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Everything posted by DCK

  1. Most people can actually make cake. Most people can't actually play multiple instruments. Baking a cake isn't hard. Learning to play an instrument is hard. Just like learning to play proper tennis. That's the whole point, just give some fun stuff to do for people who want to jam around without much effort.
  2. Good point Emasher ^ Ocarina of Time and The Wind Waker weren't completely finished games, I'd like to see some 100% complete games, like Miyamoto/Aonuma envisioned them to be. There's a really small chance that will happen though, certainly not anytime soon. Maybe when they are going to port The Wind Waker to the DS2 we might see something like that happening.
  3. It wasn't so much as a reply to your post as it was to your attitude. It seems like you can't/won't comprehend the brilliance of simplicity. Wii Music, like Wii Sports, is a game meant to excel through simplicity. I don't see any reason why it would be any less fun than Wii Sports. If you really want a realistic racing game so bad, you're really better off buying a 360 - the WiiMote (without MotionPlus) probably won't cut it in terms of accuracy, and the 360 already has top notch racing titles, impressive visuals and better online. The Wii isn't the console for realistic racers, and probably won't get any either.
  4. Kind of what made RE4 more exciting though. It's part of the gameplay mechanics. Wouldn't be surprised if they changed that in a Wii-specific game though.
  5. That is really awesome work by the SOTC team, it looks amazing too. Even though it's not real HDR it looks really great. The fact that this team is using tricks to simulate high-def effects really shows that the engine they're producing is going to be a great effort.
  6. Not really. I've beaten Majora's Mask already, no need to do it again. Can't possibly see where'd they improve it. Better graphics and orchestrated music can only do so much.
  7. Actually King_V, it does matter. Thicker copper means less resistance on the wire, meaning better image. It's not the official sticker per se, but Nintendo does make high quality, thick cables. You can probably go a bit cheaper than official ones, but I wouldn't buy two pound cables.
  8. Sounds awesome, but I really wonder whether the Wii can pull off HDR rendering. It was first introduced years after the original GameCube hardware was designed. Great news though!
  9. Neither is the fun of playing Tennis in right time waggles. Just because it's extremely simplified doesn't mean it takes away the fun.
  10. Mario looks like Stalin there.
  11. First play it before you judge. I think it looks awesome to be honest. Just because it's casual doesn't mean it's bad. Why would we want that if we can buy a PS3 instead? I didn't buy a Wii for MGS and I certainly didn't buy it for realistic racers.
  12. What's up with this, the guy's only 66. Man, this really sucks. Rest in peace.
  13. The thoughts of what Capcom could do if they make any game with the RE4 engine v1.1 just dazzle me. I'd be surprised if there was no such game in development actually. I do hope it's new stuff, but an RE2make would be pretty awesome too. Never played RE2.
  14. I find this "just knowing" reason a bit lame, it's really not something mystical. Art is what seperates man from beast. Monkeys know games, they know work, but they don't know art - they don't comprehend. Don't tell me there isn't any high level, intellectual process involved there, because there is. This 'getting a feeling' really only describes to me how you're massively entertained by something, and try to make it art because of it. It's simply not.
  15. Aw man, that really sucks. Way too young, too.
  16. If Nintendo expects the same things from the Wii2 as from the Wii, they might as well make it more expensive. Nintendo had major shortages for a major part of the time over the last few years, and probably would've sold as much if it would've cost $299. With inflation and that in mind, I expect the Wii2 to be anywhere in between $300-350, so 200-250 pounds sounds about right. Hopefully Nintendo will chuck a little more power in it for the money.
  17. Major agree with The_Villan (my thoughts exactly) and Solo here. Just because some music gets airtime too much doesn't mean it's bad. I resent Smells Like Teen Spirit, but it's a great song.
  18. No, and it's pretty ridicilous to think so. It's a classic game, but it's not closer to art than Postal. What is there arty about OoT? Can't say I'm shocked shy by the graphics, its story is horrendously bad and contains no intelligence whatsoever. It's fun, it's not art. That's just semantics, it's a convention we follow. Little of the music I listen to can be considered art. The difference between music and video games is that music is an art form that went into mass production and mere time-spending because it was so popular. Games are defined by those aspects, however. That's fair, but you can't pinpoint what that criteria might be. For example, 'great gameplay' only means it's a piece of good entertainment, not a work of art. You can go on about "what is art", but then "what is a game?". Games are meant to be enjoyable and/or educative. All games revolve around some banal conflict resolution in some way. I don't consider art something to just enjoy - I consider art to make me think, when I embrace what the piece of art is expressing. Not some fairy story like OoT is going to pull that off for me. I haven't ever played a game that pulls it off. There may be some, I heard good stories about Ico and Shadow of the Collosus, but I can't say I've played them. You see, people are too keen to confuse entertainment with art. Something you enjoy doesn't become art because you really like it, even though it makes you feel better about what you enjoy.
  19. True, but name me one game that can be considered 'art'? Games are mass production, 'resolve the conflict' activities, meant for you to waste time on. Even stuff like Okami, which is all nice and artistic, doesn't qualify as art to me. Everybody has a different definition of art, but I think that your definition must be pretty broad to consider any game art.
  20. No, they shouldn't. Gamers only want to feel good about themselves. Games can be artistic, but I think it goes too far to call them art. In general, I think people tend to regard too many things as art.
  21. If your PSU is high quality, it might just pull it. But considering it's Dell, you might want to get near 400W. I believe you can get a nice 380W Zalman cooler for 25-30 pounds, that should do the trick I think.
  22. My guess is that it'll be $300 too. I think Nintendo might even regret pricing the Wii $250, because the demand has been larger than the supply for a very long time. If they priced it higher, they would've sold pretty much the same amount of consoles, but with another $50 pure profit for them. I also don't think the Wii will be lowered in price anytime soon, if ever. @ Darkjak: what you say is true, but remember that Nintendo will order customised parts, so they can choose the power they want and the price they'll pay. The Wii2's power is not something to worry about, however. There are several upcoming innovations in graphics processing that, assuming the Wii2 will be launched in or after 2012, will no doubt be featured in it. With these innovations, the Wii2 will easily be far more powerful than the PS3 and 360, and hopefully keep the gap between it and the PS4/XB3 small. Firstly, there's an innovation dubbed Fusion by AMD. Both AMD and Intel are working on processors that have a graphics processor embedded on the chip, instead of a seperate chip somewhere else in the console. The advantages are numerous it's cheaper, more power efficient, and the graphics processor can communicate much faster with the central processor. This technique will be first introduced in notebooks next year with a low end GPU, but by 2012 it'll probably have evolved to have midrange GPUs integrated with a powerful CPU. AMD's advantage is that it owns ATI, so that it knows how to build great GPUs. Seeing Nintendo's ties with ATI in both Wii and GameCube, I think there's a big chance Nintendo will choose for an AMD processor with one or more embedded ATI graphics processors. Secondly, DirectX 11 will be introduced some time next year. Graphics chips will adapt to that standard, which has everything DirectX 10 has, which is already more advanced than the DirectX 9-level PS360 graphics. It also allows for computing physics on the graphics processor, offloading work from the CPU, introduces a more advanced shader model, and introduces a lot more techniques to make graphics look better. It was even rumoured to introduce raytracing at some point, but it was an April Fool's joke. It's a shame, because it looks amazing: Hardware supporting it is already in development.
  23. Damn, what's up with my double posting lately? Lock now please. Swear I'd have remembered that thread.
  24. Thanks all Man, I'm really quite drunk and making way too serious posts in the Wii forum now.
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