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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. The Puppeteer is £13.99 at Amazon.co.uk I'd snap it up if I didn't have so much else to play first!
  2. God yes, Power Stone was insanely good!! If Capcom aren't going to use it, someone needs to get that game off them! Arena fighting was amazing.
  3. Oh god I never even thought of a Dreamcast Virtual Console!!!!
  4. @Wii there's no need to respond to someone quite so aggressively. Calm it.
  5. All these characters and still Black Widow has a very big role AND some of her back story is explained!! wasn't expecting that! If anything I'd have thought she'd take a bit of a back seat for the new characters having a big role in Captain America. Make this 3hrs long Marvel!!
  6. He could just be reminding people, and saying it will early for us 'Japan'. But yeah, if there is a hint in there, who potentially could they include along the Valentines Day theme?... Diddy-Dixie combo (KongPow) Ice Climbers Daisy (alternate Peach) for Luigi Birdo (alternate Yoshi, fires eggs instead of laying them) for Yoshi Tetra for Toon Link Krystal (with staff) for Fox Amy (with hammer) for Sonic All could potentially have decent move sets.
  7. Yeah probably the best controller ever Would be nice to still have one. That feeling of having a controller without a wire!! This is the future man!! :p
  8. Yeah the PS3/Plus is so good. I've now completed my Indie games folder of The Unfinished Swan, Journey, Rain, and Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons. And now I've moved on to my Plus Downloads folder... which whilst not even being complete from games in my Download List, still looks like this!!... Thomas Was Alone Shadows of the Colossus HD Infamous 2 FarCry3 Guacamelee Remember Me Grid 2 Bioshock Infinite Metro: Last Light F1 Race Stars and I still have these waiting to download should I want to play any of them: Demon Souls Spec Ops: The Line LittleBigPlanet Karting Battlefield 3 Okami HD Borderlands 2 Dragon's Dogma Assasins Creed III It's Crazy! And there are still games I need to buy/wait for on Plus... The Puppeteer The Last of Us Beyond: Two Souls Lego Marvel (may wait for the PS4 version) Portal 2 Ratchet & Clank Sly Cooper 4
  9. Just like Bale's Batman! stupid Warner Bros.
  10. Don't you take this away from me!
  11. hahaha, it's true! :p

  12. Nintendo deem every month an acceptable answer to Spring :p
  13. Because no where else can I be repeatedly told that a home console Pokemon RPG will never happen.
  14. That's pushing it a bit!... I think you meant to say 'once it starts' :p
  15. Damn I hope the Nintendo Direct starts with this... and the last surprise is this...
  16. Had a feeling it would be announced today!
  17. But there's plenty of fair maidens and farmers daughters!
  18. Sheikah stop winding him up. The point Wii makes about having to buy an external hard drive for the Wii U is a good point though, in this discussion (not that I want to get involved mind you :p)
  19. That's 2 seconds and not 2 minutes right? :P
  20. PS Vita is £119.99 @Zavvi to shift it before the new model one would presume... http://www.zavvi.com/ps-vita-hardware/ps-vita-3g-and-wi-fi-enabled/10480775.html?utm_source=ENZ-_Main&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=ENZ-_2095117159&affil=thgemail
  21. The Vita is £119.99 @Zavvi to shift it before the new model one would presume... http://www.zavvi.com/ps-vita-hardware/ps-vita-3g-and-wi-fi-enabled/10480775.html?utm_source=ENZ-_Main&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=ENZ-_2095117159&affil=thgemail
  22. Ok cool, for some reason I just didn't notice the bow during the first battle then somehow. Good to know about the horse. I asked because during by battle with The Sloth there was one point where the horse got knocked to the ground and took a while getting back up. I guessed he probably was damage proof, but good to hear
  23. I like the art style of the game, reminds me a bit of Galleon. Nice canon I think unless this game had co-op it would be a difficult sell, but with that it could potentially be a fun game.
  24. Just to me waaaaaay to long to take down the second SotC Colossus!! It was about 20 minutes before I realised I had a damn bow and arrow!... had I always had that? or did it stealthily slip it in there and not tell me I'd received it? Also, what are you supposed to do with your horse whilst the battles are going on. just let it run around on its own potentially getting kicked about? I tried to leave it somewhere but it made its way over.
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