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Everything posted by DCK

  1. That's incredible. Thanks for posting. I think everybody should watch this. I feel too many have voiced out for Obama for anti-Republican reasons, while he's really such a great candidate by himself.
  2. To be honest, I think Bush made a nice speech there. Obama's has some outstanding rhetoric skills, but Bush really isn't bad. I agree with Jayseven, too. Presidents must be inspiring or something, but a similar speech would be unthinkable here.
  3. Him being a 72-year old with a pretty demanding job makes me surprised to see it's only 17% actually...
  4. Hehe, hope she didn't really mean that. Seriously though man, go vote! If you want Obama to win, don't do the only thing that can cost him the victory - his overconfident supporters not going to vote because 'he doesn't need it'. If you vote and he loses, you've done all you could, but if you don't, you might be sorry. To be honest, I think you should go vote even if you'd be a McCain supporter, because that's what I think you should do in a democracy. This is pretty big stuff Pit
  5. Darkjak: we're not discussing graphical styles, we're discussing story and setting. I don't think anyone would mind a brand new graphical style for Zelda, or a heavy revision of the cel-shaded or realistic graphics. Nobody would mind gameplay revolutions either (in a limited sense), but people would mind Nintendo completely throwing away the Zelda formula. The stories you describe make as much sense in the Zelda universe as the Mario universe. I don't see why Zelda must be used to create your fanfic to be honest.
  6. Dude, have you noticed we're orbiting a hot ball of fusing hydrogen? Kind of more exciting than some random planet. Does the world end when you tear the last page of your calendar on December 31st? So why would the world end when the Mayan calendar has run out of dates to keep? Mayan scriptures were found that mentioned dates well into the 4000s (it's on the same wikipedia page you looked), so even the Mayans didn't believe it theirselves. It's really ridicilous. That New Age is another cult, too.
  7. Firstly, it's astronomy. Astrology is just bullshit to fill up newspaper space. Planet X and Planet Nibiru can't exist without their gravity influencing stuff. Either they don't exist, or they're so far out (far out all the time) it doesn't actually matter. If there was a planet mirroring the orbit of Earth all the probes we've sent to Venus and Mercury (and flew around the Sun) would've certainly noticed it. The asteroid belt is chemically very diverse. It can't have formed out of a planet. Ceres is ridicilously tiny, too, its diameter is about the distance between the south and north of England.
  8. University, definitely. You can go to work now, but choosing the right course will get you a much better job later. It's really self investment. If you go to work unqualified, you might have great success, but there's a chance you end up working at Sainsbury's for the rest of your life. I sure wouldn't.
  9. DCK

    Windows 7

    Way to go Microsoft. If they can keep Windows 7 as light as Vista Home Basic, it's really the way to go. Vista is not made for netbooks, really, it's cost Microsoft quite a bit of money.
  10. What the hell happened to Glock?! What the HELL? Hamilton lost, damn it, he lost fair and square Oh well, probably more deserved than Massa in the end.
  11. I had it running in widescreen actually, but I don't know how I managed to pull it off. I couldn't even tell if it was true widescreen or not, but I do know all my Cube games did it on my particular TV. And it did 480p, but not in Europe.
  12. Ah crap I totally missed the start because I forgot. Wooh, Massa 1st and Hamilton 7th at the moment for a sec. They're ice speedskating now, Fisi's taking over Raikkonen Epic so far.
  13. Heh that was awesome Gotta say that, ignoring his political agenda, I quite like the guy.
  14. I'd love to see them made. They were obviously meant to be there. Don't think there's a chance in the world it will happen, but one can hope. Wind Waker with waggle, more dungeons, widescreen, progressive scan (richer colours!) for a €40 price - yes please.
  15. Yeah, Interlagos' first corner is quite deadly. If anybody topples Hamiltion over in the first corner, and he gets too far behind, he's not going to back in the top 6. Alonso, Vettel and the BMWs are just too fast for that.
  16. Alonso is sniffing Hamilton's tail on the grid, and he's a great starter. Nonetheless, he's a smart starter. I don't think Hamilton should be too worried. Rain though, could make it epic!
  17. Hamilton seems quite heavy. Should be an easy podium for him, and the Championship with that. Trulli'll be lucky to make it through the warm up lap on that amount of fuel. Maybe Alonso will have a super start and ruin Hamilton's ambitions in the first corner. Other than that, it'll probably be cruise control for McLaren.
  18. New content is content I've never played before to me. I don't see how it could otherwise be new.
  19. DCK

    Windows 7

    It should take rescources available? You mean, it should do its regular stuff and just fill up the memory with 0s and 1s and spend CPU time calculating 1+1 over and over?! You really don't get what an OS is supposed to do. You have 2GB of memory and a fast CPU so your applications can run smoothly, not to have your OS take them. It's fine to be rescource heavy if you get something back in return, but as I mentioned, Vista doesn't really do anything to justify its sluggishness.
  20. None of those involved completely flipping the storyline and classical elements of the series, using nothing but shallow fanfic. Those didn't involve any such story change at all, they were gameplay revolutions, mate.
  21. DCK

    Windows 7

    Windows Vista received all Server 2008's improvements in Service Pack 1 - Vista and Server 2008 are identical now (2K8 even released as 'SP1', MS develops them symmetrically). Even with Aero enabled in 2K8, it's apparently more responsive and scores about 15% better in desktop usage benchmarks, and uses a third less memory. There are websites dedicated to converting 2K8 to a desktop system, because it does everything Vista can, even DirectX 10, on lesser rescources for some magical reason. That's just nonsense. An OS should take the rescources it needs, not the rescources it can.
  22. DCK

    Windows 7

    Doesn't make sense that XP, Mac OS X, every *nix and even Windows Server 2008 are less sluggish and more responsive on the same hardware. You can compensate by buying more expensive hardware, but you shouldn't have to. Agreed. Still UAC doesn't make sense for anybody, and doesn't help computer safety at all. But it was hailed as one of Vista's big new features. It's sure taking them long enough. Features of it were already planned for Windows NT 4.0
  23. Yeah, cause you have played all the originals Don't be stupid, a good game's a good game.
  24. DCK

    Windows 7

    Tbh I like it a lot more than XP but it's really inexplicably rescources heavy and UAC was never a good idea. Vista was introduced as a revolution, but it's really not. You get a more stable and far prettier OS than XP, but in essence it presents nothing new for anybody. I hope Windows 7 will also feature WinFS, because that could be something in which MS could innovate. They haven't made a single comment about it though.
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