I'm sorry to hear about that. I hope your Dad will be ok.
My day has been ok. Got a phonecall at 8 o'clock this morning asking if I fancied working in a Nursery in Cardiff. The woman said that the person who normally deals with me (Charlotte) mentioned that I am a hard worker and that I'm pretty good when it comes to being flexible travel wise (wohoo). But, she also said that I'm mainly Primary School trained, so that she wouldn't be too gutted if I turned this work down. Because of my early start yesterday, I was catching up on some sleep and I woke up with a thumping headache. Had I already been up, I probably would have taken the work, but I declined. Mainly because it's out of my comfort zone, and mainly because I felt like arse this morning.
Got another call later giving me work for Monday. So, I've got Monday and Tuesday work already sorted, which is quite a good feeling. Hopefully more will come in next week.
Today, my Dad said that he was talking to a Jamaican woman who apparantly has seen me around the town. She mentioned that I had a distinguishable walk. My reply was "whaaaaaaaaat?" People have mentioned it in the past, but they say different things. My brother says I walk with my "arms", meaning that they're swinging from side to side, military-esque. Somebody else mentioned that I walked like a monkey. Haha. I want a sexy waaaalk.
Got my hair cut, and the bloke cutting my hair asked if I was Italian. Then he asked if I was new around town. I told him that I lived 2 streets away, but he may know my brothers. I mentioned their names and he looked quite shocked. He knew my brothers and my family very well, but hadn't met me before, because I've only been living back home for half a year. It was quite funny. We had a little chat and a chuckle about that. I went to the gym after that, and I'm knackered now. Watching Top Gun on telly!