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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. That can't be the final design, there is no way anyone would place a Kinect that size under their TV.
  2. The Kinect alone looks like an actual brick!!
  4. "This is ROCKET SCIENCE!!"
  5. Chat room.
  6. Final Bossman Microsoft Do's & Don't on Gametrailers atm.
  7. But how will Xbox owners know it's a new console?
  8. Watching the stream on Gametrailers. Pre show is underway. http://www.gametrailers.com/netstorage/xboxcountdown/live.html
  9. So £299.99?... would be happy with that! EDIT: Oh Euro's... so £349.99?
  10. It's a PlayStation branded PC! :p When is the Xbox conference, tomorrow?
  11. IGN's quite funny look at the Plot Holes in Iron Man 3 :p http://uk.ign.com/articles/2013/05/20/the-ultimate-iron-man-3-faq?page=1 The only thing I think they mess up on is Suit 42 was built and coded to protect Pepper too I presume... oh and the fact the other suits didn't come to Tony's rescue before because Jarvis was down right?... but the rest does paint an annoying picture in my mind. lol.
  12. It was a bit... 'a new Doctor appears!' :p This series has kind of dragged for me, and had wasted potential... But I thought that episode was fantastic, my most enjoyable for a LONG time! Possibly my favourite one of Matt Smith's era... all though I struggle to remember a lot of them right now. I thought he acted The Doctor brilliant in this one, demonstrating his age and lifetime of emotions. The visual effects were kinda cool placing Clara in the timeline. Great story/setting/build-up... and a fantastic dramatic cliffhanger.
  13. Be nice to actually walk through Pikmin high grass... with their little flowers showing where they are... or through the fallen leaves or something. Bring the world to life a bit more on a more powerful console.
  14. Why does Pepper have to feature? Yeah I can see Iron Man getting his shit together and showing up in the last 20 minutes of Avengers 2 tbh. He'll realise how important the job is. EDIT:
  15. He can just build a new one. Also may have a suit or two locked away in Stark Tower.
  16. Ok cool, have ordered Metro 2033 and Ghostwritten. Might give Snow Crash a look sometime, but I wasn't sure about the pages I read of it on Amazon (though probably not a particularly good reflection).
  17. All that did was make me want a fourth Nolan/Bale Batman movie! :p
  18. Depends if everyone feel the Wii U thread will be enough? Seems people are more open to it lately, which is good of course.
  19. How come?!! The difference in effects was definitely noticeable, especially regarding the suits. Real shame if that's something that's going to continue.
  20. Better get that cleaning gear ready then! :p
  21. Yeah exactly... I'm not expecting anything other than Pikmin 3, 101 and Game & Wario etc... *yawn* Although they're probably not Spring/Summer either! lol
  22. Only Spring/Summer games?!! ... oh well that's the hype train derailed! :p
  23. One does it for you
  24. Indeed. Yeah Lost World could be anything really. And like you say, could just lend itself to providing another Wisp-like set of creatures.
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