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Everything posted by Marshmellow

  1. I know I'm buying Left 4 Dead before GoW2. I'm buying pretty much all my games before GoW2 =]. 'Course I didn't like GoW that much...*Hides*
  2. HAHA ahh that post made my night rokhed. Anyway, I've got flash making programs..however I know nothing of them =] So I could help, once I learn..or we could jsut make a comic and slowly maybe go to a movie. Who would play me? Maybe...Jason Bateman from Arrested Development?
  3. If you want to go for that imaginary friend you'll have to outbid me!
  4. New Laptop +24" monitor..a bit odd resolution wise, but i love it! First 'character' cake I made on the left, and a picture from my vacation in Kodiak about a week ago. Edit* Why so small? =[
  5. Hmmm... Rokhed for sure..just cause he's effing huge and can probably swing a battle axe mighty well. Franklin, cause of his mass amounts of weapons, and he looks like a speedy fella who could deal some damage. And..DABOOKERMAN! If I remember correctly he had a fair amount of weapons, and his anger towards N-E can be unleashed on the zombies!!!
  6. Mmm that is quite a sexy logo I have to admit. Anyhow I've joined!
  7. *high 5* I would die if "Build God, Then We'll Talk" was put on Rock Band, I looove that song!
  8. W0000000000000000:yay: I'm excited! Although could've got a better Panic at the Disco song... But whatever they're still awesome.
  9. Dan Dare in power...scary? Juuust kidding I'm sure you'll do a fine job! Congrats to both!
  10. Been here..4/5 years? And plan to be here for quite a few more, doubt I'll forget this place. Lot's of crazy things have happened here.
  11. Uhh if you had a big-ass bedroom and a bathroom door fit somewhere nicely, then why not?
  12. Yep, have had the same problems.. Just the beta I spose, but it goes back every so often, bit weird, but I love everything else about it that I don't want to go back.
  13. I love this post. So much I may put it into my sig If we didn't have pinkies, then we'd complain about our second shortest finger, so it has to be the obviously short one to put a stop to it.
  14. Would be the 360..if it wasn't so prone to breaking all of the time. Probably the SNES for me, it's what really got me into gaming, the NES was a good console...but the SNES is what really did it for me.
  15. This looks exciting and annoying at the same time. It'll be cool..once I get use to it and figure out all the features. But I think eventually it'll be cool even thuogh I love the current dashboard... But playing from hard drive = win.
  16. I go about 6-7 times a week. So about every day except the occasional day where I don't go.
  17. I'd tap that. Joking. Mmm...somebody has a lot of free time on their hands.
  18. Nice! Sounds like an awesome game! May have to pick it up soon then, cheers Adam.
  19. Is Viking anything like N3? For some reason I'm getting this impression it is. If it is..I'm getting it! I loved N3 to death..
  20. Good god Emasher..you have a H U G E printer =]
  21. Mmm..I am seriously having Rock Band withdrawls. Only six more days!!!
  22. So you have a headset..but you want a desk mic? Why?
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