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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. I don't think they are They're just teasing the press conference, and the fact they will show it.
  2. Their post doesn't necessarily reflect that rumour... could just be a bit of nostalgia.
  3. Well for me the first level just didn't really feel right for a sonic game. I didn't really like the rotational aspect of it... although I did quite like the way they used it to rotate to find different paths. Also it does just feel ridiculously Mario Galaxy. I agree with them that Sonic needs a bit of a shake-up in the sense that even when I'm playing I get annoyed at not being able to see a trip hazard coming up or something, and just loosing all momentum. I also sometime feel Sonic games are too fast... but for me at least that is what I go into a Sonic game for. I don't buy one to get more of a 3D platformer. The second level I just wasn't a fan of because of the theme. I didn't really like that world in colours. And also I prefer my Sonic levels more 3D than 2D. The Third level again just felt like something you'd find in Galaxy, with all the floating wooden blocks etc... the bee theme... (also how is a woodland bee theme a desert level? :p) I also feel the visual style is very underwhelming. I feel it's a step back from Colours. In fact I'd prefer this game had just built on that, and not tried to shake up the level design of radically. But anyway. I'll wait to see more. But this isn't a system seller for me.
  4. I want fireworks!
  5. It's not really doing it for me. I didn't really like any of those 3 levels they showed off.
  6. Ahhh whaaaaaaaat! :/ No point trying to avoid it, as 6 months is too long to go spoiler free. Real shame.
  7. Ohhh XCOM is the game that actually got quite a few GameOfTheYear nods. Supposed to be very good isn't it. Not sure it's my type of game though.
  8. These guys certainly make a great trailer though I'll give them that! I really hope it does hold up to the premise shown in the trailer as it really could be all kinds of awesome.
  9. Bugger. I was just thinking today I shouldn't have bought Uncharted 3 yet.
  10. So yeah part of this game seems to be about collecting/building/sharing gadgets?... which a second player can use to help out of multiplayer... or you can share and charge up via Miiverse?
  11. Yeah that's what I'm thinking... a lot of consumers just aren't going to know this tuff when they buy one I'd imagine! Man how utterly pissed will they be when they get locked out of their console and don't know why?... but would they take it back for a refund?... or are you prohibited to do so! :p ... Honestly this is all starting to sound a bit scary the fact that you are governed so much! Also... what actually happens when you're locked out of your console?... do you phone/email them?
  12. @Choze may as well start a new thread for it.
  13. Drivers Press Conference
  14. Kiefer Sutherland Playing Snake in Metal Gear Solid V
  15. New Images Approaching!!
  16. Feel free to start your own Mario Galaxy vs. / Game of the Generation thread in General Gaming guys... but as Ike says... moving on.
  17. New Episode - It's Almost E3 http://www.gametrailers.com/videos/9wp07y/the-final-bosman-it-s-almost-e3-
  18. Just watched the first trailer, don't want to see too much, but it looks bloody brilliant!! I hope the audience really react to you, so if you almost fall off a ledge, or save yourself from a fall, their are gasps and ooohs and aaahs etc... Definitely getting this, there seems to be a huge range of gameplay/diversity and the animation is beautiful!
  19. It seemed like a mobile game from the cheap teaser trailer to me.
  20. lol Gamespot and Polygon... #GoHome
  21. 10/10 from IGN!
  22. I did enjoy his big plodding elephant comparison! :p
  23. Yeah I thought that was a strange new addition, they could have at least overlaid it over gameplay, but still. New audience won't mind I guess, which is largely who it's for.
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