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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Lewis is so funny in that first pic! :p I hope you're right @gaggle64, but I'm pretty sure Kimi will at least get passed by Alonso off the line and gotta by fearful of Nico/Massa too! Here's to a great race, I'm hoping Kimi can pull off another magic one! Also... Check out Kimi off camera at China last year (with bosses Eric Boullier, Gerard Lopez) http://t.co/JONJ7KbD0z
  2. Don't think I could do much with 20kg! :p I have a dumbbells set of 3kg 5kg 7.5kg I think... that's all. Are barbells the way to go for more all round exercise... chest/shoulders etc... What can you work on with Kettlebells?
  3. Do we need a 'Troublesome Stuff Thread' :p
  4. What equipment do you have @Fierce_LiNk?... you'll have to give this skinny bastard here some tips! Gym's a bit of a drive from here so if there's stuff I can do at home... I only have a couple of dumbbells, but could get some stuff.
  5. Hmm so what are we all making of this qualifying malarkey then? I actually enjoyed Qually today... but I also think that was partly because Vettel wasn't really involved with it :p Was nice to have Kimi, Lewis, Fernando up there! But it's an absolute joke for people who've bought tickets for Qualifying, F1 isn't cheap and all they get is 10mins of Q1 and 3mins of Q1! Always thought the Mercs looked set for pole today so no surprise really, but strong lap from Lewis! So pleased to see Kimi also put in such a quick lap too! The Ferrari's are damn fast starters however so I wouldn't be surprised if Nando has a chance at leading into Turn1 and the likes of Rosberg/Massa also fighting for the front down the LONG back straight too! Gonna be a fascinating race! Personally I hope the likes of Vettel and Button don't feature a great deal on their alternate strategy and leave it to Kimi, Lewis and Alonso. Oh and crap for Webber! Nice one by Ricciardo too!
  6. Bit worried I've seen a few moments from it due to stupid game of the year videos last year that throw footage it at you unexpectedly... but I'm sure I'll still enjoy! Did you play solo @Rummy?
  7. Yeah I think so probably, then maybe Dues Ex or Ni No Kuni, otherwise that's a lot of sand! :p Still so many games to get though too! Tomb Raider, Bioshock Infinite, Assassins Creed 3, FarCry3 Blood Dragon, The Last of Us (soon), and wouldn't mind trying FarCry3 itself, Rachet & Clank series, Sly Cooper 4 etc... haha @gaggle64! We'll see then after Journey.
  8. Question is what do I go with next? Uncharted 3 - and just carry on the story Ni No Kuni - not sure I can devote the time to it atm but am tempted to just play it anyway! Journey - short so maybe Deus Ex - could download from PSN Infamous 2 - could download from Plus, but Infamous 1 still feels quite fresh to me.
  9. Yeah I actually think I'd enjoy it more the second time through too. I think I'd appreciate a second run through of the story.
  10. Just completed Uncharted 2! I know you'll say I'm crazy but I'm pretty sure I preferred the first game! :p Yes they're both linear, but I felt more like I was being pulled along in Uncharted 2 a lot of the time. I think I preferred the two island setting of the first as I thought it allowed everything to develop more and kept things tighter, where as in the second game you're kind of all over the place! For this reason I kind of preferred the overall story of the first too, again it was simpler, but more focus on less characters. Some incredible moments in the second game though...
  11. How have you found it @Daft?
  12. Cool Sky Drawings here: http://tlamadieu.wix.com/roots-art#!skyart/ck0q
  13. Saw this on twitter...
  14. What's with the name? very difficult, is it sweet related in any way?
  15. Free 2 Play...
  16. A Kinect game set during Roman times as the next Gears/Halo?... please! :p
  17. It is a bit of a lol, considering the original was apparently a SNES game! :pWell I guess that's Wi U.
  18. To celebrate the game's 20th anniversary (not that I'm aware of the original :p)
  19. This is just amazing! The music, The retro'ness, the humour, the cliché's... the fact it opens with a knowing 'just shoot because you can' helicopter intro :p 'Press A... to demonstrate your ability to read'
  20. So Orthy has left Microsoft!
  21. Splinter Cell get!
  22. Well there seems to be a Human Revolution Complete Edition too? :p
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