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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Jungle level...
  2. IGN throw a few names into the hat... http://uk.ign.com/articles/2013/06/04/who-should-replace-matt-smith-in-doctor-who Have to saw Ben Whishaw was my immediate thought... but then I thought he'd be a bit too similar. Which of course also led me to Idris Elba... but he's a bit Hollywood now perhaps. I would kind of like them to go for a big name though maybe, something a bit different to David Tennant and Matt Smith who both built their names in the role really. Chris O'Dowd's name interested me which was a surprise, not being a huge fan of stuff I've seen him in, but could be a comedic difference. Be very interesting to see where the story goes in the Anniversary and Christmas specials and what happens with John Hurts Doctor and how David Tennant comes back... and how it all leads into the next series and the future of The Doctor. If they wanted too they really could make next series very different, like IGN says about previous Doctors could reappear if they wanted.
  3. Yay!! Pid will be mine!! Has been on my to buy list since it came out, got some PSN credit left, and can use Plus too! Whoop!!
  4. Here's a feel-good in the run up to E3 Nintendo video! --- From the guy who also bought you...
  5. Feels quite cheap whatever it is.
  6. The cast is building!
  7. Other M was shiiiiiiiiiiiit *enters morph ball and rolls away*
  8. Apparently there's an ensemble of villains... Not sure where that fits in with Thanos getting any story/screen time. DOOOOOOOCTOOOOOOOOR Banner.
  9. Actually I guess there's nothing to stop them filming that bit completely separately even just a couple of weeks before the Christmas Special goes out and it will likely just be in the Tardis set anyway.
  10. What do you mean?... The new Doctor will be on set to film the end of the Christmas Special? I can't see myself having the same reaction to Matt Smith leaving as I did David Tennant, however great Matt Smith has been at times.
  11. From Matt Smith
  12. Dude... 1) go try before you buy 2) You've already got the best version of DKCR 3) Three minutes here and you're away... quickety quick...
  13. Yeah probably. Hopefully it is multiplatform, a sequel has potential... or it could go the other way and be more of a shooter and ruin it's potential... but either way I'd like to see.
  14. Only because the couple of amazon listings that have been taken down were Xbox One listings. And maybe because you could assume EA and Microsoft are cozying up a little.
  15. lol Marcus on Invisible Walls just said what if Mirror's Edge 2 is a Kinect game! :p ... I guess like the fitness courses in Wii Sports Plus where you jump to avoid obstacles and 'jog' to run! lol I can see it
  16. McCain make crinkle cut or straaaaight,Great from the box or on a plaaaate...
  17. £15 at Amazon.
  18. Or the new parkour Sonic.
  19. LOL fucking brilliant @ReZourceman :p
  20. I hate that there's no actual grass.
  21. That would be all the Quantumy Breaky stuff :p
  22. @Ashley I thought it would be a reference to Bulbapedia.
  23. Flower is coming to Vita.
  24. Box Art.
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