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Everything posted by DCK

  1. DCK

    Windows 7

    Windows 95, 98 and Me aren't included in that line because they're not based on Windows NT. Windows NT and 9x split after Windows 3, so 7 technically isn't a successor to those. Windows 7 will actually be heavily based on Vista though, so maybe it's more fair to say it's Windows 6.5. They basically took Vista (all drivers will still work) and made it better. They've improved UAC, apparently it runs fine on a Eee PC, and the GUI is quite revolutionary for Windows. Basically, it's what should've been Vista
  2. The beauty of a hybrid model, meaning you can download all games and buy some on disk, is that the difference between simple WiiWare games and the more complex games fades. Which is exactly what Nintendo's trying to achieve. Then they can actually go charge less for games like Wii Sports and My Word Coach as they have far less production value than, say, Zelda.
  3. DCK

    WTF EA

    It's good that being a d*ck on the internet can have consequences.
  4. I think the Wii2 will have you download games or simply have them installed from disk. This holographic storage is not going to happen though. Publisher are not going to like this though.
  5. I didn't say worst anywhere You've got to admit that Begin to Hope is a bit overdone in some places. Take Fidelity - Regina Spektor, the sweet, shy Russian girl, beginning an album with "shake it up"? Doesn't mean it isn't great music, though. Begin to Hope is really great stuff.
  6. DCK

    Windows 7

    Would you read my posts well please. And stop calling me a fanboy, I love Windows They just can't claim they're so original. Microsoft has always been years behind in this stuff. They have good reasons too.
  7. Just be happy with the mega fast 100TB drive in your Wii2, Zechs.
  8. Yeah, production isn't that great, though the songs are pretty powerful as always. It's the album that got me into Regina () though, so I don't really mind. I don't mind the new poppy sound at all, but it just doesn't click that well. Nonetheless, only Summer in the City and 20 Years Of Snow are weakish songs, and Edit has horrible production, but is essentially a good song. Soviet Kitsch is so much better though. Need to listen more to 11:11 and Songs.
  9. Wind Waker was the Zeldast of all Zeldas. I really don't get the idea why people think it has to be realistic, adult and epic and stuff. It's not the point of the game at all. Twilight Princess is the only game that tried that, and look how that got received. The Wind Waker captured the essence of Zelda way more than Twilight Princess (which I do really like).
  10. Shame she doesn't seem to do Back of a Truck live anywhere. Man, I hope I can see her live some time. She's just so awesome not only as a musician, but also as a person
  11. I like both styles, but I don't think Nintendo has much space to improve upon TP's style on the Wii. I think they could make the The Wind Waker style look even more richer and vibrant with the Wii's extra power. Nintendo might want to save the realistic Zelda for the Wii2 so we can cream ourselves over the graphics again like in 2004. If all goes well the Wii2 will be more powerful than the PS3 and have digital surround. Zelda fans are going to be sore for days. That was the most epic Nintendo fan moment of all time.
  12. Reggie's math is way off, but bleh Anyway, great and all.
  13. Considering the internal hardware revisions MS is planning to make, I wouldn't be surprised to see a whole 360 redesign next year. But back on-topic: I have a feeling MP1 and MP2 might get quite a big revamp. The control mechanics of MP3 can't just be ported over.
  14. Holy crap @ first listen to Back of a Truck by Regina Spektor I never love songs on first listen, but this, this is the stuff!
  15. Excellent observation. MP3 really did something new, but you can hardly say anything like that about Halo 3. Not to say that the power of the new consoles doesn't do anything to improve gameplay, but it's all rather marginal. Don't you dare speak like that about MP3 anyway.
  16. The price is lower here on the mainland, but you UK'ers get that a lot it seems. Seems like a great netbook though.
  17. I've heard that Asuses are pretty solid and well-crafted netbooks. They invented it, so they must be pretty good. Considering you can't get a 1000 with XP (you can only get the 1000H with XP, the 1000 is Linux only) . To be honest, the fact you're expecting XP to muck up and you need to fix it really means you should try Linux. Linux has never mucked up on me in the last year I've started using it - and I used 'unstable' beta versions. Considering it's actually made for the laptop it should be pretty damn solid. They've also tweaked the interface to work with a small screen like that. Don't go for Linux if you're really uncomfortable stepping outside of Windows, but it's really rock solid and user friendly from what I've seen. And you can always install XP on it if you don't like it in the end. Also, flash drive >> hard drive. It'll boot up in 30 seconds
  18. Sorry, thread growth and open browsers, you know
  19. That's a bit extreme, but yeah, this standard engine is a bad idea. I get the standard rear wing because of the overtaking and all, and I get the budget limits, but come on. Formula 1 isn't NASCAR (thank god). I really hope the engine isn't standardized. The engine licensing for 5 million a year seems like a good idea though. Let's just hope this doesn't stop Cosworth from making a comeback.
  20. Yeah, you should go for that. And the Eee PC 1000H does have a fairly big hard drive actually, it's 80GB. And you mean you feel safer with Windows as in you know where to find stuff?
  21. They still make awesome games no? The Wii simply isn't a 360. I don't miss it. Now there's an unfounded assumption if there ever was one.
  22. DCK

    Windows 7

    I don't mind them stealing either, it's all good. I just want to point out they did before people go "whoah, so revolutionary", because it really isn't. For Windows though, I love it. And I do really like Vista.
  23. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Spinning_Dancer You and your facts...
  24. DCK

    Windows 7

    Meh. Must say I'm impressed with this, but I'm only impressed because Microsoft is doing this. It's quite a big overhaul of something that essentially still is the Windows 95 interface (which was good nonetheless). The thing is - everything in that interface isn't their own work. The new taskbar is essentially a Mac OS X dock with added tray and Windows button. In fact, it looks exactly like a KDE4 taskbar. The only difference is KDE puts text next to the icons, and that can be turned off. KDE4 also demonstrates the gadgets on the desktop instead of the sidebar, an idea it took from OS X. All the other effects, like viewing your desktop through your windows, are all available in Linux for many years now with Compiz Fusion. The ideas I can't blame them on stealing are the jump lists, which are a good idea. EDIT: Apparently ripped from OS X too. The new ribbon interfaces everywhere are also quite nice, and the Library idea is pretty good as well, but something that could've (and should've) already been introduced in Windows XP. Oh well, at least they know how to steal the right stuff. All this 'innovation' is sure to upset my neighbours, my grandparents and everybody else who know nothing about computers, have always worked with the Windows 95 interface and expect nothing else. It'll even upset my Dad, who is an experienced computer user. He still uses the classic theme in Vista. If this system really is an evolution of Vista they should be focusing on other aspects of the OS to improve. This may seem like a rant, but in the end I do quite like this move. I'm far from a Windows hater, and I do like my shiny interfaces.
  25. Nobody really moaned when a bad PS2 title was ported. You can't say these titles are bad games. And we're getting widescreen and waggle to boot, while the games don't cost full retail price. You're right to some extent, but this stuff is gold. Some games were simply meant to have this, just look at Pikmin. Nintendo gave us Zelda, Metroid, Mario and SSB over the last two years, all four arguably contenders for best game in the series (although TP is highly debatable). There's only so much Nintendo can do, really.
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