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Everything posted by DCK

  1. DCK

    Vista Thread

    You might want to flash your BIOS, it might enable the memory to go faster. It's a pretty high-end motherboard (albeit a bit old), so it should be able to do it.
  2. King_V, seriously, that's nonsense. How would the Wii be able to play Rogue Squadron if that was the case? It's just a physical fact that it is more powerful, in every aspect. It means nothing if it isn't used (like now), but that doesn't change the fact that it is more powerful. Also, I don't see what's so bull about those screens, except for maybe some anti-aliasing.
  3. DCK

    Vista Thread

    But you bought a new Core 2 motherboard, didn't you? How can that be? What's the chipset? Anyway, more RAM will make a difference because of Dual Channel.
  4. Yeah, I can't quite believe how much offensive talent France has, and yet they still play with four defenders and two defensive midfielders. It's really ridicilous. I think Henry should stay though, maybe not as a base player, but he's still a class act. Same goes for Vieira and Coupet. Hope Domenech gets sacked for a more daring coach.
  5. Yeah, the French were horrible. That substitution really showed what an incapable coach Domenech is. You're behind, you're a man down, and you must win at all costs - no one would subsititute a talented offensive midfielder for a defender, but Domenech did. Also, how powerless were the Romanians? It's like they were completely drained... Stekelenburg's shirt was as spotless as it was before the match...
  6. Got FF3 running now, it's really the same as FF3 RC2 but still it's nice to have it No problems with the servers whatsoever. @ Mcj, how did you get your "File Edit View..." bar in one Menu button? Is it an add on?
  7. In all, I love it. I prefer the older stuff too, but no need to slag off the Black Album. Compared to Load, Reload and *gasp* St. Anger, it's metal heaven. I find it kind of sad when people start accusing musicians for selling out, to be honest.
  8. Yeah, what's wrong with The God That Failed and Sad But True? In my opinion, The Black Album is another one of Metallica's classics... It's different, but it's good.
  9. You inspired me to pimp my desktop (instead of studying) The result is pretty awesome: Probably the first Linux in this thread, but bleh. I usually use Vista but this looks more awesome than Aero as far as I'm concerned. EDIT: new shot with my dock not hiding.
  10. Yeah, agree here. My exams are spread out over the next week, but it has such a great summer vibe, it makes my mind wander of every time. Wish it was next week. I really love Viva La Vida, it really shows that Coldplay is capable of doing more than Clocks.
  11. Yep, I'm up. Tried Opera today, it's nice, but FF beats it hands down for my surfing. FF all the way.
  12. To be fair I don't see how this discussion about nothing has grown to earn me personal insults, but whatever. I'm just taking a different view, as I've noticed the problem for a small bit (read my first post), and was just adding to the discussion. I really do want splitscreen in the game, and I was speculating about their reasons to leave it out. Sheesh.
  13. Great striker, but not ready for ManUnited I think. He's a smarter striker probably even compared to Van Nistelrooy, but he's a bit slow and he can grow more in physical strength. If he manages 30 goals a season again next year, then he'd probably be ready. Also, I'd much rather have Huntelaar playing for Ajax next season We simply don't have a replacement.
  14. Seriously, dude, the problem is that it might not work. Even if the reasons behind that are psychological, it's still a problem. But come on now. Anyway, I hope the online mode is any good. The lack of split screen is a bit meh, but yeah, hopefully the game's still worth it.
  15. You my friend, got owned Srsly though, I want this game to be good, but I want more developers buying the engine, actually. I have my doubts about the creative skills of this developer.
  16. Van Bommel is an ass. He didn't get selected a few times, because he was too stubborn to do his job on midfield, and Van Bommel's ego was hurt and he refused for the national team under Van Basten. Didn't fit great in the group either. Seedorf refused himself as he didn't feel appreciated enough. He wasn't a base player, because Van Basten preferred other players in offensive midfield positions, even preferring Afellay over him at times. For a four time Champions League finalist and a base player of AC Milan, that's not enough credit. I think he's got a point. In contrast to Van Bommel, he's actually a nice guy, who did fit into the group. It's been speculated that Seedorf and Van Bommel's absence has been beneficial for the team, as they would've torn up the team spirit they're boasting with their personalities.
  17. Maybe so, but even if it's psychological, it is something. A small movement has a small effect on a small screen, but has more effect on a big screen.
  18. Tuned in for the last minutes of Turkey - Czechs, and man, that was some crazy stuff! Back from 2-1 down, horrible blunder by Cech, and the Turkish keeper replaced by a field player?! WTF! Are you kidding? 4-3-3 never did it for the Dutch. They've used it for three years, without playing any sort of appealing football (except for one match against Ireland, but the offense was Babel - Huntelaar - Kuyt then), and the players themselves asked for a different lineup. Our best players are offensive midfielders - Van der Vaart and Sneijder (and Seedorf) as playmakers, Robben, van Persie and Afellay (and Babel) have terrific individual class and are a real danger on the ball, and Kuyt is such a terrific workhorse on midfield, where he is more effective than up front. With 4-3-3, the field is too long, and the center striker is incredibly hard to reach, and midfield is wide open. With this system of 4 layers instead of three, the problem is gone. We've shown our best football in years in the practice matches and on the tournament because of 4-2-3-1. Also, Engelaar played absolutely outstanding against Italy, but he was just nervous against France or something - if he picks up shape, he's a definite base player. Against Italy, he was the team's midfield engine, he really was. Let Cruijff blabber on, he'd even stick with old Dutch 4-3-3 when he would be allowed to line up 12 players. The Dutch's big successes came in a Total Football formation (1974 final) and 4-4-2 (1988). 4-3-3 has never done it. Man, this post is too long
  19. Looks pretty good. For overclocking potential, you might want to prefer the AMD Athlon 4850e. It's clocked at 2.5 GHz out of the box, but it sucks less power at that speed (45w compared to the 65w of the one you're buying now), which means it should scale better. It's probably a wee bit cheaper too. And ATI's around the corner with Radeon 4650 in that price category, which'll be much of an improvement hopefully. I guess you can't wait for that though, as your PC is broken.
  20. It sort of does, actually. For Metroid I had to unrealistically big movements on my 20" screen, but I didn't notice until I played it on a 32". It's not much of a difference, but I imagine that a quarter screen size will have a big effect. The graphics look so great as a technical achievement, but artistically they're still so bland...
  21. That list is so wrong. But Call of Duty 4 is a BRILLIANT game. The Chernobyl mission is one of my favourite moments of gaming of all time, I kid you not.
  22. Nice game yesterday. I kind of felt we stole the victory and France deserved more though. We're just so incredibly effective all of the sudden, and our offense is the best of the tourney without a doubt.
  23. There's not a big difference. The price difference is bigger than the performance difference. You might want to wait for the Radeon HD4850 releasing this month. It'll fall into that price range, but outshines all of them.
  24. Just texted my football fanatic German housemate though. She won't enjoy this, oh no
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