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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Nooooooo way. For me it doesn't feel right if it's not dark when you come out of the cinema! :p
  2. Yeah you look great in those sunglasses @nightwolf! Hair looks good too!
  3. Really... still can't embed Youtube videos? :p Ooooh I thought you meant real ones from the movie!
  4. I thought it at least showed a charming art style.
  5. Wii 2 would have solved the issue. As well as put across the additional [lame] 'This console is about YOU... U' message that no one has picked up on anyway, and isn't even the case. Fuck what were Nintendo thinking! At least you'll be investing in a console that's future proofed for the next 6-7 years! Plus if the Wii U only lasts for 3 years... you'll be buying 2 Nintendo console in the lifespan of a PS4/720, so will probably be a lot more expensive anyway!
  6. Ahhh so this was the "... One last surprise" he was talking about! :p He just didn't say it would come 1 year later!
  7. I'm really liking the controller now. It also has the feeling of being able to offer a really good experience/covering all bases and doing it well. Very solid.
  8. Nintendo in experimental new IP shocker!?
  9. lol , I think we all know what it's gonna be! Surprised they didn't launch a more Ghost Recon/Stealth/Tech/Shadows series before... albeit this will be none of those and probably just COD with Ghost in the name! Geist this won't be! :p
  10. I know you can't edit titles, but titles shouldn't be flooded with information. Really this should be in general gaming as it's not even a thing yet and is likely to only be PC/iPhone based unless they reach their target. Not an eShop game yet by any stretch of the mark. Here's the Kickstarter Page everyone:
  11. Also 3DS games are FAR cheaper to create in comparison and require less development time.
  12. Why can't you just update your opening post yourself?
  13. @madeinbeats Too much to expect for Day 1?... I don't see why the entire Wii Virtual console can't be made available on Day 1 on the Wii U... what is there for them to do?
  14. The Penguins are crying. That was the last straw Nintendo.
  15. You'll get Zelda II, Metroid and NES Open Tournament Golf and you'll be happy.
  16. I'll sell you my sealed copy for £31?... I just don't see myself getting round to playing it. I'm not a huge RPG fan and would probably rather buy various PSN games/Tomb Raider.
  17. And sadly that was Debug Modes last ever post on N-Europe.
  18. Nice one @Jonnas! I've played... Wario Land: Super Mario land 3 I ABSOLUTELY love/ed this game!! One of the best games on the Gameboy and I played it all the time!... however I honestly can't remember completing it!? (I'm not sure if I ever did), but I would go back and play levels over and over to find all the hidden treasure chests and hidden exits etc... The hat's were SO much fun!! The dragon hat... picking up an enemy and throwing it into the flames! :p The rabbit hat, and the bull hat... I just loved the concept, they were so much fun... Kind of in the same way the three different Animals were in Kirby's Dreamland 2 for example! One of my favourite games from way back when for sure!! Shake Dimension This game is a gem and seriously overlooked!... which is SUCH a shame because IMO it's exactly the direction the 2D Mario series in general should be headed in for me! Beautiful hand drawn animation, funny, original and fun boss fights, imaginative level design... Ships, Mines, Swamps, Casino's, Skies... it's more like the DKC games in this regard... not your standard boring themes! I had great fun playing this and I'd recommend anyone to give it a go! Great games!!
  19. Well it's still my favourite! :p
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