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Everything posted by Jon

  1. I think what @Daft has to do is post one of his pre-workout era photos alongside his current demigod status, see what is possible with a lot of hardworking and commitment.
  2. They're going by what history has given them. Big talk mid season, always falling away by the end.
  3. It's very much a personal preference really. Personally i've used Macs for the past 10 years and wouldn't go back. I spend a lot of time using Macs for film work, using pretty system intensive programs like AVID, Premiere Pro, After Effects, Cinema 4D and Photoshop, so it's really important to me to have a stable system that doesn't crash. Not to say you can't get that on Windows but for me, I can count on one hadn't the amount of system crashes i've had since I started using Macs many years ago and that wasn't the case for me back in the Windows days. Probably the creative in me too but I just love the whole Mac Aesthetic, and pre-brexit the price was overly terrible. They are a bit steep now which might make many people hold off jumping onboard.
  4. Jon


    Watched the first half of Judd Apatow's Love. Not sure what I think off it. On one hand I like the kinda different approach to it, the characters are pretty interesting and the way of telling the story is fairly original. On the other hand I can't help but think it's trying too hard with it's dialogue to be different. Like it's meant to be a realistic portrayal of how people act, yet I wonder do people actually act like these characters? Anyway, gonna keep watching for until the end.
  5. I feel like that's the case because the Women's game can't hold a candle to the mens. I don't think i've ever seen Serena involved in any titanic struggles during the course of grand slams. I've watched so many women Grand Slam finals, only for them to be over in an hour. It's ridiculous how many absolute titanic battles we've had over the past 10 years with some combination of Federer/Nadal/Djokovic/Murray and Wawrinka. 5 set, 5 hour epics haven't been uncommon. Points that last 40 shots. We've been so spoilt for greatness that just doesn't exist in the womens game.
  6. Hacksaw Ridge Phenomenal piece of filmmaking. On par with Saving Private Ryan for how to film the battles of war. Absolutely breathtaking visuals, phenomenal sound design too.
  7. As someone who's chosen field is filmmaking, I always pay to watch something. I don't preach at others for choosing not to do that but knowing how much effort goes into the making of something creative like a film/tv show/music, I like to know the people responsible are being compensated for their efforts.
  8. Not usually one for hyperbole but Manchester By The Sea is easily one of the best films i've ever seen. The acting, the mis-en-scene, the score, everything was perfect, a really tragic story told beautifully.
  9. Jon


    Jon. It's short for Jonathan.
  10. For the first time in a long while I've been training consistently. In the gym at least 4 times a week, 2 x upper body and 2 x lower body. Forgot how good it is to be able to destroy a heavy leg day and yet still be able to walk fine the next day once you get over than initial discomfort in the early workouts.
  11. I wouldn't necessarily agree with that. Not to disagree with Sir Chris but I always felt in my own runs far better once my conditioning had hit a certain level, even when I was pushing myself as opposed to trying to do much too quickly. To be fair Chris he's largely talking about sprinting, where it's max effort all the time, massively different to the feeling of steady state effort.
  12. Running isn't really about speed per se. As you get better conditioned you'll naturally get faster and be able to go for longer. Of course when most people refer to running, you're talking about endurance and for that stamina is far more important that speed. That said to constantly push yourself you're going to want to get your times down per km/mile, which entails going faster but it's all about slow consistent progress. If you try to go out too fast you'll end up knackering yourself and that is when running becomes a chore, when it becomes too difficult to achieve because you're not pacing yourself correctly.
  13. I can tell a voice from a man who is a very accomplished actor, regardless of your opinion on one of his roles. Quite a few reviews have also hailed the CGI work, obviously you're not a fan. Please don't make assumptions on what I can and can't do thanks.
  14. I disagree, didn't think it was jarring at all. I can understand the negativity from a moral point of view but everyone was on board with it in this example so that's not an issue. The Leia cameo was so short I didn't have time to wonder how they did it, I just took it in. Tarkin was in it way more and the only way I knew consciously that it was CGI because I recognised the actors as some dude from Holby City.
  15. Loved it. My favourite Star Wars film. Really don't understand any negativity regarding CGI, it was absolutely on the money. You simply cannot make a film like that on that scale without the use of much CGI and when it looks as good as it did on Rogue One, it's not even an issue. Absolutely the proper way to make a prequel.
  16. Classic Wenger really. The players are fucked. He insists on playing the same team every week, only making subs come the 70th minute. Every fucking year, there's no rotation, players are dead on their feet. It's no coincidence we've traditionally been wank come Christmas time, all our key players get fucked because they've already played so much football without a break.
  17. I'm loathe to agree with the Dazzler but it wasn't long ago people were calling for Conte's head and now he's the greatest thing since sliced bread. The probably I have with Chelsea is they're so reliant on Diego Costa's goals to win. An injury for him could cause some problems.
  18. Arrival is an absolutely beautiful film. The music, the cinematography, the acting, everything is absolutely top nothing. A real thought provoking science fiction film.
  19. The IMAX thing seems like a bit of a gimmick. Nothing released so far has ever been entirely shot in IMAX and although the day is going not sure with the bulk of the camera's it's a good choice for that type of film/show.
  20. Saw Dr Strange last night, loved it. Thought it was a breath of fresh air that the MCU desperately needed. I always feel in comparison to DC that many Marvel properties lack an iconic score and whilst I wouldn't use the word iconic, the soundtrack for Strange was phenomenal.
  21. Genuinely interested. What's your diet like? Do aim to hit specific macros? avoid eating certain things? everything in moderation? TELL ME!!?
  22. The first specialist had read the test results wrong! Strange to say but I wasn't overly sad, it was almost nice to know for definite. Only hear it was wrong a few days later haha.
  23. @nightwolf I was in a similar position about a year ago (the waiting to hear about the C word). In my case I was told I got i had it but got a call back a few days later to say they were wrong and I actually had the all clear. Anyway the worst part is always the waiting, playing it over and over in your mind. Just got to try and do your best to not think about it, especially don't dwell on the negatives if you can.
  24. 1) What's your dream job? Anything to with Filmmaking. To have that story in your head and see it through to completion is a marvellous feeling 2) What are you actually doing? Worked in retail for years before deciding to follow my dream of becoming the next Nolan. Currently finishing my degree in TV/Film. Made a number of short films that have been well received and had a bit of success. Also made some corporate films for big companies like the NHS. 3) Did you ever envision yourself in what you're doing now? At one point no but when I started learning about everything film related, I realised I had a real aptitude for all the technical roles in solved on a set.
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