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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Maybe he's just one big Sanity Effect :p
  2. Rumours are saying the project is for Wii U and PC.
  3. Zoe Saldana talks about the role Also...
  4. Galaxy 2 was crap. *runs*
  5. Yeah not entirely true, I've seen Mario etc... drop to £15 as part of the 'Wii Classics' or whatever.
  6. We were expecting this though really weren't we?... they said they'd have these two out by Christmas, and Mario in October with Mario Kart a month later seems the way to go, and when compared to previous launches. Plus they'll need them to go against the new console.
  7. Yeah :p Thought it was interesting how Winter Soldier and Falcon seem to have near identical goggles!?
  8. Getting a bit of an update to fit in with the Movie Universe...
  9. Just a bit of talk...
  10. Premise for the movie...
  11. Yeah I think it finished at 2 last year. Fucking Hardcore! BRING IT ON!!! Looking forward to the chat room fun!
  12. Seriously, look how pretty Shake Dimension is!! You suck NSMB series!
  13. I'd do it, but Trade-Ins normally take about 10days to go through, and chances are the offers and prices will be over and back to normal by then? When does the Asda deal end that Amazon are price matching... Monday/Tuesday after the Bank Holiday?
  14. Buy the console version.
  15. Oooh, this looks pretty good! Multiplayer Trailer
  16. ^ Bastard :p @Hero\-of\-Time lol Whaaaaaat, I suddenly remembered it! :p Wonder why the limbo/got canned, they seemed to have put quite a bit of work in.
  17. Did this come out, on Wii/3DS?
  18. Ah crap, if only I'd already traded in my Wii through them, I'd have £50 console credit, making it £100!!
  19. Yeah costume looks exactly like the concept art they showed for it which is awesome!
  20. Aww man, if only there had been a U on the end of this thread title! :p I think I heard the GT Invisible Walls guys talking about this game, saying the mode that opens up after you beat the game is the true mode! It's hardcore... the fighters have learnt from you beating them last time or something, wearing defensive gear where their weaknesses had been or something, and it's pretty fantastic!
  21. OK well then they should have kept the 'Light World' a secret The ole switcharoo :p (not serious)
  22. I always think I was under the impression that your Gamepad inputs that made the music in these levels and it was up to you to obviously time everything perfectly to hear the track as it should be. But that isn't the case. Bit disappointed by that.
  23. I'm sure they wouldn't even be in the script if they couldn't do something really cool with them/have a way to get round the licensing issue. Again, that stuff is all so damn stupid!
  24. They should have tried and kept this as a surprise.... Damn modern age having to know everything! Seems more like 'drawing Link' would have been inspired by the Wind Waker intro, or that game in general. I don't believe them. :p
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