Burn The Witch!
There's no doubt that the British Media love a witch-hunt. But, this sort of thing sells paper. As a nation, we love a scandal, for some reason.
However, I believe Capello has done what he needed to do. If you were an England player or squad member, would you still look up to John Terry with confidence, or more importantly, with trust? I think that would be a very difficult thing to do. The Captain is the leader on the field, and the players need to look up to that man and believe in them, they need to feel inspired by that person.
In a World Cup year, this is the last thing the team needed. What many people seem to forget is that the squad will be spending so much time together in the coming months. If there's animosity between the players, then that won't bode well for things on the pitch either. Football is a mental game, and all this talk can't be great for the team's morale.
Lastly, for John Terry's sake, he needs to keep his head down and concentrate on his football. In such a high profile position as Captain, I don't think he can do that right now. This news probably won't cease until quite some time, so for his own sake I don't think being the Captain right now would serve him well. It's added pressure on top of pressure. Losing the Captaincy might actually do him good, and I think there's a positive there.
As for Rio, I like the guy, but it's not his lack of squeaky clean character people should be worried about. It's the fact he's hardly played a game this season. 6 League Games played by February...that's not great, at all.
Sorry if I waffled, my Mum and brother are having a blazing row so the sound of my typing helped me to block that out.