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Everything posted by Jon

  1. I would disagree with this. I've read a lot of research that suggest different things but there's nothing concrete i've found. In terms of taste, I actually prefer a sweetener to using sugar.
  2. Jesus man, devastated to hear that. The way you've conducted yourself through everything is a lesson to everyone in how to live life with humility and grace. We're all here for you and anything you need.
  3. I really don't think you can take much from that in term of camera work and such. There's a ton of slow mo in there that most likely won't be in the film. Bourne series has always used lots of handheld and quick movements, I'd expect more of the same with this. Really can't wait!
  4. Really can't say enough about Spotlight, great cast, compelling story. Took incredibly hard source material and did it justice and then some. One of the best movies i've seen in a long time.
  5. Getting my wisdom teeth out was torture. I had to get an operation as the bottom ones had come completely on their side. Surgeon had to cut my gums opens to get them out. Couldn't eat properly for a month and had to tweezer out food after every meal to stop it getting stuck in the hole where the teeth once where.
  6. Depends on what you want to do. If you're after muscle building then slowly. It's time under tension that is crucial, which is why it pays to make sure form is solid and not just lifting as much you can with no control or stability. If you want to improve your fast twitch muscles then explosive lifting is the way to go.
  7. I find it quite amusing that I came to these boards (Cube-Europe era) in search of Nintendo information. Now I forget that the site is actually based around Nintendo...
  8. I've used an app many times. I feel it takes longer than just quickly jotting it down with a pen. Plus there's something rustic about finding those old workout notepads
  9. Do people actively note down what weights they're doing in the gym every visit? Like notepads full of sets and rep amounts; any other pertinent information?
  10. This looks unbelievably awful. I didn't mind the previous 2, obviously they made them more accessible but I still think there were bits for the old fans. This just looks like a more expensive version of a shit Seagal film. It's early days though, hopefully it's just a shit trailer.
  11. With Giroud doing his best Bendtner impression and missing a sitter late on that would send us through!
  12. I've always used Optimum Nutrition. One of the top rated brands.
  13. Read an interesting article the other day from one of the premier strength and conditioning coaches in Ice Hockey, Matt Nichol, that if you can't properly squat/deadlift your own weight and box jump to sternum level, then you shouldn't bother with Olympic lifting until you can.
  14. I've always liked Ranieri. So rare nowadays to see a manager conduct a post-match interview with a smile on his face and good manners, especially after a bad defeat.
  15. I think more of it is the mental recovery, it differers with everyone. Larsson seemed to finished where he left off on his return, barely missed a beat. Ramsey took a long time to come good (though it could be argued he was young when it happened and it stunted his development) and Eduardo was never the same player again.
  16. Wenger always plays him upfront when a new contract is needed. As soon as he signs it, he's punted back to the wing/bench.
  17. I assumed this was a thread about masturbation.
  18. We were awful in the first half, Gabriel and Chambers looked like a nightmare on paper and it started off that way, Chambers in particular had a 'mare. I don't believe either team should have had a penalty, both pretty weak claims, absolutely no doubting Ramsey's goal, was clearly onside, I don't remember any Benteke 1 on 1 that was ruled off. We were a different team in the 2nd half, absolutely battered Liverpool but somehow couldn't find a way through. I suppose a draw is probably a fair result but it's hard not to feel aggrieved when we did score a legitimate goal. Thought Gabriel came on too a game as the match progressed, could be a very good player with a run of games in the team. Coquelin was his usual battling self, made a couple of great last ditch tackles. Cech was marvellous, made up for the past 2 games. Cazorla was disappointing, especially as captain for the night. He seemed to disappear for large periods of the game.
  19. Yeah, it's nothing that medication can solve. Waiting on an operation to fix it.
  20. Yeah, most of the time I gym it's a fasted state. I get by, it's just impossible for me to eat the amount of food required to see good results.
  21. I'd love to eat you like you guys but I suffer really badly from Acid Reflux, it's absolutely murder having to try and schedule life around eating. Without going into gory details, I have to leave at least 6 hours between eating and going to bed or at least a few hours between eating and working out. Makes it virtually impossible to do any sort of serious bulking.
  22. Nah the definition of active wasn't just touching the ball. It was if they were any hindrance at all, like blocking the goalkeeper's eye line, like MadDog said.
  23. We need a forum mugshot wall. Apart from a few, I don't know who anyone is haha.
  24. This is a good point. So many people just automatically go for the heaviest weight they can manage. If you slow down the native portion of the lifting substantially, you'd be surprised how quickly you can fatigue on it, even with small weight than you're use too. After all, your muscle doesn't know what the weight is, it just knows how long it's been under tension for.
  25. Cause I can't be tamed :awesome:
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