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Everything posted by darksnowman

  1. Say no more, say no more. Wink wink, nudge nudge.
  2. Various smaller games have come and gone. Theatrhythm is back on sale for anyone interested. Pfff, not even 720p? The Wii U is a joke. 89p is the price you have to pay for 3D.
  3. Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D is currently 89p.
  4. This post has aged well. K9, Karim the dream, whatever you wanna call him, Pep's gonna have to reconsider if going Brazil vs Brazil in the blind hope of edging this 10-9 on aggregate will work out. Would maybe rather go down all guns a-blazing instead of overthink it and end up on the wrong side of a tonking. Bloomin 'eck.
  5. Sounds like DQ VIII has been keeping your spirits high? Love it. Great game. The only thing I can say against it is the same "negative" I have for OoT 3DS (so it's in good company): as fantastic as it is to have such a grand adventure on handheld, it can feel a bit pokey on the small screen. Other than that it's one of the best and I wouldn't not want it on 3DS.
  6. The battle portion seemed to be shaping up as a bit of a token gesture thrown in to break up Rememberance (the dialogue). That was until enemy Gladiator units came along and broke my string of S ranks in style with a D! Looks like a smidge of thought and positioning is going to be beneficial rather than just kicking back and unleashing barrages of missiles at every opportunity... as satisfying as that's been.
  7. Doesn't matter what party members you opt for, just make sure you don't forget to look after Munchie!
  8. Had this video sent to me this morning.
  9. Hewitt in an ad for down under!
  10. A perfect choice. Dragon Quest is broth for the soul.
  11. If anything it'll be Game Gear or Master System to get ahead of any leaks. Send one up for Landstalker!
  12. Should really have filled their boots in the first half with Phil Jones on. Liverpool need to stay on it in the second and not give them a sniff.
  13. Even funnier when you consider that it's a lot of auto-attacking!! (You get used to knowing what to glance at.)
  14. Great rate. Wish I'd bought some this week now!
  15. Looks like I can kiss goodbye to any lingering hopes I harboured of being fully caught up with 1 & 2 in time for three. Bit of a weight off my shoulders, actually! But what of Splatoon 3? Thought it was slated for summer.
  16. https://retronauts.libsyn.com/retronauts-episode-449-3ds-and-wii-u-deathbed-recommendations I've listened to this today. Recommended for anyone just wanting to reminisce about Wii U and 3DS as well as those looking for some ideas on games to get while you still can.
  17. I'm finally getting around to catching up with everyone's favourite Avenger at the moment so I'm more susceptible to a new Marvel trailer than I would have been a week ago. It looks dumb. Will watch.
  18. Yeah, no doubt they've something waiting in the wings to get the early adopters to keep the auto-renew active on their subs. If they go early with the Gameboy stuff maybe the Expansion Pack will get Super Gameboy in October.
  19. Didn't know how much I miss Chu Chu Rocket until I clicked that link. Wonder what they consider "the right time" to be for release? Reckon Nintendo are sitting on a mountain of stuff for when Switch sales slump.
  20. I feel if any of the bottom three had splashed ~100 mill in the January transfer window they'd have got out of danger. Forgot Chelsea was still in the FA Cup. They've nothing else left to play for this season so I expect they'll be ready to bring it in the final. As shown by Benfica, the Liverpool offside trap can be sprung if you keep on it.
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