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Everything posted by Marshmellow

  1. The complete overhaul of avatars and all the added things is welcomed, but not completely necessary. As in, I'm excited for the game rewards, but not to excited about buying things for my avatar. I think the adding of a number on your gamercard to show how many years you've been a member is quite a nice addition to, along with the "mysterious message" hinting that rewards will come for long time members. The rating system for dlc and games..cool, but unnecessary imo. The reorganization of the menues is actually quite nice. Very nicely put together, nothing really that makes you think "Why the hell did they put this here?" And one last little thing that I noticed and is a really cool thing is an overall achievement page. They use to have this before NXE, but once NXE came this page disappeared. However, now its back and just as nice. It shows your overall gamerscore and overall achievements along with the amount of games that you have "completed." The only thing I don't like about it is you can only view the latest 12 games that you have completed..I don't see where you can view the rest of them. Well overall I believe it is quite a nice dashboard update.
  2. All this talk of rrod... My personal record: 3 times on launch xbox, 1 time on my elite. Anyway..reason for posting was I thought I'd let you guys know that I downloaded the XBL dashboard preview update today. =]
  3. Really? ...it still works for me :/ I believe the preview is out now anyway.
  4. Just bought!!! Cannot wait for it to come in!!! $400.
  5. Dashboard update preview sign up Don't know if thats been posted yet, since i just got back, but i just wanted an excuse to say i love Dante's avatar.
  6. Emasher encouraging to be sneaky and break rules!?! Wow things sure have changed since I've been gone. Anyhow.. if you're really that paranoid you could always just bring an old phone with ya, and then pull it out and say "see its off" if they bother you.
  7. My godfather just committed suicide a month or so ago. I had no idea I was so attached to the man, until it happened. I was quite sad for a couple weeks. Same thing, he seemed the happiest in the world, had just bought a brand new truck. Alaska State Troopers found him out in the woods, he had put a gun in his mouth...
  8. Thats what I'll mostly be using it for... Having it as a portable semi-computer is just a bonus to me. Expensive yeah..but a b-day present from me to myself. It can emulate any game from the PSX era back. =] Along with the possibilities of NDS, N64, and Dreamcast.
  9. Woot Woot just ordered one of these bad boys for $360! So excited!!!
  10. I think....Emasher is a clever bot from Adobe.
  11. As long as their is local multiplayer I'm still good. But still a bother I spose.. Speaking of which I'm probably going to pre-order tonight. Adding on to my ever-growing list of needing to complete games.....
  12. Cool.........shall be 'trialing' it as well....
  13. Seriously ridiculous...a release date of the original after the second has already been released in America? What a gip... Rock Band 2 = still awesome
  14. Been playing Rock Band 2 for the past 48 hours. Have some complaints, but otherwise absolutely amazing! And AMAZING track list. Singing Down With The Sickness FTW! More later.
  15. I have to say Letty, besides that colorful rainbow you had in your hair (on your b-day?) this is my favorite! *Wishes gf would do something similar* haha I love the blue!
  16. A chef that graduated from the culinary school I want to go to, complimented my deserts from the buffet the other night. That made me feel very good! =]
  17. Sounds like an awesome idea! As for the moderation, maybe get a couple mods that are for the chat box thing only? Iono..but I think it is an awesome idea, that would help members of N-E know each other better, and could possibly spark lots of threads. Like if a few members were chatting about something, and then wanted to share it with the whole forum they could make a thread. etc etc
  18. Errr I use to post a lot.. But not so much anymore. Just more of a lurker. I just use "right click--->open in background tab" for general chit chat, suggestions/questions, and then click on other consoles. Browse through any interesting threads in gcc, open Xbox 360 discussion in other consoles and occasionally the rock band thread. Read the suggestion/question thread and see what Emasher is bitching about today, then maybe pop in to tech talk or creative.
  19. Just curious Emasher...what drove you to have such a strong hate for piracy?
  20. Orrr we could all just eat veggie burgers ...actually even I find them quite gross...although vegetarian chicken nuggets are not bad at all!
  21. F8 is the most common key to push at startup for boot options. Just jab at that madly when you first turn the computer on
  22. A composite cable or a component cable? Cause you need a component one bub... The Wii still looks shit on HDTV's, even with the cable :p
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