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Everything posted by DCK

  1. Ugh, Battle of Los Angeles by RATM really can't hold two cents against their first two albums. Except for Sleep Now In The Fire it's really bland.
  2. Yeah, Barrichello has been consistently faster than Button throughout the season, who spent way too much time battling Force Indias. Anyway, at the moment I think everybody is where they should be except Vettel and maybe Fisi, so this is all good.
  3. Have you tried hooking up another monitor to your computer to see what happens?
  4. The best scenario for the Wii2 is to have a large amount of flash memory (which is super fast) expanded with some hard drive to have all the stuff loaded on. But that would make it pretty expensive, and people would have move their own games into fast memory, so that wouldn't work. The Wii2 can't use DVDs anymore, there's just too little space on them. Perhaps they can use small GameCube-like disks, and then try to fit some ~30 GB of data on them with something like Blu-ray technology. That would work well.
  5. Basically loading stuff is getting stuff from disk to RAM (the GPU only comes in at that point). So the more memory, the more you can load - Sony has equipped the PSP Slim with twice the memory just to reduce loading times, actually. Also, read speed makes a difference, and also seeking time. The Wii is mostly slower loading games than the GameCube not because games are more rescource intensive, but because the laser has to cover larger distances seeking for the right piece of data. Also, the Wii's disk drive is rather slow at 6x speed. A slim disk drive like that could easily be 10x or 12x.
  6. If Flash memory and the likes are going to drop in prices as much as they are doing today, there is a chance Nintendo might go for cartridges again next time around. Probably not though, Nintendo will probably go for a mixed disc-based/dowloadable content model. If Nintendo puts in a big enough SSD, they can make loading times virtually vanish.
  7. GT4 didn't do proper 1080i, the PS2 didn't have close to the amount of power for that. Apparently they composed the picture out of a normal 480i/p picture (not upscaling per se). The Xbox games are all 'true' HD games. @ D_prodigy: It's not surprising, the Wii and GameCube hardware setups simply weren't designed to do that. The actual framebuffer simply doesn't allow anything above 480p to be rendered on it, there's not enough space.
  8. It wasn't in fact any more powerful than the Cube on 480p for sure. But your theory is probably right. In fact, all of those games appeared on PS2. None except SC2 are very good games either.
  9. That's the whole point... 1920x1080 is sharp as hell, stuff is meant to be tiny... If you want to read text, you should search for "resize fonts" in the Control Panel.
  10. Don't you see that if Massa ran a bit wider he would've easily passed him? He obviously didn't expect Bourdais to keep his car there, because Bourdais tried too hard. Also, there's no way Bourdais would've kept Massa behind him. At the time Massa had already passed several cars.
  11. Bullocks. If he saw a collision coming he should've slowed down. He deliberately went for the gap Massa left going around him, and that was stupid. There was really no reason for Massa to knock him out of the race as Massa was faster at that point and would've easily passed Bourdais on cold tires anyway.
  12. They most certainly weren't. Cube was limited to 480i in Europe even. It's quite bizarre the Xbox would've pulled this off... It's more than twice the amount of pixels. Maybe they halved the framerate in each game or something. Dragon's Lair and Enter The Matrix apparently look horrible.
  13. Apparently: Surprised to see so many multiplatform 720p titles.
  14. I can't remember. I know that the title I'm thinking of is some "I'm-a-knight-gotta-save-the-princess" game in a castle. It was cel-shaded too. Might be Dragon's Lair 3D, but I doubt a 2002 title would've done HD.
  15. See for yourself. Massa had already passed him when he got knocked around.
  16. The Sumerians didn't know jack. It's all been some exaggerated story based upon some misinterpretation of their stories. You can read anything in old scriptures if you want hard enough, it's the foundation of many religions. Wikipedia about the asteroid belt formation: Also: In fact, the biggest asteroid, Ceres, is considered a dwarf planet like Pluto. The most popular theory about the formation of the moon is that it was a planet, though.
  17. Totally deserved. Hamilton broke the rules. I'll give you that as I can't remember. Massa came out ahead of Bourdais, who should've been careful about re-entering from the pit. Bourdais ran Massa off, as Massa was overtaking him. About Kovalainen - maybe he's unlucky, but never has he been unlucky in a winning position. Granted, his seventh position really does tell something about his luck, but I though he was more of a winner. When he had the perfect opportunity for a win in Monza, he was outpaced by a Toro Rosso.
  18. Wii can't handle it because the GPU isn't quite as flexible (the Xbox used a PC GeForce 3 meant to be able to do different resolutions). One Xbox game even did 1080i I think. It's much too heavy on the rescources to reasonably do HD on last generation hardware though. As Emasher said, Wii2 will probably be Full HD. Full HD TVs are as cheap as HD Ready TVs two years ago already, Nintendo can't ignore that.
  19. Hmmm, I feel a Hamilton cock up coming in Brazil now. Massa will definitely win the race. He needs to keep his cool, but ultimately deserves the title more than Massa. Ferrari definitely deserves the constructor's championship now. Kovalainen is just poor - seventh in a McLaren is just not good enough. It's weird, because he was so promising in the Renault last year.
  20. Don't you see the actual indoctrination these movies are so scaring you about are actually indoctrinating you... This isn't freeing your mind, this is alienating yourself. In an antisemitic way even.
  21. I actually rather believe the mainstream media, than a dodgy YouTube movie about some linguist's mind fart - the guy deliberately misinterpreted some Sumerian texts to get attention, after which other people start mislabeling photos of dwarf planets to convince people. I don't understand how you can doubt stuff like the 'mainstream media' and not question incredibly stupid stories like this, have no knowledge of the story's background and then speculate about it without showing much insight in the subject matter. You really should be watching less X-Files or take less drugs if you believe conspiracy theories like this. Paranoia isn't good for you. Being cricitical is good, trusting no-one isn't.
  22. Yes. I don't agree with many of his points, and his campaign is getting too aggressive, but thank whatever these retards believe in that he's not a redneck.
  23. This story is so crappy, uses fake evidence, and is so easily disprovable. I'm sorry, it's just sad people even remotely buy this. The people trying to promote it don't know jack about physics or astronomy, and I can tell that from having seen just two videos. They use pictures and code names of trans-neptunian dwarf planets (notably Eris) which are tinier than the Moon and have a perfectly stable orbit around the Sun. They also keep on suggesting that the solar system needs a 10th large planet to explain Neptune's and Uranus' orbits, but that suspicion was debunked more than thirty years ago when the Uranus' and Neptune's mass were properly measured.
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