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Everything posted by DCK

  1. Better quality here. Basically, EA will bring SimCity to the Wii in an adapted form for the WiiMote, and make it more of a console game. I think this is going to be very awesome Some screens: Screens look horrific, see the trailer for a good impression.
  2. Better quality here. Basically, EA will bring SimCity to the Wii in an adapted form for the WiiMote, and make it more of a console game. I think this is going to be very awesome Some screens: Screens look horrific, see the trailer for a good impression.
  3. I sort of think that too, but I'm not sure they're doing it on purpose. I mean, The Conduit, CoD 5, Mushroom Men and Fatal Frame are all nice and all, and will be really enjoyable, but I doubt they're unforgettable. If Nintendo really went for that, they would have ensured there was something to replace their usual 1-3 killer apps. I don't see anything in the lineup that can replace a Nintendo title. I still hope for Nintendo to make a surprise announcement of "Pikmin 3/FF:CC coming out this year" or announcing Kid Icarus or F-Zero or something. One more core-ish Nintendo title will do the trick for me. Oh, and darkjak, it's time for you to buy a 360. It's fine you feel abandoned, but let your mom put up with your emo-ness, and not us, please. You're not going to convince anybody here.
  4. To be honest, the only long shot on that list is GB games on Virtual Console. In five years, the hard drive would probably be much bigger and the price of all that would be $250 all over again. Never really got why people want to play 160x144 pixel games, games meant to be portable, on their HDTV (which everyone will have by 2012).
  5. I really think the Xbox 3 and PS4 will use a downloadable content model for their next consoles - it's a logical continuation of what they offer now. Using a DLC model avoids spending money on transport (all they have to do is run servers), and it allows more competitive pricing for smaller games. It also makes games upgradable (like FIFA 2012 -> 2013 could be an upgrade instead of new buy), and it allows for more games from smaller teams to be published. The services they provide could then also be expanded with downloadable videos and music. Also, using a hard drive and especially using a solid state drive would reduce load times. On the other hand, loosing media for games is not going to be liked among retailers. It would probably make GAME and the likes obsolete. Also, publishers will lose their function. It'd be radical step for the industry, and it may come too soon. About the cartridges - a blue laser propietary disc may cost as low as $1 per disc to be produced, whereas a cartridge would need that money for the plastic casing alone. Secondly, I think Emasher may be right on cartridges being seen as old technology by the ignorant audience. Nintendo would be best of to have some blue laser format with 100 GB capacity - the flash memory market is a pretty uncertain market to be in.
  6. That no Sensor Bar thing isn't possible. This light gun idea only works with certain TVs, there'll be people with LCD/Plasma/OLED TVs then... The Sensor Bar will be expanded if anything, with built-in WiiSpeak and a Playstation Eye-like camera maybe. I really hope Solid State drives will be cheap in 2012. I think the next Wii may actually come out without any disk drive or cartridge slot, but just with a massive (hopefully expandable) storage unit to store all games on them, which you'll just pluck off Nintendo's servers for money. Nintendo will need at least half a terabyte to store all that though, so if SSDs aren't cheap enough then, they'll have to go for a hard drive. An SSD is basically one huge cartridge, they'd virtually eliminate load times as well. If the Wii2 does come with media, I think we'll see discs rather than cartridges. For one thing, discs will always be cheaper than memory, no matter how dirt cheap flash memory is going to be. Discs, especially a Nintendo propietary format, will be harder to pirate, too. I'd love to see cartridges return, but I don't think it's a good business decision.
  7. Yes. Wii2 has been in development ever since the R&D team finished the Wii. It's the way it works. The DS2 has probably also been in development for four years now almost. Iwata being so vague only means they're still in preliminary stages (as is to be expected), so this really isn't news. Wii2 will be launched in 2012 earliest, unless there's some huge unexpected salesdrop. I think the Wii can hold its own in sales versus the Xbox 1080 and PS4 if they do release around 2010. If the 1080 and PS4 aren't Wii clones (and I don't really think they will be complete copies) Nintendo can easily afford to be last this generation, and create an advantage with having newer hardware in order to either have a more powerful console or a smaller, quieter and cheaper console (probably the latter). A Wii refinement seems more than logical. If they can integrate WiiMotionPlus, WiiSpeak (and maybe an advanced EyeToy), storage space and way better graphics in one package, I think everyone will be happy. The only problem Nintendo is going to face is that Sony and Microsoft will inevitably copy parts of the Wii concept, and Nintendo will have to innovate more to counter that.
  8. You can think what you want, but it's an awesome parable.
  9. Foo Fighters, they just make such great positive energy rock. Queens of the Stone Age - I have to listen to Little Sister and Turning on the Screw every day Lately Coldplay with Viva La Vida, Arcade Fire and Metallica are on my list again but they'll probably come and go. That's really music I have to be in the mood for.
  10. Nobody wants that. Fact is, Nintendo were already making ridicilous profits on the Wii when it came out, the console was in fact overpriced for its package. This is probably the only system in modern gaming history to have done that. I want Nintendo to spend ridicilous amounts of R&D money on the Wii2, so I can hand over 250 euro because the it's physically worth it, and not because it's Nintendo and therefore it's a must-buy for me. Wii2 could easily give us an evolution of the Wii with a built-in WiiMotionPlus, WiiSpeak, movement camera, hard-drive/expandable SSD, and some HD capable multiprocessor DirectX 11-grade hardware setup that would be able to run circles around the PS360 hardware. They're probably not going all out on maximising the console's value as Nintendo's smarter than that. It would be great for the core audience though. Also, Nintendo needs to have learned their lesson - if they make the hardware gap between the Wii2 and the PS4/Xbox 1080 as small as possible, their third party support would be incredibly much better. The Wii is physically unable to run anything that's made with a PS360 in mind, the Wii2 shouldn't have that problem. I don't mind if it's weaker (if that allows for a cheap quiet console, I'm all for it), but as long as it allows porting and sharing rescources.
  11. Wow, look at the Wii software go. In the GameCube era, Nintendo wouldn't've made this money in a year.
  12. This screen has my love:
  13. Is Ubisofts shit selling or are they just making profit because of low development cost? It's rare to see a really terrible game charting high as far as I know.
  14. Ugh, on a side note, I broke my third Linux installation (OpenSUSE) beyond reasonable repair in an attempt to get my wireless working. Linux nowadays is really n00b-friendly - I'm pretty certain zero-knowledge people could learn to use Ubuntu faster than Windows. But with the state of hardware support, and the things you have to hack to get all your gear running, it's really in no position to compete. It just doesn't "just work" with a lot of things.
  15. I use a 20" Samsung SyncMaster monitor with a VGA cable. Picture isn't brilliant, but the colors are really nice.
  16. Should be good. I hope it won't be as half assed as Red Steel 1 was. Exclusive FPSes are always win though, even from Ubisoft.
  17. Actually meant your wireless chip, but seeing as it's a Turion (and therefore AMD platform), getting it to work is a bit more of a challenge I guess. No experience with that. You might want to try OpenSUSE 11 instead. They use a more cutting edge Linux core which may include your drivers. I can't garantuee anything though.
  18. To be honest I'd rather be stupid. I suppose that when you're stupid you won't know as much what you're missing compared to when you're ugly. Having said that, I'd absolutely hate being stupid more than being ugly, but ignorance is bliss.
  19. Linux drivers suck bad tbh, it's not surprising. What's the chip, and what distribution are you using?
  20. For Linux, try the latest Ubuntu or try to use the Windows driver using ndiswrapper (Google that). If your laptop uses Intel Centrino, its wireless should work out of the box with all new Linuxes. You can't use Windows with the key you have now, I think. As part of Microsoft's anti-piracy actions, you can now install an illegal version of Windows and buy a key though, if I'm not mistaken. It should be possible in Vista, not sure about XP.
  21. Yeah, that quote appeared a few days ago, pedrocasilva posted it. If they were going for the casual, then they did an awesome job. All games they've shown have tremendous casual appeal without being carnival games. They also really show what the Wii as a platform can revolutionize. One other thing that strikes me is how Nintendo showed nothing. As mentioned by Hellfire, Nintendo only showed stuff made by Nintendo EAD2 (one of six EADs), leaving a vast amount of studios shrouded in mystery. They chose not to show their to-be-self-published Fatal Frame 4, which is a great title to show. They showed no Disaster: Day of Crisis or FFCC: The Crystal Bearers - both of which have been shrouded in mystery so long that they might as well be cancelled anyway. Somehow I think Nintendo is deliberately holding back. Firstly, it makes sure that their own titles are give quality treatment. Secondly, and most importantly, it gives third parties a chance to shine. It's as if Nintendo is taking a step aside as the dominant publisher, so the Wii's lacking third party support will get a boost. Sadly, there aren't any real killer apps coming our way. I really hope Mushroom Men, The Conduit, CoD 5 and Dead Rising are going to inspire studios.
  22. This is Sega, I'm thinking this is true. The game might not involve sword gameplay at all you know, the story might involve a sword or something. Can't tell anything from artwork.
  23. I sure f-ing hope not. I dislike her presentation, her attitude, and her laugh. She's so annoying. Besides, Reggie is awesome. Even when he's not about kicking ass and taking names all that much, he's still awesome.
  24. This. This is exactly the vibe I got when I saw the conference. You've got to admit that if this is what they intended, they did more than awesome. We still need more stuff this Q4. I think Nintendo's overestimating third parties.
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