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Everything posted by Fierce_LiNk

  1. I'm a bit disappointed in the news that there will be multiple episodes. I'd rather SEGA just made one complete game, release it on a disc, enabling us to play eet from start to finish in one go. How long will it be in between each episode? If it's mentioned here, then I've missed it, and I'm sorry for that. Still, this is the Sonic people have wanted for years. Better late than never.
  2. Eevilmurray. You must've seen him around here, he's been on the forums for a while now. Also the winner of the Beaker look-alike contest.
  3. Probably one of the best ways to describe her. Yeeees, it's the very beautiful Ine's Birthday today. Now, it may look like I'm posting this thread early, but we're going off Belgium time for this one! She is very much a star. An amazing woman, and is more than just my girlfriend, but one of my best friends. Right now, she's very tired as she was up last night with her friends (as mentioned in How Was Your Day) and I hope that this thread will cheer her up when she sees eet tomorrow. Happy Birthday, my darling. Also, for her: Haaaaaaaaaaapppy Biiiiirthdaaaaaay!
  4. Burn The Witch! There's no doubt that the British Media love a witch-hunt. But, this sort of thing sells paper. As a nation, we love a scandal, for some reason. However, I believe Capello has done what he needed to do. If you were an England player or squad member, would you still look up to John Terry with confidence, or more importantly, with trust? I think that would be a very difficult thing to do. The Captain is the leader on the field, and the players need to look up to that man and believe in them, they need to feel inspired by that person. In a World Cup year, this is the last thing the team needed. What many people seem to forget is that the squad will be spending so much time together in the coming months. If there's animosity between the players, then that won't bode well for things on the pitch either. Football is a mental game, and all this talk can't be great for the team's morale. Lastly, for John Terry's sake, he needs to keep his head down and concentrate on his football. In such a high profile position as Captain, I don't think he can do that right now. This news probably won't cease until quite some time, so for his own sake I don't think being the Captain right now would serve him well. It's added pressure on top of pressure. Losing the Captaincy might actually do him good, and I think there's a positive there. As for Rio, I like the guy, but it's not his lack of squeaky clean character people should be worried about. It's the fact he's hardly played a game this season. 6 League Games played by February...that's not great, at all. Sorry if I waffled, my Mum and brother are having a blazing row so the sound of my typing helped me to block that out.
  5. You know, I felt like a tart for thinking that, but I'm glad someone else feels the same. Sonic can fuck right off! In 3D, anyway. The only game(s) we should be playing with him in are those Sonic 4 episodes.
  6. This is de Best news eveeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrr. So very excited for this. Actually, I'm more excited about this than anything. I fucking love de Blob. Or, de BlooooooooooOoooooob as me and my friends call eet. This is better than Christmas.
  7. Happy Birthday, Welshyyyy. Hope it's been a good one.
  8. Nooooo, maaale competttitttioooonnnn. Pfft, I can take him. That food is making me stupidly hungry. Especially for Lasa****aaa.
  9. That's pretty much it. Although, from what I've heard recently, around 1/7th of people in Wigan are Season Ticket holders? I think that's the stat that was mentioned. They also seem to have a large proportion of youth fans, although I can't remember the stats for that. The support for the club is growing slowly, but at the moment they really struggle to fill their stadium.
  10. That's brilliant, too. Shows you anything can happen in football. I was really shocked at that. Away as well. That's a great result, but awful for Wigan.
  11. I wish I could've seen that Hull game, because it sounded like they gave Chelsea a good go. I was flicking through the telly and saw the FA Cup Replay between Palace and Wolves, so watched that. A hat-trick in about 6 minutes for Danny Butterfield. A perfect one, too. Header, left foot and right foot. Magic. My palace mate will be delighted.
  12. Thomas Vermaelen Says:




    Congrats on your Driving Theory Test, sucker.

  13. Fair play. But...what's your excuse? Aaaahahaha. I joke!
  14. Ooo, just thought of another moment(s), but its a bit ordinary. The E3 times on this board. I loooove it when E3 rolls around. Its magic on here.
  15. Hahahaha, that was EXACTLY what I was going for. I was sure Tellyn would have been the only person to have got that. I think we were in an MSN convo at the time when that happened. It was either him or Stocka.
  16. The Jar Incident still cracks me up, to this day. As does the resetting his post count to zero, hahaha. He whined like a bitch about that. I miss the sucker.
  17. Hahahah. No, seriously, we need Mopeds. Orrrrr, even, Mountain Cycling! Throw in some ExciteTruckBot style tricks, and it'll sell millions. Milllions.
  18. That's like saying that "This Mario is a bit too Mario for my liking!" This is Suda we're talking about. It's not going to be a game you'll forget quickly. The more fucked up, the better.
  19. It bugs me that people still use the terms "next gen." Just play the games and staaaap whiiining! If you want, you could say that the Wii is halfway between the Gamecube and 360 in terms of generations. It's different anyway... I don't know how, but I know the Conduit isn't a spectacular game. It's very ordinary, will probably get forgotten as time goes by, and will no doubtedly be surpassed. So...why am I hooked? Why do I fling my left-arm and wait for a grenade to get thrown across the room? Where's my ASE?! It's strangely compelling.
  20. If you colour the shirt/blouse orange, it looks a little like Kenny from South Park.
  21. Yeah. It's to stop these annoying people who sign up trying to advertise their own place.
  22. What were you doing the first time? Touching yourself? You naughty Bear.
  23. Baaaaastaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaard! *shakes fist*

  24. I'm pretty sure he's a new member. Therefore, he doesn't have enough posts allowing him to add links/urls. I'm going to try that out in a bit. Just eating my tea first.
  25. The piano-keyboard part at around the 2:00 part is wonderful. For some reason, it's got a Mogwai-type of feel to it. Really lovely little piece. I also love the film. On repeated viewings, it somehow seems to get better and better each time.
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