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Everything posted by Jon

  1. Yep, i always walk home from a night on the lash. I Just put on my iPod and drift away.
  2. So it's not all about personality I've been lied too.
  3. This is it. I suppose I liked Zidane too because he was quite confident and arrogant and wasn't prone to emo like rants after every FMV. I also deeply hated the Junctioning system in FFVIII, perhaps as it was so different to the Materia used in FFVII, which I loved.
  4. Tony Mowbray to go. Thanks.
  5. I hear he's got all the shots, including a great screw.
  6. Have a good one dude.
  7. Packet of walkers crisps back I ate during Emmerdale. Didn't go down right and it's scratched my throat.
  8. You'd probably think different if you were up at 4am and starting work at 5am but then I guess it depends on your definition of early, I certainly hate it anyway. In the last 72 hours i've had 10 hours sleep and it's starting to catch up with me.
  9. Surely it's only a matter of time before IX is released on the PSN store. Obviously VII is out already and VIII is out in other regions. I need it.
  10. Can't believe how cold it is, i'm sitting in my room with gloves on. Not to self: Trackpads don't like gloves.
  11. To be fair, even from a gamers perspective; I'd find it hard to jusify that expense.
  12. Don't speak bollocks. It is overpriced in my view for what are essentially PS2 games but I can see the appeal in it. Collective Swag is always cool.
  13. The police test is a piece of piss, honestly just look at half of them in the force - haven't seen their own toes since capital punishment was still on the go. The fire one is pretty difficult though, I did it a couple of years and it's hard work. You're better of carrying a little bulk for it since it requires a lot of heavy lifting whilst moving. When I did mine it came to late in the induction period a couple of years ago but they've still got my application on file and I've seriously considered going for it again recently.
  14. Can't believe how divided people seem to be on this game. Some are saying it's a breath of fresh air for the series, whilst others are saying it's shit. Who to believe...
  15. As long as it doesn't have those stupid twin Autobots i'll be happy.
  16. You've got to admit it's a bit of a brick! You could get a small family car which still pales i size to the HD2.
  17. I thought they had a pretty good conference last year. Well, wasn't hard to better the other two really.
  18. Haha, I know. I was fearing much worse but it's actually not really that bad. Don't feel it when i'm walking or anything just when I try to run. It's actually the left knee, not the right. Had to look down at them to tell which was which
  19. Went to the doctors the other day as I've been having some bother with my right knee. After some tests etc and much waiting, he comes back and tells me i've got Chondromalacia. Exactly, what the fuck is that. It's basically soft cartilage under the knee cap and after a couple of months of rest I should be back to normal. No football for 8 - 10 weeks, which is probably no bad thing consider how cold it's been lately.
  20. You can't move achievements between accounts. You need to get Microsoft to delete an account for you.
  21. Wesley's Posts?
  22. True, i've never noticed any problems.
  23. I thought you were way older for some reason Jay. Happy birthday Amigo.
  24. Go to the iTunes store homepage, on the right hand side should tell you exactly how much songs you have that can be upgraded to DRM free versions (called iTunes +) and how much they will cost. You can tell if the track is DRM'd in iTunes. Right click on any song and go to the Summary tab and look at the top of the listings for Kind. If the song is DRM free it will say Purchased AAC Audio file, if the song is DRM'd; it will say Protected AAC Audio File.
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