB memory, and you should be ready for the heavier stuff.
  14. The FIA is really cowardish. They know they'll get boo'ed if their punishment will affect the race results (and frankly they always would considering Hamilton was -6 seconds), so they just fine him.
  15. Monitors? Nice I doubt you'll find a store that'll sell you a 4 GB machine without giving you an option to buy Vista 64.
  16. Are you doing it for the challenge, or aren't you aware there are actually (several) Wii to VGA cables available? Read it's easier to convert component to VGA, too.
  17. Moogle's PC is win ^ Only thing recommendable is interchanging the 9800GTX with a Radeon HD4870 because of memory speed. Hope you have a good monitor though, because things will really get expensive if you need a good game design monitor 24" @ 1920x1200 = 220+ pounds....
  18. Yeah, going dual core always makes a big difference You could probably get it running at 3 GHz (6000+ speed) by simply upping the multiplier to 15.
  19. Yeah, well, the Wii is really CPU-limited. This was the first game to utilise all three Xbox 360 cores, allowing for really efficient multitasking. The Wii only has a few percent of that power... If the original used only one 360 core, it would've handled it.
  20. Looks fairly alright, especially considering the Wii screenshot problem.
  21. Audioslave never made Superunknown (the album and song). Therefore Soundgarden is always better. Also, Temple of the Dog was a pretty good band Cornell was in, too. Lovely take on grunge there.
  22. Well, if you're not in a hurry, you should probably wait for a passively cooled Radeon HD4450 or get a HD3450. The Radeons perform slightly better and have superior HD content decoding compared to the 8400. A quick note about the CPU though - the Athlon 64 X2 6000+ is manufactured with a 90nm process has a thermal design power of 125 watt, which is pretty steep. You might want to consider the Athlon 64 X2 5000+ Black Edition - it's a few pounds cheaper, has a more recent processor stepping, is manufactured on a 65 nm process, and only sucks 65 watt. All that technical mumbo jumbo means it's much better. The only downside it has is that it is clocked 400 MHz slower than the 6000+, but the fact that it's a Black Edition means it can be easily overclocked, well past 6000+ speeds if you need.
  23. That really can't be called a trailer. It consisted mostly of a camera moving through environments and some very basic movement. It looks like a show-off an alpha stage engine at best.
  24. DCK


    This is so awesome. Herr Fredrik von Twirlenkiller
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