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Everything posted by DCK

  1. Yeah, they did it. Germany played rather poor, I must say. I'm kind of enjoying this because of the Germany <> Netherlands football feud
  2. Damn, the Germs got back to 1-2, here's hoping Croatia will keep up.
  3. Bleh. The Turks. Big difference Did I miss something ?
  4. Are you expecting much? Portugal didn't beat the Czechs and the Swiss as a team performance, but pretty much on individual quality. Hardly any influence of the manager there.
  5. Nice game, but the Czechs deserve more. Weak game from Ronaldo too, except for the goal.
  6. DCK

    Cheap Eee PC?

    Yeah, but you can't blame them. Eee PCs needed to get cool first, and they became that with the 700. Now that they're increasingly popular, they can make more expensive versions to cash in. It makes sense really.
  7. Promising I'll bet they're not going to make that release date though.
  8. Panucci and Buffon were in play and behind the ball when Van Nistelrooy touched the ball. He was on side - Dutch TV contacted a UEFA official, who confirmed he was on side. But yeah, we're absolutely lyrical here. Fucking early hours
  9. Different discussion. Windows Vista owns, and you should definitely use it. Good hardware choices. Be sure to never cheap out
  10. Woooh, this is just fucking amazing. Just to clarify, the first goal wasn't offside! Buffon KO'd Panucci behind the line, and as he was still officially in play, there were two men behind the ball. Van Nistelrooy's goal was on side. But really, nobody saw this coming! What an amazing game by Gio, too... Only Ooijer was sort of weak up against Toni, the rest was just outstanding.
  11. What? Linux isn't any less capable than Windows, and it isn't any less complex... For technical reasons I won't delve into, it's probably more complex than any Windows OS. It's not as heavy, sure, but that comes from better design if anything. I don't mind Vista scaling to improve performance, but I fail to see why they're able to scale to that size in the first place, when there's barely anything running.
  12. It's nonsense, as Ubuntu runs way smoother and responsive than Vista has ever done. With all eyecandy turned on, and a music player, disc burner, internet browser playing Youtube, and a chat program, it runs in under 800 MB, and the swap partition isn't touched. I don't mean to sound like a Linux fag (I'm not, just running it as I screwed my laptop attempting to install Mac OS X, long story), but seriously, Microsoft could learn from this. Unused RAM should be saved for when you really need it, not so you could use it just because.
  13. Don't get me wrong, I love Vista, but I don't see why they should use half my ram when no on-screen applications are running, when Ubuntu can manage on several hundreds MB less, and not touching the swap partition ever. But you're probably right. Anyway, you should use Vista, as with all the RAM you'd need a 64-bit OS, and Vista 64 is definitely a better choice than XP-64. You might also want to consider using Windows Server 2008 as your OS, if you want to tweak a lot. You can make it look like Vista, and retain compability with nearly everything, on a lighter OS.
  14. Vista idle sucks up 800MB at its bare minimum on my laptop, and with Winamp and Firefox it takes over 1 GB. If you're doing production work I can seriously recommend 4 GB. 4 GB of PC8500 will be expensive, so you might want to go for 4 GB PC6400 for budget reasons. Bandwidth is important, but size will give you more breathing space.
  15. You might want to spend a few pounds on 1066 MHz memory, it's probably important if you do graphics work (like you're suggesting with you iMac and dual monitor wishes ). Will you be running Vista? Or Linux or a hacked Mac OS X?
  16. Isn't the Nehalem supposed to be 'just' the Core 3? I mean, it's a big improvement, but it's not a NetBurst <> Core improvement... Still worth waiting for though.
  17. If you're going for heavy duty stuff, I'd add to Sanchez's setup another 2 GB of RAM (total of 4 GB) and probably a Core 2 Quad or Phenom X4. As for monitors, Samsungs are great. Two 1920x1200 24" screens are costly, but probably heavenly PCing too. All of that is going to cost you near 2000-ish though.
  18. I loved the trailer. Shoot me if so you wish.
  19. PC to HDMI should work the same, get a DVI > HDMI cable instead. It's a bit more expensive than VGA, but it should offer slightly better quality.
  20. DCK

    Cheap Eee PC?

    Microsoft is probably smelling money and sponsoring the MSI project. The Linux distro on the laptop is way more adapted to its use, by the way Jordan. You shouldn't write it off, I've seen it, and it's really capable.
  21. Installing Ubuntu seperately is pretty straightforward. It's the most out-of-the-box Linux I've ever seen, and I use it regularly. There's some warnings though. I've installed Hardy Heron myself, and these are some of the issues that are stopping me from making it my main OS (aside from that I do quite love Vista): - the nVidia driver has a bug that prevents it from recognizing Geforce 8 (and equivalent Quadros), so you'll need to manually configure a somewhat buggy beta nVidia driver. Should be resolved in a few weeks hopefully. If have an Intel, and probably ATI too, you should be fine. - there's a big chance your Wi-Fi won't work if you don't have an Intel chip. I do have an Intel chip, but because it's relatively new (< 1 year), it can't access my university network. Ordinary Wi-Fi works fine. - the Linux fonts and font-rendering engine suck ass compared to Vista's and especially Mac OS X's systems. Hint - run sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts immediately after you have network. Other than that, Ubuntu is superior in responsiveness, window looks and snazzyness, power management, and ease/speef-of-use most of the time. It just has some flaws that come with Linux, which is fundamentally flawed in some areas.
  22. It is pushing some techniques not shown by third party games, but at the moment it might as well have been an Xbox game, while the Wii can do better than that. The engine will develop, and the designs will look less dodgy as time passes though. This game is only shown as they need a publisher (a.k.a. money).
  23. Slightly off-topic, is anyone using AVG 8? Heard it's pretty good but it blows up system usage like it's freaking McAfee. Should I upgrade from AVG 7.5?
  24. Okay then, that blows. Dell really sucks when it comes to desktops. But still, a Pentium D doesn't add much value to your computer. I'd say a graphics card would help you more.
  25. The original specification mentions only the Pentium 4 and Pentium D, but they can't just introduce new versions under the same name. The original specification also mentions that it's "scalable for future applications", e.g. the Core processors. The Pentium DC functionality has been enabled through a BIOS update, which just means you need to update your BIOS (not really a difficult thing to do), and it'll accept a Pentium Dual-Core, or even a Core 2 processor just fine. The great thing about Intel is that they've been using this processor socket for like four years, meaning that each chipset can run each processor with that particular socket, with the appropriate BIOS update. Really, you'd be wasting your money on a Pentium D.
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