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Everything posted by Josh64

  1. I'd say Majora's Mask is pretty likely, I'm sure I've heard them mention they wouldn't mind doing more remakes (for 3DS) in future after the reception to Ocarina of Time and then I also remember hearing that (I can't remember who now, Miyamoto?) would like to re-visit Majora's Mask. Wasn't there also a load of references in ALBW? Though I havent played it so couldn't say.
  2. Because this (and back in the day Hayesmates/Euro-fusion) is the only online community where I actually care about the people. I'm still somewhat quite a lurker but have enjoyed reading it for years now, so even if I don't know people personally, I know about them and like their personalities and thus reading their opinions (sounds a bit creepy but it's hard to describe, it's almost like how you enjoy watching something like F.R.I.E.N.D.S because you love the characters and can relate to them) Every other place I go to just seems like a bunch of opinions from random people, here, it really does have a personality and everyone has known each other for years. I'd never dream of bothering to read a relationship thread on any other website but this one. It's also really helped me out in times of need, and on occasion I do treat it like a diary much how I used to, though I try to do that slightly less now as I do actually know a fair few people on here and have a couple of real life friends here too, so my deep thoughts might be a bit weird/out of character for them to read as I'm usually quite introverted when it comes to my emotions :p (one particular instance is where my friend rang me one day and asked me if I was gay after reading the 'coming out thread', guess I must have missed out a few details about myself :p ) But yeah what started as a intense passion for Nintendo turned into a site that was basically an extension of myself, I did lose touch slightly form 2007 to 2011 but after becoming a staff writer I really felt part of the community again and met some fantastic people on here that I hadn't really spoken to in my earlier days (such as Ashley and our Aaron bear) But I'm rambling. I like it, and it's been one of the most consistent things in my life since I joined when I was 13, whether that's a good or bad thing :p
  3. When is Mario Kart out again (/lazy) Because more info/footage on that would indeed be awesome. Wii Sports Club is becoming bit of a joke to me now. They need to stop messing around and release Boxing and Baseball in one go, I think, with the option to buy the whole set.
  4. Do you guys think Nintendo should continue to use all their peripherals or scale things back a bit? I was playing Wii Fit U and after playing a bunch of the mini-games realised that I had used: Wii U GamePad Balance Board 2 Wii Remote Plus' Nunchuk It's not bad for me, because I've been gaming regularly with my Wii for years, so built it up over time, but as a new-comer to Wii U and Wii Fit U, I'd be a bit pissed off knowing that, to fully enjoy this game, I'd need to buy all these extra things. Wii Remote Plus' aren't cheap, either!
  5. I don't know how they could make any more DKC trailers but I'm betting they will :p And is it too early to want a SNES remix?
  6. 30 player online would be amazing! Just possibly hard to find that many people I loved the HD re-release of Daytona but finding just a few people to race online was hard work!
  7. Ashley, my darling Pet Shop Boy, I hope you had a day as wonderful and fabulous as your reflection
  8. I had no issue with Starfox, I personally thought it was a nice new direction. And that fuckin' music <3
  9. Viewtiful Joe 1 and 2 are incredible! Serious must have titles! Billy Hatcher is also a really fun and inventive platformer, you'll just have to look last the slightly shoddy engine (this was sonic team 2000's so go figure :p) And SUPER MONKEY BALL! And if you've played a modern monkey ball, don't let it put you off, the original two on GameCube are fantastic, every game since doesn't come close. The same applies to Viewtiful Joe actually, it's a dire shame that so many franchises got destroyed after the GameCube era!
  10. Aah, I see what you mean. Well I only got into the series after Sonic Heroes, so I'm pretty sure all the stupid new characters had been introduced by that point so I don't know any different :P Being a big fan of the DK series, the Sonic franchise doesn't seem too ridiculous. (I'm referring to Chunky, Lanky, Tiny and *shudder* those things that appeared in that weird Jet Race game)
  11. How dare you! I would start listing great games but I'll leave it :p but fuckin' SONIC COLOURS (I couldn't leave it) And yeah they don't look as bad in the Serebii post, but Knuckles just looks too big.
  12. why the obsession with Dr Mario right now? More to the point - why the obsession with games hardly anyone wants? It makes sense not to release all of the big titles really soon, but at least release A FEW. I'm sick of waiting now, they're doing a great job of promoting emulators because they sure as hell can't offer the retro experiences themselves.
  13. technically I do have a bunch of Wii U games to finish, it's just I like to have more than one game on the go :p I have 20 retail Wii U games ATM (Though a couple are lame mistakes :P) and 5ish eShop game and all the 30p VC ones. Oh and Earthbound, that was the one VC game I thought was worth the asking price!
  14. This problem wouldn't be as bad if their VC was't as woeful. I really don't know what they're playing at, especially considering how good the Wii VC was. Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure we had the likes of Mario 64 and Donkey Kong Country from DAY ONE with a steady release of great titles from then on out on Wii. Wii U got off to such a great start with the 30p promotions, but like every good idea, Nintendo drop it very quickly.
  15. The Pokémon are looking good in this game! I never expect them to look amazing because there's so much going on around them, so I was almost expecting the Pokéballs to be ripped models from an older game. For Melee I used tons of different people, especially the first few years when I just messed around on it. I didn't even find out about charging Smash Attacks until like 2004 :p But later on, Falco became my main. Initially Diddy was my main on Brawl, but now I totally kick ass as Game & Watch.
  16. That's true, I think Brawl had a bit too much Kirby if I'm honest.
  17. That Nintendo LEGO idea is fantastic! And I think not at all too unlikely, especially considering the amount of Nintendo love in Lego City. Weirdly though, I'd be more excited for the actual LEGO than the games they could make. Just imagine a Peach's Castle LEGO set! I don't think I can even begin to imagine without possibly fainting.
  18. If Falco isn't in it, my GOD. And I really hope we have Mewtwo back but I think it's far less likely now with the inclusion of Lucario. Also, I've been hoping for more DK characters since Melee! Perhaps now that DK is back in the limelight, we may at least see Dixie Kong join the brawl!
  19. I can see why that might have been confusing - this is Banjo, in case you were getting concerned :p
  20. @RedShell I would usually say the same but... the Wii U and 3DS really put me off ever investing in a Nintendo console so early again! and I can't believe we're that far in! It really does feel like the first few months still, as all we seem to be doing lately is WAITING! It feels as though the Wii U is still just launching or in the last year of its life, certainly not 15 months in.
  21. With advice like that, you could be the next Dead Deidre! And walking Banjo will be a test of their commitment :p It took 10 minutes to walk about 15 steps yesterday, he just loves to piss up everything.
  22. The toy company could have just made a mistake and it got blew way out of proportion
  23. Weirdly enough, I actually have the chance to spend Valentines day with someone this year! Two guys have shown an interest in me lately and been badgering about meeting up, going for drinks and that they're free on Valentines day. But then one part of me is so happy being single I don't feel like bothering. It wouldn't be right if I wasn't my own worst enemy :p Also I'm not used to people showing an interest in me, I'm meant to be the one doing the chasing! It feels weird and I don't know how to act in this situation!
  24. Am I right in thinking that sale is the only thing going on this week? Very poor if they don't even have a VC game out. What are they playing at?
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