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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Yeah tell me about it!! *tut* Bunch of trions! *googles it, still nonethewiser!*
  2. http://www.sr.se/cgi-bin/Src/sing/sing.asp?key=XS5M4RNZ
  3. There's nothing wrong with the theme tune! I don't get the problem with it, it's not like Rez has the London Symphony Orchestra at his disposal!... It's just a jingle, not trying to be anything else!
  4. Wii Wheel FTW!
  5. I don't really care about Zelda having equivalent of AC2 graphics... I'd much rather they used the extra power creating a vast interactive, explorable and changing world.
  6. Where is this amazing diner?! Also I see you too have tried your hand at the 'still car/outside motion blur'... how did you attempt yours?... Is your camera mounted in the back?
  7. Awesome man!
  8. haha yeah, I can't even remember where the 'jokes' from now, but it's basically...jean, claude, VAN, DAMN!!
  9. Couldn't make out what Phil was saying. Weather Dragon, pretty funny! Cold Water, always funny! Potpourri joke shamelessly stollen from Friends!
  10. District 9 Whata Foooking greyit film!! [/south African accent] Really enjoyed this!! I'd only seen the initial trailer beforehand so didn't really know what to expect from the entire film, but it was great! So many styles of film mixed together, kept reminding me of best elements from a number of great films [especially had a Black Hawk Down vibe] all rolled into one. Great setting, characters, themes, the way it was filmed, really good acting, great CGI (at the very start I wasn't quite sure about the 'prawns' but they really were intergrated very well), and the way they managed to pull of really emotional performances from the aliens was superb! Great! 8.75/10 Couple of questions... 1) Where were the aliens harnessing the black liquid 'fuel' from?... I didn't think it was explained. 2) Also, was the news footage of a piece 'falling' off the ship actually the escape craft falling to earth and then covered/built over by 'christopher'? 3) Did we find out what actually brought them to earth?
  11. OMG did you see Kesha on SFTW?... What a total embarressment!! :nono:


    But on the plus... I do love me some Ainsley Harriott!

  12. Umm... there! v
  13. They may not be to your taste, but tbf JLS can sing!... and sing well! However that Sugababes song is crap!
  14. Apart from the first 5 seconds... 'Sorry thought I fixed that' (kind of Tennant Doctor humour), I though that was pretty lame actually! I can see they went for plenty of flashy lights and floating objects to make it effective in 3D, but there was nothing else to it!
  15. I thought Rufus Hound was pretty damn good aswell though! It seems if you're a man in drag, you're in with a pretty good chance of winning this show!
  16. Battle of Forli DLC GT Review - 6.9
  17. lol yeah that was kinda my thoughts! but as a massive fan of the show, can't help but want to play it!
  18. haha sweet!... feat. the voice of Wentworth FTW! I know there were quite a few fans of the TV series on here, I'd proabably be interested in giving this a try just for nostalgias sake! Also just IMDB'd Wentworth Miller and found out he's rumoured to be playing Jack in the Bioshock movie should it go ahead as planned, and also reminded me he's Chris Redfield in Resident Evil Afterlife!
  19. GT Review - 8.7
  20. Congrats to Amy!!! Fantastic to watch!! Really exciting stuff!!
  21. Congrats, for me 1hit-Bouldergeist was probably my most frustrating star in the game.
  22. I need to see a screenshot/video dammit!
  23. A badger crossed the road in front of me on my way into work at 4.30am. I think that's possibly the first time I've seen one (that wasn't run over, or on TV)!! It sat down on the grass verge, wish I'd had my camera!
  24. This will probably end up outselling most 3rd party efforts on Wii...
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