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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. It's pretty great to think we already have this game! :p How will this game sell though if everyone signs up to Plus?
  2. Reminded me of The Grinder by High Voltage a bit, well except that never got released :p Looking forward to seeing some in game stuff from this, hopefully during E3, to get a better look at it.
  3. hahaha this is amazing! #TrollStation!
  4. and there's still over 3 hours to go!!
  5. Damn you Sony Press Conference!! Why you so late!!
  6. FUSE was multiplatform, but I thought that was some exception.
  7. No I don't think there was, which is a mistake really, as it's the one thing that set the series apart before.
  8. lol, a reboot! :p Well ok, it sounds like they're going to make a serious go of this franchise now on the next gen consoles. Sounds like it's gonna become a proper series with a few entries throughout this generation.
  9. Wasn't there a game called this?
  10. It did seem to have lost it's humour from the trailer. Maybe because the second didn't do so well.
  11. Is this a prequel?... given that's she's getting the eye tattoo? Anyway, happy this is happening! Would have been better if the trailer had focused on free running than combat.
  12. This is the same game right?... Says about Kinect on the start screen, use it to control your dragon... maybe you flap your arms and lean? Maybe it's been reworked into a non-Kinect game since.
  13. I Youtube'd Crimson Dragon and there are demo's up from last year... is it not a new game?... and it seemed like it might control with Kinect?
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