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Everything posted by Marshmellow

  1. I'd like to have a facelift of some sort? Iono I have lots of like extra skin on my cheeks and neck, which isn't necessarily visible 24/7 but if I stretch, yawn, or sometimes even smile it shows...
  2. Everytime you turn on your computer just right click it and turn exit it out. Oddly enough eventually it will just stop coming.
  3. I feel so left out of all those boards =[ Jordan penis is to big for...what!?
  4. Happy Birthday to all you awesome members! Can't believe so many in one day..
  5. 50 cent: Blood in the sand! Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh00000! Haha *kills self* But yeah..Banjo, Alan wake, Fable 2, Fallout 3, Halo Wars, Legendary, Midnight Club Los Angeles, Mirror's Edge, RE5, SC4, SF4 So many awesome games! *waves goodbye to saved money*
  6. Chop Suuuuuuuey! Wooo! *Keeps fingers crossed*
  7. In about an hour I'm going to go cook with my aunt (who attended the same culinary school I want to) and we're going to make dinner for practically the whole side of my mom's family! I'm very excited!
  8. Ooo that looks good! Haven't bought a 007 game since goldeneye, but maybe I'll be picking this one up.
  9. Ooo I'm sorry flink. I had that sig made back when you left us for a bit and the lot of us were getting your quote in our sigs. And I had completely forgotten about it myself until rokhed said something about it, I may try to whip up a new sig sometime soon, have had this one for quite a while. Cube, awesome signature, even though the movie doesn't look particulary exciting to me 9.5/10
  10. Neither of those look bad..but the bottom one does look a little better imo, especially for a Diablo game.
  11. Apples...have names? Haha I just always called all apples, apples. My favorite are probably the small, red/yellow ones? Iono they are very crisp and taste delicious!
  12. I had a dream last night that all of were us in Vegas...very random. It's really sunny today, may go down to the beach and have a picnic or something. I'm so glad all this depressing weather is finally gone. btw...virgin thread
  13. OoT story was absolutely amazing and unbelievably fun to replay over and over. So I do choose OoT over MM. But MM was a very unique Zelda game which definitly made it fun, but the 3 day thing..got old fast.
  14. Tales of Symphonia, when all of your friends sarcrifice themselves (but not really) at the end of the game. I had a couple tears...Then I know I got sad about Kratos leaving in the verry end, but not sure if I actually had tears or not.
  15. The muppets. haha I'm not sure why, but my parents always told me that everytime it came on, I just started to cry.
  16. OOOO shit thats hot! *wishes I just didn't buy a gh3 guitar...* maybe I can sell that one to my bro and buy this one.
  17. Thanks! Reno was an absolute blast, definitly want to go back again. New background though! I love pictures like this
  18. As of right now, I am against it. I think that the death penalty is kind of the easy way out. I mean personally, I would take the death penalty over a life long sentence, knowing that there is no way in hell you're getting out. So I think all those sick bastards should just rot in jail
  19. That's awesome rokhed! I'm glad you're having an awesome time with your new self! What's going on with the girl/guy with the square breasts though?...
  20. eBay has it for about $14. Pretty tempting! I played the first level a while back, loved it, but whenever I tried to load the second level it froze. Luckily it was a borrowed copy
  21. Even on drugs I'm not sure how you can find lego games fun... Love your avatar btw skunky
  22. So me and a friend of mine plan on buying the rest of the dlc...15,4440 points! Cost us a $100 a piece.. But damn it'll be awesome to have 200 some tracks!
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