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Everything posted by DCK

  1. It's a crap list. The new stuff Apple, Microsoft, Nintendo and Sony have invented over last year doesn't show any inventivity. It's just the regular progress any company that can throw hundred of millions at R&D can make. The list is governed my money rather than inventivity. It doesn't take a freaking genius to invent a phone with just a touch screen or a laptop without a disc player...
  2. Really dwarf, come on. Corruption is a classic and yet you're diminishing it to nothing. You've made your point clear numerous times now, we get the point. Excuse us for actually having memorable moments, like landing on Bryyo for the first time, the events on Norion, the epic Sky City, and pretty much the entire ending sequence.
  3. The reason to get hyped about the screens is the potential they show. There's some interesting effects that have only been shown in Mario Galaxy and Metroid Prime, and seeing they're out to license the engine, that's a very good sign. It's obvious that the screens are in really preliminary stages. Most stuff is horribly textured, some of it isn't even textured, and there's no draw distance. This isn't because of the engine, just showing that the game is in early alpha stages. These guys have went public now, as they need the public's support to get a publisher (which is crazy), so they can get (financial) support for the development of this game.
  4. ^ Yeah, I really wonder what the Gamebryo engine will deliver us. If it uses a similar degree of Wii specific features the High Voltage engine uses, it'll be even better, because it allows better migrating of rescources (aka porting) to Wii from PS360 Gamebryo games.
  5. I can't believe they're backward enough to think that the Wii can't have 'real' games because there aren't any now... I mean, come on, did these guys finish high school? FFS, it's really frustrating how this is going. Third parties could actually try, you know. When ports like Resi 4 sell over a million, there's got to be some potential there.
  6. That's pretty good. To be honest, any third party developer knowing what a TEV pipeline was, was an improvement, but an engine like this is just great. That game is looking really nice. Finally third party developers can tap into the Wii's powers as well. This is just beta stuff too. I don't doubt at all that this is going to find a publisher. But, then again, these guys are the developers of 50 Cent: Bulletproof and Family Guy the Video Game, so let's just wait and see. The technology is all there though!
  7. DCK

    Cheap Eee PC?

    Asus will release a faster Eee PC (the 900) with a 12 GB SSD and Windows XP for £329/€400 as of the first of May, so maybe you'd want to wait for that? The Linux version'll have a 20 GB SSD for the same price though.
  8. DCK


    Nowhere in the press release do they say anywhere that they've seen the game running, it's just a remix of the same hollow words we've heard all the time, added with some stuff about Gamebryo. Look - Gamebryo is middleware, and anyone can buy middleware with some funds. Emergent gets money, and they're happy. Don't be ridicilous, they've been announcing 2006 dates while at best they've just started with it. At least most of all was just misleading the public. They didn't even have a Nintendo license until a few months ago, for crying out loud, and we don't know if they do now.
  9. DCK


    No, unless you think licensing an engine is the same as making a game. Which it isn't. At the very least they've been fooling with us for two whole years. It's ridicilous really.
  10. DCK


    IGN has their review up. It's worth checking out how breathtaking it all looks in the video review too.
  11. DCK


    So we have confirmation that, even if this game is real (which it isn't), it's only been in development for like three months.
  12. To be honest, I quite like the looks even if they're not much of a technical achievement. When's this game out? They can add real-time shadows and lively backgrounds in the future, if this is still in alpha stages then it's not really much of a big deal. The battle effects are quite nice.
  13. The Wii doesn't play DVDs or CDs, so a lens cleaner isn't going to do its work on Wii... Played it for a bit, and it's quite nice. Nothing earth shattering, but it's a nice evolution.
  14. What's the problem with weapons? Don't shoot it until you see it. At least they're freshening it up, instead of porting F-Zero GX with new tracks. New gameplay is always a nice initiative, don't conservative. I think that this weapon thingy is a means of using the Wiimote instead of steering. Nunchuck to control your racer, and use the Wiimote for using weapons. Should be good. F-Zero Z is as good a name as F-Zero GX imo.
  15. Considering this is rumoured to be Europe-only so far, this might have something to do with the weak dollar as well.
  16. 2,000 yen is actually 12 euros. You know what Cube pads cost here? 30! I'm really considering importing!
  17. The main site's reporting this. A pricecut? Had anybody seen that coming?
  18. This thing is just a basic internet portal, if you need anything outside an ethernet connection and a USB port or two, then you're using it wrong, probably. A recovery partition will do fine then, I guess. Some Linux distributions also have this fancy installer that runs of a USB drive and then downloads the installation files on the fly. But your own Windows on it will be hard, as I imagine that the Windows installer won't just load USB DVD player drivers (though I could be wrong).
  19. If so many people think it, it's a strong hint that Asus really did design it with that in mind. There are a lot of differences, but the machines general look (which is hard to describe) is really Wii-like. Any word on the specs of this thing? May make a great home theater box for little money.
  20. Maybe? You're kidding. Why the hell? No, the game sold out. You can't physically produce the amount of SMGs Nintendo sold, and still hope to keep up decent supplies for MP3 and BWii and all the other games selling huge numbers. What's this ridicilous grudge you have against Nintendo?
  21. Nickelback is so terrible it's not even funny anymore. They're so talentless it's ridicilous they get paid for their job.
  22. Don't you think the rest of Europe should be inclined to have a share? Don't think you're cool being like this...
  23. What's your budget? You can make awesome tiny PCs that connect to TVs. Do you have an HDTV?
  24. The GeForce 8600 is really crap for its price compared to the 8800. You can get a 3650 silent edition (passively cooled) by Asus for about 50 pounds if I recall correctly.
  25. The Wii's main light (the disk drive) is the same colour blue.
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