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Everything posted by Jon

  1. If you've bought thousands of songs over the years, that could run to a lot of money. For me anyway, it would be a hell of a lot cheaper just to get a new iPod. There's also the fact I like using iTunes and prefer it to anything else. Each to their own of course.
  2. Sigh. Another title goes a begging.
  3. You could just ask Dante if he'll be your friend.
  4. Jon

    Heavy Rain

    If it was an interactive movie you could interact with the rapege.
  5. Jon

    Heavy Rain

    I'll cuss who I want.* *With exceptions to those with unparalleled levels of power.
  6. Jon

    Heavy Rain

    A movie that you interact with obviously. I thought you were suppose to be smart?
  7. Fabio Capello has just phoned Wayne Bridge to say "I've spoken to John Terry and he's lost captain's armband." "Any chance of checking under your bed?"
  8. Ah Chuck, a show I haven't watched since about episode 7 of the first season. Even though I have the S1 DVD sitting about a metre away from me
  9. Jon

    Heavy Rain

    My 120GB sits somewhere in the middle, Laughing manically at all your underpowered drives but looking over it's shoulder with an envious look at it's 250GB brethren. I've only recently looked into this game and I get the impression it's basically an interactive movie. Amiright?
  10. Suppose to be having surgery on wednesday to get my Wisdom teeth removed. However, the surgeons secretary phoned me earlier telling me it might be cancelled as he has had an emergency case that might require surgery. I need to phone tomorrow for confirmation. I'm kinda in two minds whether having it delayed is good or bad. On the good side, i'm on holiday from this week; so I can enjoy that now. On the bad side, I'd rather just get it over with and there's also the fact that i'm not sure how long it would be delayed for.
  11. You'll be fine, just remeber not to click randomly or you could fail completely. There are heaps of hazards that they're looking for that you probably won't even notice. I remember when I did it, thinking I had done brilliantly and had seen every one - I had missed about 20! Just remember this is the easy one, the hard test is still to come.
  12. I have the best defense againt Mice, Cats; three of them. I could fill a fair of bit of land with all the kills they've had over the years.
  13. I bought Uncharted 2. I look forward to playing it.
  14. How in the blue hell have I missed all these classic moments? I wasn't even aware Offers has even signed up here (even if only for 1 post). It's kinda weird reading that post about him changing. I use to remember the msn convos we had on a regular basis about what was the best place for porn on the net and how everything he said was tinged with innuendo. I can remember Jordan leaving, I can also remember a few of us telling him in IRC to resign as a mod because he hadn't become an admin, only for him to come back like two days later because there was no one else to mod the tech board.
  15. A Good night was had by all last night, ended up in some random Irish karaoke bar. The climax was a group rendition (ala Glee) of Don't Stop Believin. I think it went down well, but I can't be sure. Got up early this morning to watch the Tennis and unfortunately it didn't go as planned, but he still us proud getting there.
  16. Jon

    The iPad

    Not giving a fuck about what came before in this thread but can people seriously read up on how right clicking work on a mac. It changed many years ago.
  17. Jon

    The iPad

    It makes me laugh people who say that OSX is shit. First off, most have never even used it; it's Apple, so it's automatically shit. Secondly. Without it, people would still be struggling along on Vista, it's pushed the boundaries for everyone else to follow. (Everyone being Microsoft obviously).
  18. Jon

    The iPad

    Netbooks are shit, in essence you've got to sacrifice a lot for the saving of 3 inches or so. Yes they have gotten better from when they first came out, but the fact that the vast majority of them only run at a decent speed when they're using a 10 year old operating system is hardly a plus point.. That is not me supporting the iPad; far from it. I think Apple have missed the boat completely with this device. The lack of multi tasking is disgraceful and as much as I'd old hope for new things to come with software updates, that wont be one of them. If Apple had any intention of letting us run all our programs to our little hearts content, it would have done it on the iPhone long ago. Instead, they try to brainwash people with push-notification bollocks. There are other things i'd like to see with it; built in camera, phone capabilties, etc, they need to start with having more than one thing open. Netbooks are shit, the iPad is shit. Deal with it.
  19. Jon

    The iPad

    Reminds me why I binned my iPhone for a Blackberry. *Laughs Manically*
  20. Jon

    The iPad

    I think it's good, but for me personally, I don't see what it offers me over what I already have. I can put up the extra 3 inches of weight my macbook has ove it, plus the many things it can do that the iPad obvioulsy isn't able too. The lack of mutli tasking is criminal, though not really a surprise coming from Apple.
  21. Jon

    The iPad

    I'd probably do the same, only to wonder an hour later why the fuck I'd just bought one.
  22. Jon

    The iPad

    It's exactly what I though, a bigger iPod Touch. The pricing seems good but then that is US and we do always get boned when it comes to Apple product pricing. I'm going to New York at the end if March, so I could pick one there. I'm just kinda wondering why would I, at the moment.
  23. Jon

    The iPad

    Exactly, I could do that on my phone 3 years ago. I shall wait and see, I would like to be surprised.
  24. Jon

    The iPad

    It won't touch the Macbook. I'm sure it will sell well as it's by Apple, but I see it as nothing more than a gimmick. I won't judge it on it's first release as Apple will always take a few revisions to get something right. By all means I'd love to be wrong but I don't want to see a glorified etch-a-sketch.
  25. Probably not, though my opinion on this isn't that qualified as I missed XII, which was probably the most innovative if you like that the series had done up to this point. The previous ones in the Sony era were all basically the same, bar different characters and magic systems.
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