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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. What's the Level Link is in? It's not from Zelda is it?... or is it an imagined Zelda level like Temple in Melee. Love Links painted like hair. Probably the best Nintendo characters will look on Wii U given Nintendo's own efforts.
  2. Reggie says 'DK was Nintendo's big E3 Surprise. The game they've been holding back to show.'
  3. Reggie on Gametrailers http://www.gametrailers.com/netstorage/e3/live.html
  4. Not once will I set foot in that Dojo. Spoilt Brawl SO much!!
  5. What does he say at 0:55? I can't hear anything other than "Donkey Kong and his friend Paul..." :p
  6. For me the best thing about the game was the cartoony animation like cutscenes.
  7. @Aneres11 when you have the talent of Retro Studios... to not put them on a system seller/Wii U showcase/new IP feels like a clear waste. Who knows, maybe the talent within Retro Studios is gone now?... with 343 and the like? Nintendo have made Retro feel like Rare under Microsoft.
  8. I'm not really a fan of cats either, so. It feels like a step back. Even Mario at the start looks like NSMB Mario. Music was also Meh. Urgh... this was really disappointing!!
  9. I haven't got a clue what happened in that trailer :p I could barely make anything out! I thought her hair was what gave her powers/abilities... and yet it's been cut off... does she have hair wings now or something?
  10. To me it looks like something that could have been done on Wii. And tbh I don't want another Donkey Kong so soon, when there are so many other Nintendo franchises. But the worst is that this is what Retro have been working on all this time. Retro are gone.
  11. Nintendo seem to be loosing their touch with art styles. This and Yoshi both look a bit odd to me (Yoshi more so).
  12. For a showcase Wii U title, this was a let down. I don't understand how it looks worse than Mario Kart!... a game that's never really been about visuals.
  13. I'm completely underwhelmed because I thought this was going to be a worthwhile HD upgrade!... but really what has been the point of this game other than wasted development time taken from other projects.
  14. Nintendo just catastrophically lost E3! They had to do one thing... bring the games... ... They didn't.
  15. ... anyone almost nod off during that? :p
  16. By far the best looking game, Looks great!! Put Mario to shame!... but also seems like it's making F-Zero redundant.
  17. IGN's impressions. You're right guys... This sounds and looks amazing!!
  18. I think we were all pretty blown away!...
  19. Ooooh 2 Jago's!! Nice!
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