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Everything posted by DCK

  1. Nevermind is definitely best. Bleach and In Utero are excellent, but it's just not cool to pick Nevermind as it's so famous. Bleach is too same-y compared to Nevermind, hard to explain. Every song on Nevermind rocks. Yes, even Smells Like Teen Spirit, which I only hate because it's played anytime everywhere.
  2. Should be good for Wii2. Hopefully Nintendo can continue to license the technology exclusively.
  3. I'm looking forward to next year already. If Alonso continues his form into next year at Renault, and Kubica retakes his pace, next year we'll have five or six contesters for the title... It's quite bizarre how Alonso struggled to score points halfway through the year, and now he can win races. Freaking Piquet managed to outpace Raikkonen at Fuji even. Renault's back on track.
  4. Great news, but I feel like there's other stuff going on in Iceland to worry about at the moment
  5. Meh. Cornell was surrounded by excellent musicians at TotD (notably the Pearl Jam trio of Vedder, Gossard and Ament). His Soundgarden stuff was pretty good, but even then the better half of their stuff was written by other band members. I just don't think Cornell is a great musician. He has one hell of a voice though.
  6. To be honest, I think the lad needs to have the taste of driving a Williams or Red Bull. The McLaren has been a luxury seat for two years for him. I'm not saying he's a bad driver, but I think he's overrated. Champions like Alonso and Schumacher could make a bad team (both happened to be the Benetton/Renault team) a champion. I very much doubt Hamilton could do the same. At the mediocre teams they wouldn't show off his dad's face on worldwide TV as much anyway.
  7. What a fecking awesome race so far! The first two laps were epic! EDIT: Hehe, forgot I was watching the rerun Incredible race though. Hamilton's drive through was a bit dubious, but the rest was just another awesome race. This season is, again, incredible.
  8. No official confirmation by Nintendo, but I think there were several quotes by Nintendo saying they "wanted to expand the possibilities of the GameCube" before discussing a new console. Well, the GameCube already ran quite cool and was pretty power-friendly, so their base system was pretty good already. Then they just decreased the system's manufacturing process (which makes it cheaper to produce and reduces power use and heat dissappation), tweak a bit here and there, and there you have Wii. The controller is actually just a Bluetooth gyro mouse, with an additional optical sensor. It's something that cost them money, but it's more a genius' invention than a millionaire's invention. The Wii is something that seems to have come from good ideas and creativity rather than deep pockets, like the 360 and PS3. My reason that I think the N5 was in development were these leaked specs: They may seem random numbers, but these specs describe G5s used in iMacs not announced at the time, and the GPU perfectly fits the then unannounced Radeon X800XT and X800Pro. I think these systems were considered by Nintendo at the very least.
  9. Well, that's true. But the Wiimote was intended as a GameCube expansion at first, so I think the Wiimote would've been part of the 'N5' (as we called this Nintendo power console then) package - they already designed the new controller. Secondly, there's really nothing remarkable about the Wii package... It's just overclocked GameCube hardware with some added memory in various places - if they really would've done their best it wouldn't have needed active cooling, even. Nintendo spent a humongous amount on R&D on the Wii, and it doesn't make sense it all went to the controller and a GameCube 'rehash'. They just couldn't spend another amount like that to really make something from the hardware. And there really are a lot of pros in the reuse of the GameCube architecture. Time was a factor, too. GameCube was doing bad at the time, so they needed something quick.
  10. It's good isn't it? Such a great take on grunge. That's what Chris Cornell should be doing, instead of Billie Jean...
  11. "Catching up" isn't a good description of what's going on. It's not as if Nintendo has to do extra R&D because the Wii is weaker. All three begin with a clean sheet in designing the new consoles. The Wii2 will certainly be able to have competitive graphics in a cheap, small and quiet console. The reason why the Wii is so underpowered isn't just the fact that it's an everybody console. Nintendo had actually designed a console quite competitive with the 360 (to be released earlier and instead of Wii), but decided to take another direction when the DS proved so succesful. Because they didn't want to spend even more money on R&D, and already had some cheap, quiet and reasonably fast hardware designed, they just upgraded that. Therefore the Wii is an upgraded Cube, with backwards compability as an extra selling point. If Nintendo had decided to make a cheap, quiet console from the start, they could've easily made a console that used actual 2006 hardware. Hardware like that could've easily brought us 720p resolution and games would be able to at least match first generation 360 games. It's a safe bet that Nintendo will create a cheap quiet console from the start now. Assuming they'll release it in 2012, they can use cheap, quiet hardware from 2012, which will probably be more powerful than the highest end stuff today. They won't have to give up the Wii formula, and yet give us some competitive graphics. Lastly, I expect MS and Sony to give up the "make a powerhouse vacuum cleaner" strategy at least partly now the Wii formula is proving to be so succesful, making the gap in power smaller.
  12. This is pretty ridicilous. Hopefully the 360/PS3 versions will be as good as they promise to be though. This would barely be good on DS...
  13. There are so many things wrong with this sentence. Firstly, what you describe is not what epic means. Secondly, this deeper meaning, more than is on the surface, is not found in any of the games people like to describe as epic. Thirdly, this deeper meaning, as if it were some form of lpoetry, is not found in any game at all. I'm not here to jump on the bandwagon to criticise you dwarf, but that's just ridicilous. You can't want epic games if you don't even know what they are.
  14. I didn't say that... I meant it wouldn't be unlikely it would just do full 1080p in every game. Also, if you think that the Wii2 will be less powerful than the 360, you're seriously overestimating the 360 and underestimating technological development. To illustrate my point - ATI (guys behind the Wii and GameCube GPUs) has released the Radeon HD4670 several weeks ago. It's a midrange chip that runs perfectly cool on passive cooling, and only sets you back around 50 pounds. The little cheap chip runs Call of Duty 4 at a 1920x1200 resolution (a little higher than 1080p) with all settings maxed out, including 16x anti-aliasing at 30 fps. By comparison, the 360 runs the same game at 1024x600 (it couldn't cope with HD Ready), with 4x anti-aliasing and has dips in it 30 frames per second refresh rate. The desktop version of the 360 GPU (which was a bit less powerful and lacked some features) started retail at 250 pounds back in early 2006. Now keep in mind that CoD 4 wasn't even optimized to run on that hardware, and we still have at least three years of technological innovation left. If Nintendo doesn't reuse GameCube hardware next time (they can't anymore), I have no doubt the Wii2 will be an enormous leap in power, and it will easily beat the Xbox 360 and PS3 in a small, quiet and cheap console.
  15. I wouldn't be surprised if Nintendo locks the Wii2 to output in 1080p only. This is 2012 we're talking about, 720p will even start to become outdated then. The PS3 and 360 aren't really that well prepared for such high resolutions as 1080p. Modern day graphics cards tend to scale a bit better. The Wii2 will probably have multiple GPUs, too, and those only gain a real advantage at Full HD resolutions.
  16. You should really lower your CPU voltage to 1.2 volts in the BIOS. An overvolt by .45 volt is not a good thing. The people who built it must've accidentally flagged one of the highest voltages the motherboard could take.
  17. You could get WAY lower temperatures if you wouldn't be overvolting your processor so much. Was your computer prebuilt or something?
  18. You're running a 4050e, it should be very fine, stable and cool. It's even clocked itself back to 1 GHz. It probably runs under 25 degrees. The core voltage seems to be pretty insane though. It should run at 1.2V...
  19. They're just generally figuring out some guidelines for the Wii2, I doubt there's any actual development. The console is very far from being 'made'. Nintendo R&D is probably figuring out what new control methods they're going to implement and testing some stuff. I think most of their work will be focussed on the handheld market at the moment though. The DSi didn't come out of the blue.
  20. Best graphics goes a bit too far I think, but it's a nice effort. We need some proper footage as this game might as well be made with twelve colours, judging that video.
  21. Eh? Your CPU is either a 6400+ or 4050e. The 6400+ is really hot but costs 100 pounds, while the 4050 is pretty cool and quiet. The 6400+ should run quite warm but nothing particularly unstable or anything. You might want to download CPU-Z to check what your processor is. You can post a screenshot here.
  22. To be honest, I think all this stuff is all pretty good. Short term won't be great, but when we get out of the recession we'll have a more stable financial market and some nice economic growth compensating for the relatively minor losses now.
  23. If you consider 'technology' just the reworked GameCube hardware, then it would be a lifespan shortening factor. If you consider the controls and their appeal as part of the technology, I don't think the technology is really an issue. The only way it could be a shortening factor is when Microsoft or Sony releases their next gen console with a similar controller. Then the Wii's ten-year old hardware will certainly limit it. For that reason alone, I think Nintendo will make a lot more effort into making the Wii2 a powerful console than they did with the Wii, simply because the competition will be following them into controller innovations. I think the Wii2 will be a lot closer to its competitors graphically than the Wii is now, maybe even topping them if Nintendo is patient enough.
  24. Mini discs won't happen, as they're Wii games and not GameCube games, makes no sense to make them fit in a Cube drive. Looks like DK: Jungle Beat will be a game of extreme waggle. I like. Hope it's still compatible with the bongos.
  25. I know, but I don't. Hendrix' version is epic, but Dylan's version feels more artistical or something. Hard to describe.
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