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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Are Wii U adverts back on TV yet? Also Horse Riding ftw! and a nice little nod to the chickens in Zelda! :p
  2. New Alonso design...
  3. Are you an ASDA spotter or something?
  4. On 3DS?... this is a Wii U game Nintendo you fools!... just stick them on Youtube for free (and to share on social media)! You need to get the message out and promote the game as best as you can! WhatsWrongWithYou.
  5. At £33.50 on Amazon, they're really not that expensive. A Wiimote Plus & Nunchuck will set you back more.
  6. That reminds me, I need to use mine. Should probably grab that God of War HD download before it goes.
  7. Surely ONM have to mention the screen tearing.
  8. Uncharted 3 is currently in Zavvi's 2 for £25. At Shopto... Infamous 1 and 2 are both £10.85 Batman Arkham Asylum & Arrkham City are both under £12. At Amazon, Heavy Rain is £12.49 You might also want to grab Ni No Kuni fro somewhere. --- In terms of PSN games, check out the stickied thread where I posted IGN's Top 25 PSN games to give you an idea of what you might like to buy! There's LOADS!! But to start with I'd recommend The Unfinished Swan and Journey.
  9. Umm Lewis... what are you doing?
  10. As Adam Hills would say... "You're being a dick"
  11. @Fierce_LiNk Well that's my point, to me this was always billed to be something more than 'just another LEGO game'. Nintendo have been showcasing and hyping it since launch, and especially with all the little Nintendo nods in the game I was expecting something along the lines of a First Party quality title; I thought we all were! :p
  12. I get that, but I genuinely hoped this was going to be a 90% game judging it by the incredible trailers/footage.
  13. Yeah it seems unlikely they'd mark a game down, and a LEGO one at that, on the difficulty, so maybe quite a few technical issues.
  14. Like the look of this!...
  15. Edge could be wrong in their review, but either way, bit of a kick in the balls as I was hoping/expecting this to maybe be a 9/10 game. The humour is incredible, but maybe the gameplay gets repetitive or something, or is too hand-holding/easy.
  16. I started playing this a couple of years ago whilst waiting in the airport. I couldn't work out how to beat, what I assume was the First Temple boss! It also felt like I was missing an item to progress through to certain other parts of the overworld... a lantern maybe? (cant remember), but I couldn't find it anywhere and thus made little progress! :p Not the most enjoyable game has to be said; but you're right in that it's much better on 3DS being able to save, than the version on the Zelda collectors edition!
  17. For England Dannyboy?...
  18. It's not a port, they're building it from the ground up.
  19. Couple of bits of news...
  20. I didn't really like how he saved the day in Brawl though I have to say, that should have been a job for the whole team.
  21. Sod Meat Boy, stupid character anyway and not in any way in keeping with the image/no gore of Smash Bros. I'd prefer no third party characters at all.
  22. Another awesome Grand Canyon image!
  23. Gametrailers - 8.3 http://www.gametrailers.com/reviews/hlt8by/god-of-war--ascension-review
  24. Why's it ridiculous?... "everything has evolved to kill humans"... why wouldn't it take off from the mountain and hunt him?
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