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Everything posted by Jon

  1. I had throat surgery for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease 2 weeks ago and it's killed my workout regime. In addition to eating a liquid diet for the past week, i'm now on a "soft diet" for the next 6 weeks. No working out for at least 6 weeks until wounds have healed On the plus side, down the line hopefully I can eat like a normal person again!
  2. Got to look at what Sam did at Sunderland last season. Took a team with no confidence and ability to perform under pressure (England lol) and made them almost unbeatable. I think he's the exact personality they need to reignite the passion for playing for the country.
  3. Whether it's right or wrong I think that's just a by product of being a western country. Places like China are very much out of sight, out of mind for the western world unless it's fits their agenda for something. The culture of the middle east is completely different our own and so we don't try to compare the two where as you've said we kinda see Russia as a failure because they don't perhaps do things they we believe they should be done.
  4. Yeah, fair enough, I apologise, didn't mean to make out you have no idea about anything regarding Russia and it's history, you clearly do. I don't have anything against Russia at all, it's a country I've always wanted to visit due to the way it operates so differently from the rest of the typical western world. In regards to your comments about China, I was totally against their awarding of the Olympics, they have blatant disregard for human rights and only got it because because the world seems to be in awe of this rising super power. God knows the Olympic movement is corrupt as hell, it stands for integrity and that's probably the last thing that comes up when it comes to awarding competitions to countries and cities. There's nothing wrong with wanting to be the best but for it to reach this stage is beyond disgraceful. I literally cannot see any mechanism of defence that can be made for Russia in this regard. I feel comfortable saying that I don't think would ever have happened in our country.
  5. You don't seem to understand how Russia works. You don't simply move to the west and speak out against the regime, Russia doesn't take well to what they clearly see as some form of treason, look at the man who lifted the lid on this whole process. He's in hiding in the US for a reason, he wouldn't have lasted long in Russia. Russia has a fairly terrible human rights record, they've never one to agree on the matter of the UN and Europe. Parts of Russia are flat-out war zones, places such as Dagestan have been on the brink of civil war for years, look at what went on in Crimea, whether you agree with them annexing it or not, it's not exactly something that should be going on in the home of an olympics. I don't understand where the whole feel sorry for Russia comes from, this sort of doping is unprecedented. It's unheard of for a government to lead such a corrupt program that goes so against the pure nature of the very essence of sporting competition.
  6. I think it's a terrible grey area. Look at people like Justing Gatlin, he was banned and came back. The issue being that with stuff like EPO, it's not a one job thing. Research shows it will boost your performance going forward forever, which defeats the whole point of a ban then, unless it's going to be permanent. This isn't a problem that will go away anytime soon, the dopers will always find new ways to avoid the tests. We've seen so many examples over the years of people who continually passed anti-doping tests but were cheating the whole time. Yes they'll no doubt get caught eventually but by then it's too late for the clean, honest people who competed against them and lost. Is anyone really surprised by this? Russia knew they were hosting Sochi and were damn lucky to be doing so considering they're recent actions, hardly in the vain of the Olympic movement. It really doesn't surprise me that this came from the top, Russia always want to be seen as the best and they damn wanted to make sure on their home soil that they would be, whatever it took. The next step for me is to see the individuals who cheated. At the moment it's just a number but once we can put a face to the name of each cheater, it will probably get even worse.
  7. Jon


    Just watched the pilot yesterday. Really wasn't sure what to think. For a pilot I thought it was terribly weak, very muddy story and pretty poor narrative. I'll give it a chance but you usually expect the pilot episode to be one of the strong episodes of a series.
  8. That happened quite a bit before this announcement today. All the series have been on Netflix for a couple of weeks now.
  9. Just because there's no difference, doesn't make it any better.
  10. I scratch my head with Arsenal. Every club around us is improving massively. We've signed one player, we've lost Rosicky and Arteta and signed one striker who is clearly the next Sanogo. The majority of our "best" players won't start the season till late because of the EURO's and we've got Walcott to start up front. The sooner Wenger goes the better.
  11. I made a short comedy film about all about Wi-Fi and the lack of data struggles all in lovely Noir. Give it a watch if you would be so kind.
  12. I made a short comedy film about all about Wi-Fi and the lack of data struggles all in lovely Noir. Give it a watch if you would be so kind.
  13. Enterprise got far too much hate. It took a while for it to find it's feet but it was always going to struggle with the so called "trekkies" right off just because they hated the creators and what they perceived as them damaging the brand. S3 was one of my favourite story arcs of any tv shows, they whole season long arc was quite unique for Star Trek and I thought it worked so well. You'll even find most fanatic fan's actually enjoyed the show in S4, so many episodes with throwbacks to the earlier seasons that explained things and filled in missing pieces. I know the music divided people but personally I loved "Where my heart will take me", thought it fitted the human element of the show beautifully and helped keep the show grounded and different from the others. "Archers Theme" is also a phenomenal piece of music and I always looked forward to the end of each episode just to hear it!
  14. It really wasn't close at all 55% to 45%. As a full-Scot, this is not something I want to see, I voted no because I wanted to stay part of the United Kingdom. Did I want us to leave the EU? Absolutely not but in no way do I suddenly want to be an independent country. Have the Conservatives served as well? No they have not but this it's short sighted too look back just a few years. Scotland thrived under Labour a decade ago and i'm sure they'll come a time when the Tories are not the ones calling the shots.
  15. Well an independent Scotland would still have to leave the EU for a substantial period.
  16. It was about being part of the Union, i.e. the United Kingdom. People voted to stay in that, not as the SNP would have you believe, exclusively staying in the EU.
  17. I find it absolutely sickening that Sturgeon is using this to further her agenda. She calls it democratically unacceptable for Scotland to be taking out of the EU against it's will yet she has no problem forcing another independence referendum down the throats of the 55% percent who dismissed the last independence referendum.
  18. No it wasn't. We voted overwhelmingly that we wanted to stay as part of the UK and EU. Without this verdict, another independence referendum would not be happening anytime soon. Would they win another referendum? Who knows. No one wants to have the euro and you can bet your arse that England won't allow us to use the pound. Also bearing in mind if we become independent we will also have to re-enter the EU, which is not a quick process. We'll have an eu customs border between Scotland and England. It's not necessarily a given that independence would occur.
  19. I think t-shirts would be a great way for people to get involved who maybe live far away from London (like myself). Could run some sort of social media campaign with everyone wearing a t-shirt in a different location or something whilst playing a game of some type? (Just thinking out loud here).
  20. Love steel tongs for movie posters. My only gripe and it's purely a personal thing is having the bottom titles all starting and finishing at the same margin where at the moment it kinda gets closer to the centre each line if that makes any sense. I'd love to know more about the film and the technical details behind (i'm also a filmmaker). What was it shot on? what did you edit with?
  21. Absolutely. One of the unique things about the deadlift is the doms in the lower back. It's not an area that you can target with all that many exercises outside the deadlift so it feels a bit weird. You're suppose to feel it in your legs for sure, it does work literally every muscle there after all.
  22. Yeah, would definitely be up for doing something.
  23. Devastated to hear about this. I still struggle to comprehend how he dealt with it so well. So much to go through at a young age and yet he handled it with such dignity and honour. Life is so precious and we all owe it to MadDog to make sure we try and make the most of it. RIP MadDog
  24. There's also no substitute for getting solid miles under your belt. Can't cheat the conditioning of your leg muscles. In my experience once you reach a certain level, it's more about if your legs can handle it rather than the aerobic stresses.
  25. Great performance from England, such a breath of fresh air in their approach to the game. Good thing Hodgson will default to Rooney as soon as he's fit and England will fail to score ever again.
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