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Everything posted by Marshmellow

  1. I just recently fell in love with System of a Down. Love their music! Anyone else fans on here?
  2. This is sooo silly. Does your tv seriously only have scart and dvi? Could you link us to your tv or give us the model number, we would be able to help you so much more if we knew what tv you had.
  3. Well I finally showered...I do feel refreshed but ehh it wasn't completely necessary.
  4. Don't worry! I'll tell you all about it! =]
  5. Whoa! I just responded to the avatar thread...and I guess my mind hadn't gotten pass it yet.. OK! Well I like your sig more! (Good song etc etc) Cool look too! 9/10
  6. Cooome on man I'm not from Canada..that's where crazy peeps like Emash are from. I live in Alaska yo!
  7. Let me be the first in congradulating you King V! You are now the King of Vagina! haha
  8. Kung Fu Panda... My defense is, IT HAD JACK BLACK.... I find him very funny. The movie wasn't to bad, pretty silly, umm defintly not Jack Black's best work though, but it's a cartoon for god's sake, so obviously he couldn't be in his best. 7/10
  9. Not sure about the rapeage part, but for sure jail or at least fined... I feel so left out of this barcode scanning shinanigans And one final note, that game looks good, may pick it up
  10. Surely it can't be that hard..It took me all of a minute to turn the first page into a PDF. And uhh where is our op?
  11. Oh alright, cool. Thanks =]
  12. The Epic thread..was more epic and crazed..This is just fucking hilarious.
  13. Isn't 5 overdoing it a little? Well I normally do shower once a day. But during the summer I slack a bit. And then it gets to the point where you can't get much dirtier than you are...you just start smelling worse
  14. Woke up at about 1pm today. I probably should shower today..haven't done it in at least 3 maybe 4 days eeee I love the summer!
  15. Soo I just got a new laptop with 4GB of RAM. I know the whole only approximately 3.5GB is recognized on a 86x OS. But I wondering if it's normal for computers running Vista to be using about 30-40 of that amount of RAM at any given moment...That seems a bit high to me. I don't run many programs, I could just have Opera and MSN open and it'll be around 40%.
  16. Just ordered Eternal Sonata and Burnout Paradise for....£21!
  17. Ooooh man this thread is depressing. I will never forgive meself for selling all my N64/Snes/Nes stuff. I will reclaim it all!...eventually.
  18. It's pretty cool, has a nice border, although a bit off (a girl with a knife?) 7/10
  19. It's a donkey and a girl? Doesn't have a border.. The black and white look is not bad though. 6/10
  20. Haha I guess that could've been rephrased a little better. Usually with Mac Address Filtering you put which mac address's which you want to allow to connect through your router.
  21. RUS? Holy hell I never would've though... I loved the first two! A definite get for me! And this one looks awesome....
  22. This thread is absolutely amazing! Only bad side is if things don't go well for King Vagina and he ends up not losing it...He better have a damn good excuse if he doesn't!
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