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Everything posted by Marshmellow

  1. Friends say it looks good, graphics look sexy as hell, and has lots of good features/modes, I'm sold.
  2. I would definitely be interested...if it supports other games not on the Wii as well. As everyone knows I'm not exactly a huge fan of the Wii, but I would definitely be interested in helping out games that deserve to be recognized! [sign me up]
  3. Dooooo it! My mate has a slot machine in his room and it's a blast, and that one being Jet Set Radio makes it that much more awesome.
  4. Rumored 360 Spring Update Microsoft already commented on it...but it sure would be awesome if the Spring Update included all those, if not at least most of them. The 360 would be absolutely amazing with those updates.
  5. Ooo all this talk of meat *sick* haha Anyway Happy Birthday Nando! 21 oo have a good day!
  6. If you don't know the story, my motherboard broke so I put in an old one, but the old one doesn't run Vista so I put a hard drive in that I had lying around and put XP on it. I just left my Vista hard drive plugged into the old motherboard as a Slave drive so I could still access all my music and pictures and all that stuff. And this setup worked for a while, but all of a sudden ALL of the documents, music, videos, everything in my folder on the Vista hard drive is gone. But the hard drive space is still the same...So what does that mean? And is there anyway to recover it all? Thanks
  7. They are indeed absolutely rubbish to play with! But seeing the look on people's faces when you pull one out to play with is worth it alone!
  8. I really don't own much collectors item. Only semi-rare thing I have is one of those Residen Evil 4 Chainsaw controllers, only 50,000 made or something..so really not that rare, but probably my rarest.
  9. What a coincidence...I just sold my Wii I was looking forward to was Brawl, and at first it was a blast, if anyone saw my comments in the thread they know, but I got bored with it... Only game I'm going to be sad on missing out on is ToS2. But one game, I can just go play on a m8's Wii if it's that good.
  10. It never hurts to try! And it would take you like a minute, maybe two, to contact them.
  11. PS3 and Wii just sold on eBay for pretty reasonable prices, considering I've had the Wii for a year and a half and the PS3 for 6 months. So I'm in a good mood!
  12. Duke Nukem Forever was released.
  13. Those specs don't play all games! glad I'm not much of a pc gamer...
  14. Why do you have a happy face on a depressing, for you, thread? On subject, Canand your threads are legenedary...and make me want to kill myself
  15. What are you on, a mac or some crazy shinanigan like that? :p
  16. These are the only that apply to me. I spose I'm not that old school :p
  17. Looks like you lots of fun! Love the T-Shirts! Especially the ToS one!
  18. Gears of War on Insane + Best Mate + Rum = one of the best nights eva.
  19. Very good purchases! OC Season 3 = awesome! I bought a 24" Oz can of Sugar Free Rockstar for $3.59 (the white one) I'm sure you lot knows what it looks like.
  20. I made these on Saturday I think..but today I finished 'em off which made it a good day!
  21. I'm in a desperate need for an RPG...so out of the three; Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey, and Eternal Sonata which one would you guys reccomend the most? My favorite game of all time is Tales of Symphonia so whichever one is most similar to that I would probably like... Or does anybody know when Tales of Vesperia come out in the US? Thank you
  22. Happy Birthday Guys!
  23. Gotta Love Microsoft:heart:
  24. Well he said plug dircetly into the graphic card..and i guess i didn't read the rest clearly or whatever. I thought he was referring to something like this: Where the fan is plugged in, but i guess thats not even 4 pin so whateva, proceed. Isn't the seperate power supply a six pin though? Such as this:
  25. A 4-pin molex connector plugs directly in to the graphics card? Are you talking maybe about those small 4 pin connectors that things such as floppies use? Because that sounds more reasonable. If you are, then I would bet that you plugged it in possible the wrong way (ie turn it around 180 degrees). Connecting one of these the wrong way shorts out the whole thing which might explain the problem you're having.
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