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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. It's not a Halo trailer is Master Chief isn't standing on the edge of a giant pit.
  2. Yeah this looked great actually! Still not played the first two though, but have got the first to try on PSPlus sometime.
  4. E3 2013: Insomniac Introduces Sunset Overdrive
  5. Well that has been announced... don't know if Rare will have another game to show though.
  6. Currently watching on Gametrailers: http://www.gametrailers.com/netstorage/e3/live.html Kinect Sports Rivals coming in November from Rare. Geoff did his best to sound enthusiastic
  7. Kinect Sports Rivals, coming in November from Rare.
  8. Oh right, the spikey blonde haired guy. Yeah don't know what he's about.
  9. The latest Bonus Round is the 'Do we still need E3' right?... no mystery guest on that one.
  10. That was a weekend to forget as a Kimi fan! Honestly I love Lotus at times, but then oh man can I hate them! They can be so shambolic as a team it's unreal! How they couldn't fix Kimi's brake problem from FP2 I don't know... and then they go and undo all the work he did in the race with an atrocious pit stop! Honestly he scores all their points for them and they still can't give him a decent pit stop. Lotus are so bad at them! Meanwhile they keep an idiot like Grosjean around. I hope they are happy falling back in both championships. Morons! Kimi's the only World Championship component in that team, makes them look better than they are. I hope Red Bull do sign him. *Rant over* I imagine quite a few others enjoyed that race though? The Red Bull is looking scarily dominant again. Hopefully it's just Canada though and Silverstone, Germany, Hungary will through the other teams back into the mix. Ferrari usually go well at Silverstone and Lotus almost won Hungary last year so we'll see. Fernando raced well to finish second. Though it seemed quite a likely outcome anyway given the cars in front of him. Mercedes... urgh I hate them. They're so cold and corporate as a race team. --- Anyone thinking of going to Silverstone at all? I'm hoping to go on the Friday maybe.
  11. There'll be a few of us in there no doubt, but the Sony conference is usually quieter than the others on here.
  12. CGI trailer.
  13. haha, I never have really... I mean why would a level be made out of food? :p Have the characters shrunk now?... or why would there be giant food?... it just doesn't sit well with me strangely.
  14. E3 Nintendo Direct link: http://www.nintendo.co.uk/Misc-/Nintendo-Direct/Latest-Nintendo-Direct/Nintendo-Direct-698557.html
  15. Oh I heard in one of the Gametrailers chats it may just be a tech demo, but hopefully there may be something at E3.
  16. Deep Down is not confirmed as a game yet is it? Already a decent number of games I'd take a look at on PS4...
  17. This is just a crappy looking game. All consoles get them. Calm down dazzybee :p
  18. I think you'd care if it looked utterly shit. But it won't. Just a black Sony PC tower.
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