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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. I don't think there ar............... DA FUCK!!?
  2. This awesomeness?
  3. I think the hype purely comes from it looking so damn good since the very first trailer... the artstyle, the amazing visuals, the music etc... and it's got some very creative uses of the 3DS' features I think, but can 't remember. I think it's a spiritual successor/sequel to a Final Fantasy game.
  4. @Serebii what's Pokémon then?
  5. Was it this shit by any chance... (from the Ocarina)
  6. For 5 secs during the Nintendo Direct I thought this was the new Zelda!... *Dat Music... Those Candles!* Looks amazing!
  7. Best news about this game for me (not being into the 2D Zelda's)... Is that it isn't using the Wind Waker graphics engine, which we though was a direction the Handheld Zelda's might continue to go... it's actually a more of an Adult Link game. Makes me more hopeful of a Wind Waker 2 on Wii U, with the remake acting as the intro for those new to the series!
  8. I got the same impression as @Ike as to what they meant by 'same world'.
  9. Maybe they can celebrate the launch window by releasing it on the Wii's 1 year anniversary! :p
  10. I'm some cases the games may not be as good, or may be overrated etc... depending on your tastes... But actually Unlike Sony, Nintendo have the money to take risks on new IP's, and yet they're the ones not doing so. A new IP every other year wouldn't hurt! They must have enough ideas!... that seem to end up in their classic franchises instead, like Kirby's/Yoshi's Epic yarn etc... Aside from games they've published, their First Party efforts have all been casual titles. The Wii U was supposed to be bringing back the hardcore. Their words not mine.
  11. Heart Gold Soul Silver / Flame Red Leaf Green [/Pokémon]
  12. You mean like Sony did with Uncharted, LittleBigPlanet, Infamous, Journey etc... even winning Game of the Year with them.
  13. OOOOH OK now I see the flying Pikmin! - Said everyone at E3 last year. Boxart does look nice though!
  14. To me it looks horrible if I'm honest, really not a fan of it and its ruining the look of so many of their games lately.
  15. Only Bravely Default interested me in this one. 2D Zelda's not for me, and didn't really like the NMSB 2.5D vibe from Yoshi, same with Zelda.
  16. Bravely Defaults looks so good!
  17. That's not an excuse :p Launch a new Earthbound on Wii U or 3DS and have the originals on a bonus disc, or unlockable in the main game.
  18. STILL no release date!!!... still 'a few months away'! *This is a flying pikmin, they have wings so they can fly, these flying pikmin are called winged pikmin* ... I get it!
  19. Two Yoshi games in the same year after no Yoshi for ages seems a strange choice too. Yoshi's Island 3DS looks nice, but a little NSMB inspired *stupid giant egg that destroys the level* Not for me though.
  20. Mario Party feels like it should be on the Wii U with the GamePad to shake the series up a bit. Always with the wrong console for their games. (Mind you I suppose there is that Mii Party game, but still)
  21. Here's the full page: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1644707178/buddy-and-me/posts/453061 Looks charming!
  22. So frickin' excited for the next few months!! Iron Man 3 Star Trek Superman :D Have only seen the first full length (non-teaser) trailer for all three, so just waiting to be blown away dans le cinema now!! Phasers set to STUN!
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