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Everything posted by Josh64

  1. My IRL dating is as none existent as always but that's partly my fault for being so sociable one minute and then the ultimate introvert the next. I really cba, I'd rather just play Donkey Kong in by myself. BUT i may have had a bit to drink this evening so I decided to get back in touch with old Edson/Mexican boy/burrito boy. I asked him why on earth we don't talk anymore and that I miss his stories. He tells me he misses me too and he's just been SUPER busy (though he didn;t use caps) with work and stuff. Sure I thought, so mega busy with work for 3 weeks he couldn't use his fingers to text once a day. I didn't text that him though, that wouldn't help matters. I did though, tell him that I am Chuck Bass and he is Blaire. He knows his place now. And he said he loves Chuck Bass and his messed up ways. I told him, chuck bass is just half as messed up as me. He watches Gossip Girl so he'll understand. But yeah. He's as exictable and eager as he ever was even after our 3-4 weeks of barely any speaking. Almost makes me wonder if it's all a bit fake... ...Then I remember that our whole thing is over text and we met via Instagram and I suddenly realise I shouldn't really take it so seriously anyway :p But still GOD MAN, JUST COME HERE AND MARRY ME SO I DONT HAVE TO PLAY DONKEY KONG BY MYSELF, FUCK.
  2. This is too much to bare! I love playing BOOM STREET online! This news hit me hard, and the Wii has suddenly lost masses of appeal. How does it feel... When you're alone and cold inside? I guess I'll know now, every time I turn on my Wii
  3. I am now madly in love with Will' and his spice GameCube <3 And my purchases: Which brings me to 22 Wii U games! Someone's gotta keep it alive, eh?
  4. Was told just two weeks ago that my Auntie has cancer. She's already on lots of medication so they couldn't do the tests right away so we didn't know quite how bad it was. Turns out it was worse than we thought as she died on Sunday It was really unexpected and still feels pretty surreal. Last month I was talking with her at my nans and everything was fine, we didn't even know she had cancer. A month later and this has happened. Crazy. It didn't really sink in to start with. It still feels a bit surreal now.
  5. Just to be a complete hypocrite I went out and bought this game (£29) To be even more of a hypocrite, though I haven't played much, what I did play was amazing. I still really don't like Returns at all, but this game just seems so much better. I think for one, it actually feels like a Donkey Kong game thanks to the likes of Cranky, Dixie and Funky. Also, that music. Again, it's the addition of David Wise that suddenly makes this actually feel like a true Donkey Kong Country game instead of a shadow of its former self. And lastly, being able to swim underwater. The first few levels alone just felt so fresh for being able to jump in and out of water, hearing the music change accordingly and just the length of levels in general. Can't wait to get my teeth stuck into this game. But yes, I'm sorry for my constant complaining in the Wii U thread about this game for the weeks leading up to release :p I'm gonna go eat a hat.
  6. Pretty much every game I've played in the last year that hasn't been a multiplayer party game or Animal Crossing... Perhaps I need a new hobby!
  7. But hate them or not, they at least delivered titles in time of need. The likes of Banjo Kazooie and Goldeneye are what kept the n64 alive at some points, with the Wii U the way it is, we desperately need a Rare right now, even if it's not Rare themselves.
  8. You must have been playing a different game, man. This game was full of LIFE. The music, the characters and the world were amazing. Not to mention that, at the time, the graphics were just incredible. RARE expanded the Starfox universe more than Nintendo ever could. This game alone was such an evolution in the series and it just pains me that Nintendo let them go. What have Nintendo done with the series since? They let Namco have a pop, and did a 3D remake of the N64 game. They don't give a crap about the Starfox franchise, and when they DO release a new game, it seems like a half-arsed attempt at pleasing desperate fans. Starfox Adventures felt so... next-gen. Like a true evolution of a classic Nintendo series. I'd love to see a sequel, but obviously that will not happen now. Because one, RARE are gone and two, Nintendo fans proved long ago that they don't care about evolution or change, they just want the same old crap year after year. Instead of loads of Mario Galaxy iterations, we get New Super Mario Bros. 17. and instead of a true sequel to DK64 we get Donkey Kong Country Returns again in yet another 2D side-scroller. But I'm rambling, I should just accept that, along with Monkey Ball and Viewtiful Joe, all things have to come to a bitter end and sadly, Nintendo is one of those things.
  9. As long as the game is good, I don't see why it's bad putting a popular character in it. I loved epic Yarn, and the new style was great, as well as breathing new life into the KIRBY franchise. And this is going back a bit but Starfox Adventures was amazing. I know a lot of people hate it because it was an actual evolution of the series instead of being the same old shit (see DKC Returns for that) but I was a huge fan. I'd be happy if this happened more often to be honest.
  10. I can totes do number 4! And Ke$ha is a paid downlaod, but totally worth it if you gave two players!
  11. I guess we know nothing about sales of VC games, for all we know, they could sell really poorly and it might just not be worth their time.
  12. I really don't understand the trouble with emulation, so perhaps someone with more knowledge of this stuff could shed light on the situation... I hacked my Wii and SNES 9x worked fine, with every game I played. In fact, better than the VC games, as it had options to blur games so they looked how they would on an SD TV, widescreen, save-states. Why could Nintendo not create an Emulator of sorts which works for all SNES games making VC releases easy and painless? I'm not being sarcy btw, a genuine question as I know nothing about programming etc :p
  13. I am totally up for a song! And I downloaded the new Kesha song this week - THE PANDA RETURNS!
  14. Online just wouldn't work for N-Europe. It would be a completely gimped experience.
  15. If Nintendo simply keep releasing sequels to Wii titles that had more sales, it's not going to work. As some of you have pointed out, the 'Wii' branded games are pretty dead in the water now. Wii Party did surprisingly well though, even if it was because of the included remote. Don't quote me on this, because it's just a GAF estimate, but apparently Wii Fit U sold less than 20,000 in January in the US. Wasn't that its opening month over there? These titles sold well on Wii because, for the most part, everyone already had a Wii for Wii Sports at that point. Right now, Nintendo need variety to reel people in. Not to mention, the new Donkey Kong faces exactly the same problem that Wii Fit U, New Super Mario Bros U and the Wii U itself all faced - It looks nearly identical to the Wii counterpart. Sure, we can see that it looks miles better and appreciate the beautiful fur on DK, but to the average consumer, it really doesn't look very different at all. I don't even particularly like Metroid, but I really think, despite what past sales have told us, it would help out the Wii U as a console far more than DK right now. And with the original Returns hitting in 2010, with the 3DS port last year, DK has gone from resurrected classic to yet another over-used Nintendo mascot.
  16. Apparently the Wii Mini (comes packed with red Wii remote Plus and nunchuk) with Super Paper Mario is £31.97 in store at Currys/PC World. Sadly wasn't in my local store Which is frustrating as when it was (the ridiculous price of) £89.99 they literally had a huge pallet full. They must have had 60ish. The person in the store hadn't even heard of the Wii Mini though apparently, had a check on the computer and they had none in their warehouse. Good luck for finding one in your local store though! At that price it's worth it for the Wiimote and Nunchuk alone. I'll sit here and weep for the rest of the evening.
  17. Trine is like an SCS sale, I can't remember the last time it wasn't in some offer :p
  18. Maybe they're just as sick as the same old 2D platformers as I am :p *stirs pot*
  19. Wow, I had no idea! That's really interesting. Especially in regards to Other M. and @Ike - That's part of the problem. It's all well and good giving them freedom sometimes but Nintendo should have really given them direction when the Wii U is in this situation. The Wii U needs something different right now, another 2D platformer should have been the very last thing on the list. Again though, as some of you have said, it's still going to be a high quality game and it could partially have been given the green light because it doesn't take as long to produce. Who knows? All I know is that I've never seen Nintendo in such a bad state of affairs. I thought the GameCube days were bad, but at least we had a bunch of really fun and fresh titles to play, even if the sales weren't up to scratch. Now we have an abysmal release schedule and sales to match.
  20. I don't think the Game & Wario team would be up for making Donkey Kong or Metroid, I also think it would have took a considerable amount of time. Don't they generally make Wario Ware and Rhythm Tengoku titles? At least they used the GamePad in a few interesting ways. It's hard to believe now, but even Game & Wario was plugging a software drought last year. It was the first game for MONTHS if I remember correctly and heck, for what it is, it's a decent little game. I see your point though, Nintendo just aren't making the right titles. It makes me wonder if their teams are even up for the tasks now. Say all you want about DKC TF being great, but compare it to Metroid and it seems like quite a cop-out.
  21. Maybe they are planning something completely different to Wii U, because after the direct it really does feel as though they're just riding out the storm and only plan on releasing already announced games. What's even more confusing to me is that, other than Mario Kart and Smash, which are yet to be released, everything looks like it has been rushed out or not exactly had ages spent on it. As great as Mario 3D World was, it was very rigid and direct in comparison to 64/Sunshine and the graphics were pretty much Galaxy graphics in HD. I can't imagine it took them ages to create that. Then you have the HD remake of Wind Waker which, given the art style, required little to no effort to improve. Pikmin was nearly complete for Wii anyway, right? Then what else is there? Nintendo Land? The Mii art-style helped them save time on that no doubt, along with Wii Party. And DKC could easily been done on Wii and again - IS A 2D PLATFORMER. I really don't know what they've been doing. And as much as I liked NES Remix to begin with, that seems like a desperate rushed attempt to get something out. Like two developers are desperately beavering away in a basement, losing their minds, ripping their hair out shouting "JUST FLIP IT AND STICK LUIGI ON INSTEAD"
  22. they really are shooting themselves in the foot with SD cards. I've been put off buying a fair few games because of their file-size because I hate having to move, delete and manage my data all the time but also don't wanna spend loads on a new SD. I stupidly thought 16gb was enough but I was thinking of 3DS download sizes :p Being bundled with an 8gb SD card is as stupid as the Wii U coming with 32gb storage! Anyway, I got myself a Vita USB charger, buy one get one free, for 99p from GAME! What a relief! I hate conventional chargers. It means I now have usb chargers for my Wii remotes, 3DS, phone and Vita. Sure, it means my 360 and Wii U have loads of wires hanging out of them but it just makes charging so much easier :p
  23. I wasn't sure if to come to this or the 'bad stuff thread'. I sorted out the streaming, only to be disappointed anyway. And GBA games on the Wii U VC? What a load of shit. If they were serious about the VC they'd have done that a year ago and be giving us GameCube and N64 games by now. Complete and utter joke.
  24. Turns out I'm working for most of it now. Then playing Boom Street online in the evening. I also haven't been in much contact with the two guys I mentioned. After a brief spell of optimism I imploded again and become quite the introvert but I wouldn't enjoy Valentines Day in any other way :p
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