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Everything posted by Jon

  1. Mesut Özil is better than you.
  2. Personally i'd rather keep the gen chat separate and merge those other ones together separately. I like this board because I know i'll see nothing that really pertains to games or tech. Not so much bothered about creative being merged, maybe a good idea for people's work to be seen more?
  3. Is it just me or does anyone have this weird mental block when it comes to working out? In my head I make this schedule that I must follow and if for whatever reason I miss a workout, I see it as failure and just go off the rails. I know it's completely irrational but still it always seems to happen. Something I really need to work on, the ability just to shrug off a bad day and aim to get better moving forward.
  4. Jon


    I know Luke Cage is suppose to be real init but my word could it have been more G, only thing missing is a Carlton cameo.
  5. Jon


    Finally got round to finishing Jessica Jones last night. The fact it took so long is testament to the quality of the show in my opinion. At times it was phenomenal, at other times a drag. Daredevil had me wanting it to never end, JJ never reached that heights. Seemed like it would have benefitted from less episodes, the last few in particular had so much filler for what should have been the best episodes of the series. David Tennant tho.
  6. Jon


    That was quite amusing that part, the whole trial was a complete joke though. I know the case splits opinion but a brutal murder like that and absolutely zero evidence to link Amanda Knox to it. I don't particularly like her but it's scary how she was portrayed by the media just because she was experiencing the stuff you're suppose too as you grow up (not murder trolol). The documentary was ok, seemed a bit pointless, kinda like a visual wikipedia article. Wasn't anything new or any sort of opinion to it, just relaying the information people already knew.
  7. That's the side effect of steroids.
  8. Same bro. Arghh.
  9. Probably of no use to you guys but I am a pro video editor, would be happy to make something if you get any footage of the actual event.
  10. Finally got round to sorting out my Vimeo page, lack of decent upload speed is proving difficult. Please feel free to give some stuff a watch if you're bored https://vimeo.com/jonstacey
  11. Disappointing to see so many world class athletes from other countries call into question the achievements of our athletes. In terms of Cycling, so many countries haven't hit the performances they did during the World Championships yet question why they aren't winning. It's no secret that British Cycling as an organisation is aimed at peaking every 4 years for the Olympics.
  12. I don't think it's an issue nowadays but a couple of years ago, iPhone were widely known to die with 30% battery remaining.
  13. Otherwise known as an iPhone.
  14. Sir Andy Murray.
  15. @Iun You need to channel your inner Kevin Spacey during that dinner scene in American Beauty.
  16. Well you kinda stated it was more of a DC related issue, I just meant the Academy will always snub these types of film.
  17. To be fair as a general rule of thumb, no superhero film is ever going to win a non-technical category Oscar.
  18. Went for the 3rd one this season. Hello luminous colouring.
  19. I think it's part of the vicious circle that is the industry. You can do what you want when you're that big proven name but how do you get to that stage when you're never left alone to execute a project entirely in the way you envisaged it? WB seem to be the worst for it. I remember reading an interview with Cuaron and he alluded to how WB tried to get him to change the colouring of Azkaban and he held firm but it's not everyone who can do it. I don't think Marvel are too much better, Alan Taylor said he'd never work like that again after Thor: Dark World because of studio involvement and it is curious why Edgar Wright left Antman pretty far through. Difference being I suppose, Marvel know what they're doing. Still David Ayer is one of my favourite filmmakers, I really hope they don't fuck him over.
  20. Some of that article is rubbish. David Ayer doesn't know much about using effects? Have they seen Fury? A lot of Marvel films have been created using Directors who aren't exactly famed for big budget successes (James Gunn, Taika Waititi, Alan Taylor, Peyton Reed, to name just a few). If this film is not very good, i'm sure it because of the meddling from the studio and not David Ayer.
  21. Still nowhere near good enough. Look at what every other club has done. We've signed Xhaka, we've lost Rosicky and Arteta. We have one fit CB to start the season in Chambers. We'll no doubt add more but there seems to be no plan. We've got a difficult start to the season, so we should be getting players in as quickly as possible. Not wait until the final day of the window again.
  22. I loved the first JJ one, I probably would have liked the second one more if they didn't try to dress it up anything but a copy of Wrath of Khan. If they had just come and said how it was inspired by that and not deny it completely, probably would have a better legacy.
  23. I think this film has surprised many. When Justin Lin was announced as the director, everyone's first thought was "Here we go, Fast and Furious in space". Having read a few interviews with the man himself, he makes quite clear that Star Trek is far more what he's about and the Fast and Furious series was a bit of a departure for him. What I don't understand is what Paramount were playing at with the trailers. The first one barely showcased anything Star Trek related, it was just some of the characters darting about very quickly on Motorbikes. Considering this is what everyone feared was going to happen, hardly great marketing to play up to that outcome.
  24. Unfortunately I don't anymore, they were all on my old laptop. You can buy (or you could) Aztec templates for painting the hull too, to get that authentic look. Mine was similar to that but the different shades of grey used in the patterning on the hull weren't so different from each other.
  25. I bought the Polar Lights NX-01 model many years ago along with a custom light set up. It was a pretty intricate model but with a bit of care it came together without too much difficulty. Really impressive when it's all done too.
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