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Everything posted by Marshmellow

  1. Vodke, vodka, vodka. Honestly, I love mixing vodka with juice, almost any, but I love a good orange juice vodka mix.
  2. Most routers have ways of blocking mac addresses. (Or at least the all that I've worked with) I'm assuming that you know how to access your routers page or whatever it's called.. (192.168.x.x). Look under wireless, or security, or settings, or features, anything along those lines. Look for something called "Mac Address Filtering" or "Mac Filtering" and then go there and put in all your pcs mac addresses that go through that router, and then update your router and you should be set.
  3. Oohhh man could you believe the type of stuff Offer would be posting here if he was still around. Now that would make this a truly legendary thread! But yeah, good lucky m8, and you owe us a full walk through of the night.
  4. Typhlosion and Tyranitar both rocked my cock.
  5. Uhh today was good and bad. I accomplished a big project of finding artwork for all my music. But the bad side was it took all day...
  6. Happy Birthday Jamba! Hope you have a good day
  7. *Watches Juno and disagrees* Haha I loved that movie:heart:
  8. Post of the f'ing year m8. Time this is all said and done, this thread will be a legend. Emasher, we all know you are a virgin, but nice try =]
  9. Congrats Strider!!!
  10. No, I'm sure the next one will be even better. "How do I play multiplayer? The controllers just sit there and blink and not work!! WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HOW DO I FUCKING PLAY!?"
  11. Hey..I like that word!
  12. New Laptop: Me in Reno!
  13. No, it's basically the same as VGA.
  14. I can get in before lock. Well the video made me chuckle, mission accomplished?
  15. When shit works like it is supposed to. My friends..usually. Winning at board games. Winning at all other games.. Call of Duty 2 online, with a friendly lobby. And my favorite...being drunk on Xbl, or playing with drunk people.
  16. Not really sure what you're getting on about there Emash. But basically: PC: VGA or DVI (Analog or Digital) Wii: VGA only (Analog only) Even better get a monitor with component?
  17. Ugh this is disgusting... and even more, disturbing.
  18. No, 360's don't ship with wireless out of the box.
  19. Haha no I belive that their is a 'real' human being behind those posts. But to me at least, collecting stuff is on the same level as playing games, or playing with legoes (both of which i do too). I also collect things, although they aren't stamps and rocks...You can't call people nerds who have no life, when you yourself are doing something not extremely popular, and definitely has no real purpose in life other than satisfaction which you can get from playing games or playing with legoes.
  20. And by collecting stamps and rocks you have a life? Yeah..I don't think so. My main passion is baking, I absolutely love it because it is very satisafactory when I make something new and it turns out perfect, which makes people happy. And it all goes into preparing me for being a chef later in life.
  21. Happy Birthday! Hope you have a wonderful day.
  22. Blinking is the rapid closing and opening of the eyelid Maybe the cable is loose on either end? My monitor flicks a bit whenever the cable is loose.
  23. Then why even post...
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