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Everything posted by Jon

  1. Season 1 remains one of my favourite seasons of any TV show. I agree with what people are saying about shortening the seasons but I never felt season 1 dragged tab all. It had me hooked from the first to last episode. Season 2 worked well in places but 3 and 4 were horribly convoluted.
  2. Home made Brownies with a hint of white chocolate.
  3. Christ @MadDog had no idea. Says a lot about you as a person that no one could have twigged you've gone through such a difficult times. At the same time it's good to let people know, just letting things off your mind can be a great reliever. I've had a few health issues over the years that I don't tell anyone about and although not a patch on anything you've gone through, there's days where it all gets a bit much and It would be good to talk to people. Keep strong lad!
  4. No he's not. Federer has the image as the nicest guy in the world, he really isn't. He's had many outbursts as moments of huge arrogance. Federer is still a pretty nice guy, as is Djokovic.
  5. It's got the aura of good signing but he's hardly been a prolific scorer in lesser leagues and now he's coming into arguably the toughest league in the world with a team that doesn't score much as it is. We'll see though, him, Sturrdige and Coutinho could be a formidable team if they get it right.
  6. Oh My Word. This was the game of my childhood. I cannot wait.
  7. Paul Blackthorne came into my work on Monday. Seemed like a really nice guy.
  8. To be fair, Messi hasn't been great when he's come Scotland but we won't go there.
  9. I've been looking into StrongLifts of late. He recommends to start at 50% of your five max rep if you've been weight training for a while. That seems really small to me and almost like going backwards. I do like the structure of the program though and although the weight seems small, it's probably building that foundation strength.
  10. I live in a shed in my Mum's garden. It's win-win really, I get all my meals and washing done whilst still getting my own space. Only thing is the shed has to be painted with Ronseal paint to protect against the elements, so I don't get much of a say in that. I can have as many friends over as I like but it's only usually one at a time, since there isn't much room.
  11. One thing that struck me after out game was how wrong some of the so called experts were. Granted we were far from our best and Reading put in a great shift but be realistic, they needed Calamity Chez to make an appearance to score and literally did nothing the rest of the game but be committed. We hit the woodwork 3 times and had countless other chances. Now this obviously is how it should be but scoreline aside, it wasn't a close game. It may have taken us a while but we never looked in danger at all.
  12. Why do so many people in the gym waste time with things like Bicep curls and Tricep Kickbacks? Seriously, so some dips or pull-ups; works the same muscle just as well and actually builds functional strength.
  13. Thankfully he has experience at a much higher level. On the European scale, Celtic have no finances. Lennon has masterminded some of the great European performances. Nowadays it's a foregone conclusion that Celtic will win the league, it absolutely wasn't the case a few years ago. Lennon will do very well, you're very lucky to get him. Really surpassed he dropped to the Championship level.
  14. Genuine question. How do you go about doing squats 3 times a week? I love to do heavy squatting but I find I can only really do it 2 times during the course of a week. It takes me a couple of days at least to recover from one session before I can hit them again. I suppose I could lower the weight but I don't want to do that just to fit in an extra session.
  15. Can't be any worse than Soldado. I think he'll suit our style of play, he'll get to play his regular position. He'll have a better quality of midfield playing him the ball and most importantly he'll be damn hungry to prove people wrong. I don't think most Arsenal fans are upset with the signing of Wellbeck, more so the way it was done. Clearly without a plan and waiting to the last minute again.
  16. The world had changed, the way we interact has changed and how we donate to charity has too. With how powerful social media has become, this is the perfect way to go about raising money and awareness for a disease that very few people know anything about. Do yourself a favour and read up on Pete Frates, the guy who started it all. Even if people do it without knowing why they're doing it, as long as they're donating, who exactly is it hurting? It's stupid to deride this initiative because other things like heart disease kill more people, which whilst true is hardly the point. Nothing can be done for ALS at present, hopefully the money raised might go someway to helping solve that issue. Lastly, I'll take pouring a bucket of ice water on myself anyday over people knocking at my door or barking at me in the town centre to donate to their charity.
  17. This was my one earlier tonight. http://telly.com/1N40WRE
  18. I've found a good balance of late between weight lifting and running. Currently do one session focusing on Chest and Back and the other on Legs, Shoulders and Arms. I normally do that over a week with a 10km run in-between. I've never really utilised a split routine before but I'm loving it so far. It allows me to fit in much more volume on each muscle and not get bored of doing the same exercises all the time. I'm also adding a sprint workout at the end of each session and it's fucking brutal. Warm up for 5 minutes then whack the treadmill up to the fastest speed it has (20kph) and do 6 x 30 sets with 30 secs rest between. I'm feeling so much fitter and enjoying it so much more. I'm finding my running times getting shorter, back to the sub 47 minute times now Also got the deadlift up over 100kg, though grip starts to become a bit of an issue after that.
  19. Are they having a wind up? They've just got shot of one moron, why bring in another.
  20. Ah. Seems like a lot of effort just for a thread.
  21. The whole idea of barefoot running trainers is to gradually integrate them into your programme. So many people make the mistake of buying a pair and using them exclusively. If your feet are used to wearing cushioned shoes like the Pegasus or Lunarglide, it will take a long time to condition your muscles to get used to the new sensation. In the long run it's more conducive to more efficient and faster running but it takes time.
  22. Absolutely loved everything about it. The music, the casting, the action, the bantz. I also loved that whenever you expected some comic book cliche moment to happen, the complete opposite always occurred. So much love.
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