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Everything posted by DCK

  1. Considering it's supposed to be able to get connected to PC monitors it should at least be able to pump 1280x1024 pixels (though likelier 1600x1200), and then HD is not far off. If you want to play those resolutions on a TV you will need a HD socket, so they will have to include it.
  2. I don't think this setup would be all that expensive in a year. The only thing more expensive than the X360 would be the RAM and PPU, but the rest is cheaper, especially if we're talking 2006. $300 would be a good guess.
  3. It's better to have X & Y. If they were A & B they'd only work the same as the A button and B trigger, with X & Y there's more buttons.
  4. Processor speed isn't that important really if they include a PPU. If they hardware accelerate physics, it'd be like adding an entire CPU in it. Hardware acceleration speeds up things so much... Try running 3D Mark with only the CPU (not your video card) rendering the graphics, you'll only get one-twentieth of the performance you'll get when running it with your graphics card.
  5. 2-3 times more powerful is bad. It doesn't mean the graphics will look 2-3x as better, it will mean it can do math 2-3x as fast :-/. Theoratically, the 360 is actually like 30-50 times as powerful as the Xbox (PS3 even 100 times or so, in theory) but that doesn't make its graphics that much better. The Revolution will be at least 20 times as powerful as the Cube, but probably more.
  6. That's a very good answer. It doesn't bury Nintendo with crap as Sony did with the DS but he points out he thinks Nintendo is aiming at other markets and are no real competition. Good one.
  7. Han_Solo at it again... These specs mean that the Rev will be like the GameCube on fire (I mean serious inferno.) Just about every chip is a next next gen version of what's in the Cube. He posted specs like these before, only the CPU had four cores instead of one and the graphic chip was a bit slower. These specs are nonsense anyway because the CPU outperforms the Xbox 360 CPU: Rev: 1x 2.5 GHz core - 13 billion dot product operations / second 360: 3x 3.2 GHz core - 9 billion dot product operations / second Don't think so.
  8. Who says the shell will be like the GameCube controller? Why would it have Cube controller sockets? I think we might actually see a N64 tripod revival...
  9. I think it's pretty obvious that Ressie 5 is coming to the Rev. Think about it, Capcom saying version for other consoles, Ninty saying almost 'we'll announce it later' and the hint of the horror game in the Revolution trailer.
  10. You people are forgetting the controller's shell... Traditional games will work...
  11. I can respect what you say, but the way you express your opinion makes you look like short-sighted moron. There's no better way to use 3D pointing/movement in gaming.
  12. That steering wheel is brilliant. But then again, the controller works so well. It now only starts dawning me how not how brilliant 3D gyration etc is, but how well Nintendo have put it in a customizable controller.
  13. I think the shell be very similar to the IGN mockup (though prettier ). The start-select-home buttons are placed just perfect for that, and an extra stick won't hurt. In fact, I think a C-stick would work better controlling the camera than the motion sensor.
  14. Nah, they were still thinking about that. Anyway, I prefer battery packs because they tend to last much longer (they can extend the reach and intensify the rumbles) and are rechargable (no going to the shop because the controller's dead.) Besides, batteries cost loads in the long run.
  15. What if they make a cable to hook up the Revo controller to the DS GBA port? *faints*
  16. €25 if they're going to use AAA batteries. €40 if they're going to use battery packs (please Nintendo?)
  17. You can't really blame Sony (and MS) for 'stealing' the analog sticks and rumble pack. They're ideas that were already used in a lot of other technologies (and therefore they weren't really Nintendo's ideas) and simply a different and optional but most of all better idea for games. It wasn't a vital change of the console, it simply meant some backfire in your hand and an easier way to control 3D games. The Revolution controller is something different. It's the base of the console's gameplay, something completely different, and much easier to patent. Sony can't get away with stealing it this time around.
  18. Tough question, no? Yeah, I know, too early to ask. But I'm just wondering, which do you think is the best idea, the DS or the Revolution?
  19. How Nintendo handled the DS is a very good sign. And the DS isn't even as sexy (no I can't stop about the Rev's design )
  20. If those reactions are so sad, why do you make a topic out of them? It only shows the stupidness of some people that bash anything starting Nintendo does. Ignore them.
  21. I think one major point of the GameCube's 'failure' is that it's a childish toy cube for most people. People judge by looks first, and that means the design and not even graphics. Look at how incredibly sexy that Revolution is. It's so nice iPodish pearly white or incredibly sleek black with pretty though subtle blue LED lights. We can't say what'll happen. But I think it might be a good guess (or wish) that the gaming business will get a healthy balance for once, each company owning a third market share.
  22. DCK


    The controller looks better in white, the Rev better in black... Can't choose ATM XD
  23. Any mirrors? The site seems overloaded (good news or not ) Hmm, even the IGN video seems gone now...
  24. All I can say is that it looks amazing. I can't wait to feel how it works. Heh, for 36 hours I thought that the remote and the analog stick thingy was all there's to it (I got all dissappointed about not enough buttons and such), but when I read about the shell design like 10 minutes ago I can't stop but feeling hyped for the first time about Rev.
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